VERY FINE MAHAL CARPET 14'4" x 10'1"Medium low dense silky wool lush pile on cotton foundation. Very finely hand-knotted rug. Field with multicolor floral palmettes and vines designs on black background; borders...
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PAKISTANI MAHAL CARPET (8' X 10'2")20th Century. Overall design of palmettes, flowering vines, and serrated curved leaves in red, ivory, sky blue, and tan on the abrashed gray field with ivory palmette border....
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PAKISTANI MAHAL DESIGN CARPET (8'8"X 12'2") Late 20th Century with overall design of flowering vines, serrated leaves and palmettes in red, gold, sage, and tan on the tan-gold field with beige tree-form border....
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CONTEMPORARY PAKISTANI WOOL RUGCONTEMPORARYPAKISTANI WOOL RUG, center medallion within a lozenge frame on a design filled ground surrounded by multiple borders, colors include reds, blues, pink and ivory, approx. 5’...
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FINE PAKISTANI TRELLIS DESIGN RUG, 8.10X 11.10 Modern; hand-knotted, wool pile....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANIPERSIAN, FHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani Persian, floral and central floral medallion design on cream ground, 8'1" x 10'8"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL AREA RUG, BOTHPAKISTANI PERHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL AREA RUG, both Pakistani Persian, floral and central floral medallion design, 4'7" x 7'4" and 3'1" x 5'2"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANICAUCASIAN,HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani Caucasian, overall geometric design on red ground, 8'4" x 11'3"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANIPERSIAN, FHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani Persian, floral and central floral medallion design on cream ground, 6'1" x 9'2"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANIPERSIAN, OHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani Persian, overall floral raceme design on cream ground, 9'0" x 12'8"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANIPERSIAN, PHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani Persian, Persian Nain design on dark blue ground, 4'7" x 7'1"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANI-PERSIAN,OHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani-Persian, overall geometric design on rose ground, 8'1" x 9'11"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANIPERSIAN, OHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani Persian, overall geometric and curvilinear design on blue and red ground, 8'5" x 11'8"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANI-PERSIANTRHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani-Persian tribal, overall foliate design on red ground, 6'7" x 9'2"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL AREA RUG, PAKISTANI-PERSIAN,HANDKNOTTED ORIENTAL AREA RUG, Pakistani-Persian, overall floral design on crimson ground, 6'6" x 6'9"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANI-PERSIAN,CHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani-Persian, central medallion and stylized floral design on rose madder ground, 9'0" x 11'7"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL RUG, PAKISTANI-PERSIAN,ISFAHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL RUG, Pakistani-Persian, Isfahan floral design on light blue ground, 5'5" x 8'8"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL ZIEGLER CARPET,PAKISTANI PE Pakistani Persian, overall floral design on khaki ground, 8'10" x 11'9"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANI-PERSIAN,OHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani-Persian, overall floral design on khaki ground, 8'1" x 9'9"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANI-PERSIAN,FHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani-Persian, floral and central floral medallion design on cream and light green ground, 8'0" x 10'6"....
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HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, PAKISTANI-PERSIAN,OHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Pakistani-Persian, Oushak design on khaki ground, 9'1" x 13'4"....
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PAKISTANI BOKHARA HAND-KNOTTED WOOLRUG, 10' X 8' Pakistani hand-knotted wool bokhara carpet with geometric medallion design on a red ground, label to underside. 10' 10" x 8 '4" W....
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HAND KNOTTED WOOL PAKISTANI OUSHAK RUG,13 X 9 Hand knotted wool Pakistani Oushak rug, having an all over design of palmettes and tendrils in muted shades of slate blue, taupe, and peach, with an alternating palmette...
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HAND KNOTTED WOOL PAKISTANI ZEIGLERRUG, 12 X 9 Hand knotted wool Pakistani Zeigler, having an all over design of palmettes and sickle leaves on a chocolate field with an alternating palmette border on a a tan...
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HAND KNOTTED WOOL PAKISTANI BOKHARARUG, 13 X 9 Hand knotted wool Pakistani Bokhara rug, in the classic design with seven rows of cream guls interspaced with rows of stars on a crimson ground, with multiple...
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PAKISTANI AREA RUG: 6’0" X 9’2”LATE 20TH CENTURYPAKISTANI AREA RUG: 6'0" X 9'2", Late 20th Century, Brick red field with a colorful tribal design incorporating 15 mustard yellow and navy blue medallions....
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PAKISTANI WOVEN MAHAL DESIGN HAND KNOTTEDWOOL RUG APPROX. 10'2" X 8'4" WOOL RUG, overall design in profuse palmettes and twining arabesques in orange, coral, dark blue, pale green and cream on a dark red ground,...
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PERSIAN DESIGN PAKISTANI WOVEN HANDKNOTTED WOOL RUG APPROX. 9' X 6' KNOTTED WOOL RUG, profuse floral arabesques in gold and cream with blue and gold rosettes, upon a dark burgundy ground with wide gold and...
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PERSIAN DESIGN PAKISTANI WOVEN HANDKNOTTED WOOL RUG APPROX. 13'9" X 10' KNOTTED WOOL RUG, red ground with dark and gold borders, the center highlighted with a pale gold medallion and rosettes, within an allover...
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PAKISTANI WOVEN KASHAN HAND KNOTTEDWOOL RUG APPROX. 10'5" X 7'11" WOOL RUG, allover pastel and wine colored design of palmettes and rosettes, upon a cream ground, with a dark blue border decorated with pale...
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PAKISTANI WOVEN TREE OF LIFE DESIGNHAND KNOTTED WOOL RUG APPROX. 4'8" X 3'2" HAND KNOTTED WOOL RUG, asymmetrical rug, woven with ascending tree and leaf motifs in green and red upon a pale gold ground, with...
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PAKISTANI CARPET WITH CONFRONTING ANIMALSDESIGN Pakistani carpet with Confronting Animals design, the design likely of Persian or Turkish origin, 5'4" x 8'5"...
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PERSIAN SAROUK RUG 4 X 2 AND PAKISTANIBOKHARA RUG deep salmon field with multiple flowers in peach teal turquoise cream dark brown; the bokhara on red field with brown taupe peach and cream design (2)...
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MODERN PAKISTANI HAND KNOTTED WOOL RUG5' 10'' x 8': This vegetable dyed rug looks like the high quality rugs that are also being produced in Turkey. The open ivory field is surrounded by a broken border consisting...
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A Pakistani Bokhara design rug withfield of twenty seven hooked diamond motifs on a red ground with multi row geometric border 7ft 5in by 5ft 3in. Estimate ?200-300 Descriptions provided in both printed and...
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PAKISTANI PERSIAN QUM QUALITY HAND KNOTTEDRUG 6' 1'' x 9' 1'': This very finely knotted silk or synthetic silk pile rug has a delicately executed design of small flower heads and leaves around a round central medallion....
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