A stamped sheet copper covered metalwall hanging key rack, probably 1930s, with deer and row of five brass hooks, 49cm l More Information Good condition...
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A copper hot water kettle and cover
A copper hot chocolate canister and cover with...
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(5) COLLECTION OF COPPER & BRASS HOUSEHOLDITEMS(lot of 5) Collection of cooper and brass kitchenware, highlights include: (1) hammered copper and brass pitcher, approx 20.5"h, (1) copper covered pot with loop handles,...
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(9) COLLECTION MIDDLE EASTERN BRASS& COPPER ITEMS(lot of 9) Collection of Middle Eastern brass and Continental copper table articles, comprising; (1) brass ewer pitcher; (1) brass coffee pot with chained cover;...
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(LOT OF 10) COLLECTION OF CANDLESTICKSAND OTHER TABLE ARTICLES, 19TH/20TH CENTURY, (Lot of 10) Collection of candlesticks and other table articles, 19th/20th century, comprising pair of Baroque style patinated...
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2 VINTAGE TOY STOVESTwo vintage metalchildren's toy stoves with accessories. Including 1 copper toy steamer, hinged door with porcelain knob and applied brass plaque reading "Creuzan & Soulard" of Bordeaux, opening...
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A CHARLES X STYLE GILT LACQUERED METALPORTICO CLOCK, L... PORTICO CLOCK, LATE 19TH CENTURY, the stepped rectangular entablature with a palmette molded cornice over a frieze of applied paterae, on four Doric fluted...
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LARGE ANTIQUE 19TH CENTURY REDWARE POTTERYSTORAGE JAR ...Large Antique 19 th Century Redware Pottery Storage Jar Lamp, mottled brown with glazed surface, copper cover, dual brass light sockets.
Overall height 28...
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EIGHT PIECES OF COPPER AND BRASS COOKWAREprimarilyEnglish, 18th and 19th century, comprising: Georgian sauce pan, steel handle, monogrammed "F.B.E.", width over handle 32-1/2 in.; cast bell metal open pan, steel handle, diameter...
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FORNASETTI DESKTOP SCREEN, BOOK MAGNIFIER,TILEFour hinged panel screen with printed and applied to wood black and white Mediterranean cityscape, sunface each panel verso,brass ball feet, signed Fornasetti-Milano Made...
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18TH C. INUIT COPPER OIL LAMP & BRASSFIRE POKERNative American, Pacific Northwest, Inuit, ca. 18th to 19th century CE. A fine pair of hammered metal objects: a copper oil lamp known as a qulliq, and brass fire...
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MEXICAN LOS CASTILLO SILVER, COPPER,BRASS BIRD TRAYSLatin America, Mexico, Taxco, ca. mid-20th century CE. A beautiful pair of hand wrought brass, copper, and silverplated trays in the form of birds, made by...
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ENGLISH COPPER KETTLEProbably 19th Century.With a long projecting brass spout, copper cover and an iron bail handle. Height 12 in. Diameter 9 in. Width to end of spout 17 in. (Cond: overall good, surface dents)...
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VINTAGE LOUIS VUITTON MONOGRAMMED CANVASHARD CASEIncised initials LV, further marked Louis Vuitton / Made in France, the lock numbered 107264, also with Louis Vuitton interior gilt paper label, numbered 817059,...
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VINTAGE LOUIS VUITTON MONOGRAMMED CANVASHARD CASEThe clasp on the lock plate and clasps incised LV, lower part also marked Louis Vuitton / Made in France, the lock numbered 167264, with patinated brass/copper lock...
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VINTAGE LOUIS VUITTON MONOGRAMMED CANVASHARD CASEThe latches and lock plate inscribed LV and Louis Vuitton, the interior with Louis Vuitton gold paper label, numbered 793530. Rectangular with patinated brass/copper...
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Three Brass and Copper Articles
comprising a copper mug, a brass tripartite covered ash tray and a brass 'honor' tobacco box.
Height of largest 7 x width 9 1/2 x depth 4 1/2 inches.
Property from...
