PALATIAL PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV WALNUTDINING TABLE Custom made walnut dining room table in the provincial Louis XV taste, crafted from 200 year old wood, having a distressed surface, parquetry inlay, and rising...
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18TH C. FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV OAKBUFFET French Provincial Louis XV oak buffet, 18th century, having an overhanging top, double paneled drawers and doors, and rising on front cabriolet legs, apparently unmarked....
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18TH C. PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV FRUITWOODARMOIRE Provincial Louis XV fruitwood armoire, 18th century, having a shaped cornice, floral carved frieze and apron, double paneled doors and sides, and rising on front cabriole...
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PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV CARVED WALNUT FAUTEUILSPairof Antique Provincial Louis XV Carved Walnut Fauteuils , 18th c., diapered shell and scroll crest, conforming rail, caned back and seat, acanthine cabriole legs , h. 39 1/2...
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PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV PETITE COMMODEAntiqueProvincial Louis XV Petite Commode, probably late 18th c., marble top, shaped gallery, frieze drawer, lozenge cut outs, shaped skirt, slender tapered legs, h. 28 1/2 in.,...
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PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV-STYLE WALNUT SINGLEBEDSPair of Provincial Louis XV-Style Walnut Single Beds , arched foliate rose bud crest, tufted upholstery, decorated rails, conforming foot board, one an antique example,...
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PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV-STYLE FRUITWOODDINING CHAIRSFour Provincial Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Dining Chairs , shaped splat, cabriole legs , h. 39 1/4 in., w. 20 1/2 in., d. 18 in Provenance: Whisnant Galleries Collection,...
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PALATIAL PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV WALNUTDINING TABLE Custom made walnut dining room table in the provincial Louis XV taste, crafted from 200 year old wood, having a distressed surface, parquetry inlay, and rising...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE WALNUTARMOIRE French Louis XV Provincial style walnut armoire with a molded cornice, carved frieze, center having open storage over three drawers and a two door cabinet, flanked...
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18TH C. LOUIS XV PROVINCIAL CARVED OAKARMOIRE French provincial Louis XV oak armoire, 18th century, having a shaped cornice and foliate carved frieze above double paneled doors with similar decoration, interior...
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NINE PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE FRUITWOODCHAIRS Set of nine fruitwood side chairs in the provincial Louis XV taste, each having a floral carved crest, upholstered back and seat, and rising on cabriole legs with scroll...
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PAIR PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE SIDETABLES Pair of attributed Lewis Mittman (American 1953), wooden side tables in the Provincial Louis XV taste, each having a distressed whitewash finish, overhanging dish top,...
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18TH C. PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV WALNUT BEDSIDETABLE French provincial Louis XV walnut bedside table, 18th century, having a pierced three quarter galley rail, double door with single drawer to the interior, and rising...
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3 PC. ESTATE LOT OF FURNISHINGS 3 pieceEstate Lot of furnishings consisting of a pair of Louis XV Provincial style stained beechwood fautueils; along with a Provincial Louis XV style bombe shaped 3 drawer quarter...
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PROVINCIAL LOUIS PHILIPPE BUFFET ProvincialLouis Philippe figural walnut buffet having bread board formed top over two short drawers and two fielded panel doors resting on shaped bracket feet plynths; 36"H 51.5"W 21"D...
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SET OF 6 PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE CHAIRSSet of 6 Provincial Louis XV style rush seat walnut chairs with adorned carved ladder back, seat rail, and cross stretcher having cabriole legs restin on scroll feet; 39"H...
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18TH C. PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV PINE COMMODE18th C. Provincial Louis XV pine 3 drawer commode of serpentine form; 32"H 48"W 27.5"D; condition: areas of pest damage, now dormant...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV PERIOD COMMODEFrenchProvincial Louis XV period commode, late 18th c., case en arbalete, fitted with three drawers, carved with foliates, rising on cabriole legs, restoration to front right foot,...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE CARVEDSIDEBOARDFrench Provincial Louis XV style sideboard, 20th c., the whole in carved foliates, recessed top center cabinet, flanked by sliding panels, lower case fitted with...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV PERIOD CARVEDCOMMODEFrench Provincial Louis XV period commode, late 18th c., having shaped top, two small drawers, over two full-length drawers, heart carved front, rising on cabriole...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE OAKSIDEBOARDFrench Provincial Louis XV style oak sideboard, 19th c., case with geometric carved accents, fitted with two drawers, over two cabinets, rising on cabriole legs,...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE WALNUTSIDEBOARDFrench Provincial Louis XV style walnut sideboard, late 19th/ early 20th c., fitted with two drawers, over two paneled cabinets, flanked by fluted accents, shaped...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE SIDEBOARDFrenchProvincial Louis XV style fruitwood sideboard, late 18th/ early19th c., having three top drawers, over two paneled cabinets, rising on cabriole legs, ending in whorl feet,...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE WALNUTARMOIREFrench Provincial Louis XV style walnut armoire, 19th c., having molded cornice, over two shaped paneled doors, opening to shelved interior, scalloped lower apron,...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE WALNUTCOMMODEFrench Provincial Louis XV style walnut commode, 19th c., serpentine case, fitted with three foliate carved drawers, rising on cabriole legs, ending on whorl feet,...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE OAKVAISSELIERFrench Provincial Louis XV style oak vaisselier/ kitchen dresser, early 20th c., foliate carved frieze, open shelves with scalloped plate rails, lower case fitted...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE WALNUTSIDEBOARDFrench Provincial Louis XV style walnut sideboard, late 19th c., having marble top, single top drawer, over dual paneled doors, opening to three pull-out shelves,...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE OAKARMOIREFrench Provincial Louis XV style carved oak armoire, 19th c., having egg and dart cornice, with wreath and cornucopia crest, case carved with foliates throughout, centering...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE WALNUTARMOIREFrench Provincial Louis XV style walnut armoire, 19th c., having molded cornice, over dual paneled doors, opening to shelved interior, above lower drawer, rising on...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE OAKDINING TABLEFrench Provincial Louis XV style oak draw leaf dining table, early 20th c., having shaped top, over shell and foliate apron, accompanied by two interior extension...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XVI STYLE SIDEBOARDFrenchProvincial Louis XVI style fruitwood sideboard, 18th/ 19th c., having two drawers, over dual-door cabinet, opening to shelved interior, rising on cabriole legs, ending on...
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PROVINCIAL LOUIS XVI STYLE GUERIDONProvincial Louis XVI style inlaid gueridon, the circular two tiered form having a galleried circular top over a recessed drawer frieze, rising on tapered legs 28.5"hx 20"d....
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LARGE PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE WALNUTARMOIRE Large French Provincial walnut armoire in the Louis XV taste,18th/19th century, having a double bonnet top, shell and foliate carving, double paneled doors and sides,...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS PHILIPPE FRUITWOODSETTEE French provincial Louis Philippe fruitwood settee / bench, 19th c., with shaped crestrail above a rectangular upholstered back and seat, now covered in a flora jacquard...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE FRUITWOODDESK French Provincial Louis XV style fruitwood desk or bureau plat, 19th c., the rectangular top above kneehole flanked by two drawers and a paneled shaped apron on cabriole...
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FRENCH PROVINCIAL LOUIS XV STYLE WOODGAMES TABLE Vintage French Provincial Louis XV style fruitwood games table with red felt top opening to reveal storage compartment, "Made Exclusively in France for Bloomingdales"...
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