1. -The Flowering of American Folk Art,Jean Lipman and Alice Winchester, 1987, hard cover with dust jacket (excellent) 2. -The Index of American Design, Erwin O. Christensen, 1950, hardcover with plain dust jacket...
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CARTE DE VISITE ALBUM, "STONEWALL" JACKSON,ETC.From the family of Nannie Reid, Joseph Johnston, etc.
Includes a Minstrel show cut out, a scene titled "In Memoriam Confederacy", a depiction of George Washington with...
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GRP: ASSORTED BOOKS ON EUROPEAN ARTHISTORY AND EXPLORA...Large lot of miscellaneous books, dealing primarily with European exploration, art, and history. Titles include "The British Empire before the American...
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A LATE MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR ERA MAP,"MAPA DE LOS ESTAD... "Mapa de los Estados Unidos de Mejico, Revised Edition," JOHN DISTURNELL, NEW YORK,1848-1850, hand colored copper plate engraving on paper, the Gulf...
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LRG GRP: BOOKS ON AFRICA AND AFRICANARTGroup of 32 books on Africa and African art. Includes the following titles:
Jacqueline Delange (French, 1923-1991), Carol F. Jopling (American, 1916-2000), "The Art and...
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EXHIBITED MORRIS KANTOR PAINTING - RENDITION,1965Morris Kantor (Russian-American, 1896-1974). "Rendition" oil on canvas, 1965. Signed and dated at lower right. A monumental painting by Morris Kantor that demonstrates...
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EXHIBITED MORRIS KANTOR PAINTING - RENDITION,1965Morris Kantor (Russian-American, 1896-1974). "Rendition" oil on canvas, 1965. Signed and dated at lower right. A monumental painting by Morris Kantor that demonstrates...
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SIGNED RUTH ORKIN PHOTO "AMERICAN GIRLIN ITALY" (1951)...Ruth Orkin (American, 1921-1985). "American Girl in Italy" photograph, 1951. Hand-signed on lower right. Following an assignment for LIFE magazine in Israel...
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ROBERT GORDY (AMERICAN, 1933-1986)RobertGordy
American, 1933-1986
Clouds and Sea (Day)
Lithograph, signed lower right, edition 30/35
Coastal landscape, the water still below a clouded sky.
1956 M.A.,...
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ROBERT GORDY (AMERICAN, 1933-1986)RobertGordy
American, 1933-1986
Study for "The Meeting" , 1980
Marker, ink, and colored pencil on paper, signed and dated lower left
Four silhouetted figures against tiles, set...
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ROBERT GORDY (AMERICAN, 1933-1986)RobertGordy
American, 1933-1986
Still Life with Brick , 1971
Acrylic on canvas, signed and dated lower right
The brick in a field of small fruits and nuts, framed.
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A Rare North or South Carolina “ColoredRepublicing Club” Stoneware Cooler
Dated July 7, 1892
in Southern alkaline glaze, with distinctive doubled collared rim, tooled body, two lug handles set low on the body...
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A COLLECTION OF NATIVE AMERICAN ARTREFERENCE BOOKSA collection of Native American art reference books, 20th Century Comprising thirty-eight hardcover and softcover titles by various authors including: The...
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NEWELL CONVERS (NC) WYETH, AMERICAN(1882-1945), N.C. WYETH AND HIS GRANDSON, EXHIBITION POSTER, 23 1/2"H X 19 1/4"W, 25 1/4"H X 21 1/4"W (FRAME)Newell Convers (NC) Wyeth, American, (1882-1945) N.C. Wyeth...
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PAUL WANDLESS, AMERICAN (20TH/21ST CENTURY),KING & QUEEN, 2002, OIL ON CANVAS, 31 1/2 X 20 1/2, 34 3/8 X 23 3/8Paul Wandless, American, (20th/21st Century) King & Queen, 2002, oil on canvas Titled in the painting...
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PAUL ANDREW WANDLESS, AMERICAN (20TH/21STCENTURY), SIMPLE NEEDS, 2004, OIL ON CANVAS, 29 3/8"H X 22 1/4"W, 31 5/8"H X 24 1/2"W (FRAME)Paul Andrew Wandless, American, (20th/21st century) Simple Needs, 2004, oil...
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PAUL WANDLESS, AMERICAN (20TH/21ST CENTURY),FIGHT LESSONS UP UP AWAY, 2001, OIL ON CANVAS, 38 1/2"H X 28 1/2"W, 40 7/8"H X 30 7/8"W (FRAME)Paul Wandless, American, (20th/21st Century) Fight Lessons Up Up Away, 2001,...