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ART NOUVEAU MARQUETRY SHELF CLOCK WITHEIGHT-DAY MOVEMENT EIGHT-DAY MOVEMENT, the flaring case with arched bonnet and inlaid design of copper and mahogany flowers and trailing leaves, the reverse with brass case...
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PAIR OF BRASS AND COPPER COVERED URNSunmarked;each flanked by stag's heads suspending rings; 13 inches wide; 21 1/4 inches high Condition:...
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BRASS AND COPPER FIREPLACE COOKING TOOLS,FOUR PIECES: BRASS BLOW POKE; LADLE SKIMMER/STRAINER WITH IRON HANDLE; LARGE PANCAKE BALL...Brass and copper fireplace cooking tools, four pieces: brass blow poke; ladle skimmer/strainer...
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Jens Quistgaard Dansk Copper CoveredPot, double brass handle and handle at lid top, signed under handle, 9-1/4" dia...
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LOT OF VINTAGE ASHTRAYS BRASS, BRONZE& COPPERLot of 17 vintage ashtrays, including L. Barth & Sons art deco bronze, 4 brass camels - 1 Tamar, brass cat, brass frog, brass bull, art deco ashtray with lioness,...
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LONG RIFLE C. 1850 F. PRICKITT, OHIOA.W. SPIES NYAntique Percussion half stock long rifle, mid 19th c., having a 33.35" octagonal barrel with approx. 8mm straight rifled bore, fixed front and rear sight, the...
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(7) Copper and Mixed Metal Pitchersand Pots to include EW Copper hammered covered pot with spout, 7"H, Fred Holzhauser Wil. Del. artisan metal products co. hammered copper long spout kettle with swing brass...
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IH Becker brass & copper tobacco box,portrait medallion on cover of Prince Willem of the Netherlands, inscription on reverse translates to "I sail like a hero to far-off coasts / If it weren't for the money I...
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Cornelius Jakob Van Dop (Dutch, born1945), a mixed metal snuff box in brass, copper and nickel, the hinged cover decorated a landscape, 5cm x 5.5cm...
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FRENCH-INDIAN WAR ERA DECORATED POWDERHORNca. 1760 dated; marked "Benjamin Browne… s (his) horn maid in ye (year) 1760", with mounted tapered copper lipped rim spout, wooden plug with brass ring, original brass/copper...
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ROYAL NAVY AND LORD NELSON RELICS. LOTOFapproximately 28 pieces of memorabilia, to include: Book bound with wood scavenged from the wreck of the Royal George, published 1841 by S. Horsey, front board is split...
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INLAID METAL MIDDLE EASTERN BOWL W/QU'AN VERSE Mixed metal Middle Eastern bowl, executed in brass, copper and silver metal, of flattened globular form, the exterior covered in inlaid verses of the Qu'an interspaced...
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Eight English copper miniature kitchenarticles, 20th century set of three graduated covered saucepans with copper bodies and brass handles, copper and brass handled cooking pot, three copper tankards, and a copper...
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Benedict Studios Arts and Crafts hammeredcopper covered dish with applied riveted brass accents on lid and turned legs, also brass capped wooden pull. Marked on the base. 9"H x 11 1/2"W. Good condition with light...
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Chinese Leaf-Shaped Incense Clock Chinaca 1878.??A total of six pieces comprised of copper and brass the?cover inscription translated to?know the way of the picture?and is signed?Ting Yun?(Moon Lake) in a nice...
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Important Collection of Chinese IncenseClocks Chinese 19th century. A Collection of nine incense clocks with extensive provenance and exhibition history. Each of the examples offered here are illustrated in...
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Brass and copper: Russian samovar Mottahedehurn pitcher and urn 19th century comprising: Russian samovar front with various marks foot with mark with associated tray H21'' tray L18 1/2'' Regency style hot water urn...
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Eight-Piece Group of Copper Items withHanging Rack, consisting of a Continental wrought-brass hanging pot rack of "jockey's cap" form, the eight accompanying brass hooks fitted with an oval copper poaching pan,...
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