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KATHRYN WOODMAN LEIGHTON, (1875-1952),PORTRAIT OF A NATIVE AMERICAN MAN, OIL ON CANVAS, 30" H X 25" WKathryn Woodman Leighton, (1875-1952) Portrait of a Native American man Oil on canvas Signed lower right:...
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GROUP OF BOOKS ON CONTEMPORARY AMERICANPOLITICS AND CULTURE POLITICS AND CULTURE, titles Include: No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention; The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National...
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GROUP OF BOOKS ON AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORYIII III, titles include: Black on a Background of White: A Chronicle of Afro-Americans' Involvement in America's Last Frontier, Alaska; Race Contacts and Interracial Relations;...
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GROUP OF BOOKS ON AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORYII II, titles include: Prince Estabrook Slave and Soldier, African American Historic Places, Images of America: Eastland Gardens; Legendary African American Elders Speak:...
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GROUP OF GENERAL AFRICAN AMERICAN MILITARYHISTORY HISTORY, titles include: Segregation in Death: Gettysburg's Lincoln Cemetery; Buffalo Soldiers: African American Troops in the US Forces 1866-1945; Whence They Came:...
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LARGE COLLECTION OF ASSORTED AMERICANART BOOKS ART BOOKS, includes Georgia O'Keefe One Hundred Flowers, Whistler, Modern Masters of Etching Whistler (second vol.), Whistler in Venice, Rockwellkentiana, Color...
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AMERICAN ART & PAINTING BOOKS, 15 Fifteenbooks on American art and painting, including: "The Modern West: American Landscapes 1890-1950" by Emily Ballew Neff, "Rufus Porter Rediscovered: Artist, Inventor, Journalist...
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AMERICAN ART INTEREST BOOKS, 12 AmericanArt interest books, 12, and including: Stacey Hollander "Self Taught Genius, Treasures from the Museum of American Folk Art" MAFA, New York, 2014; Alfred Barr, New Horizons...
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AMERICAN ART REFERENCE BOOK, 11 Elevenbooks of American Art comprising "Treasury of American Design" by Clarence P. Hornung, "American Folk Painting" by Black & Lipman, "Currier & Ives, Printmakers to the American...
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AMERICAN ART REFERENCE BOOK, 12 Twelvereference books on American Art comprising "American Paintings Eighteen Century" by Ellen G. MIles, "Masters of American Sculpture" by Donald Martin Reynolds, "American Art:...
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AMERICAN ART REFERENCE BOOKS, 14 Fourteenreference books on American Art comprising "American Paradise - The World of the Hudson River School" by John K. Howat, "The American Scene - Early 20th Century" by Emily...
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AMERICAN FOLK & WESTERN ART BOOKS, 11Eleven American folk and western art books, including: "American Western Art" by Dorothy Harmsen, "Five Star Folk Art: One Hundred Masterpieces" published by the Museum of...
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COLLECTION OF ELEVEN FIRST OR EARLYEDITION HARDCOVER VOLUMES BY MARK TWAIN, SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS (AMERICAN 1835 – 1910)Collection of Eleven First or Early Edition Hardcover Volumes by Mark Twain, Samuel...
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Eleven American Art Exhibition Posters
ErnestTrova (American, 1927–2009)Ernest Trova Sculpture, Paintings, Prints. Harcus KrakowGallery 167 Newbury St. Boston / Dec 16 - Jan 20, 1967Off-set lithographic poster (mailer)Overall:...
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[American Indian - General] AnthropologicalJournals and other Research Books lot of 14 journals and books including:Beck Peggy V. and Anna L. Walters The Sacred Ways of Knowledge Sources of Life. Navajo Nation: Navajo...
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GROUP OF ANTIQUES REFERENCE BOOKS. The Pine Furniture of Early New England Russell Hawes Kettell English Domestic Brass 1680-1810 and History of its Origins Rupert Gentle and Rachael Feild Living With Antiques:...
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Thirty-One Books, American Furniture,Related detailed listing available. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, John Townsend, Newport Cabinet Maker; T. A. Strange, French Interiors: Furniture, Decoration; Connecticut...
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[American Indian - History] Books onIndian - White Relations lot of 15 books including:Armstrong Virginia Irving. I Have Spoken: American History Through the Voices of the Indians. Chicago: Swallow Press Inc....
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Eighteen Books, American Furniture IncludesWorks by Charles Montgomery, Israel Sack, and Others detailed listing available. Michael Flanigan, American Furniture from the Kaufman Collection; Dean Fales, American Painted...
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