PENNSYLVANIA CARVED MAPLE BUTTERPRINT,LATE 18TH CPennsylvania carved maple butterprint, late 18th c. , with a double-headed eagle design, inscribed R.M. , 5" dia. Provenance: A Saint Louis, Missouri collection.
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CARVED MAPLE BUTTERPRINT, 19TH C.Carvedmaple butterprint, 19th c., with a very intricate tulip decoration, 3 1/4" dia.
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
Condition: not examined....
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CARVED MAPLE BUTTERPRINT, 19TH C.Carvedmaple butterprint, 19th c., with deeply incised star decoration, 3 3/4" dia.
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot....
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CARVED MAPLE BUTTERPRINT, 19TH C.Carvedmaple butterprint, 19th c., with a deeply incised tulip, 4 1/2" dia., together with a butterprint with eagle and shield design, 3 1/8" dia.
Competitive In-House shipping...
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CARVED MAPLE BUTTERPRINT, 19TH C.Carvedmaple butterprint, 19th c., with tulip and star decoration, reverse initialed TP , with tulip, 4" dia.
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
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CARVED MAPLE DOUBLE SIDE BUTTERPRINTCarvedmaple double side butterprint , inscribed Presented to C.A. Romb'r by E. Daniel 1867 No.50 , with pinwheel and wreath design, 3 7/8" dia.
Competitive In-House shipping is...
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THREE CARVED BUTTERPRINTS, 19TH C.Threecarved butterprints, 19th c. , to include an eagle, 4" dia., a cow, 4" dia., and an intricate geometrically maple example, 3 1/2" dia.
Competitive In-House shipping is available...
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VERY LARGE CARVED MAPLE DECORATED BUTTERPRINTVerylarge carved maple tulip and star decorated butterprint, 19th c. , 5 1/8" dia.
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
Good condition. No apparent...
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FOUR SMALL CARVED MAPLE BUTTERPRINTS,19TH C.Four small carved maple butterprints, 19th c. , one with thistle, one double sided with cherry blossom and rare sailing ship design, a swan, and a cow design, 2 1/4"...
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CARVED MAPLE PADDLE BUTTERPRINT, 19THC.Carved maple paddle butterprint, 19th c. , with deeply incised pinwheel design, 8" l.
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
Good condition....
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RARE CARVED MAPLE RUNNING FOX BUTTERPRINTRarecarved maple running fox butterprint, 19th c. , 4 1/8" dia.
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
Very little insect damage. Overall good...
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CARVED MAPLE SCOOP, 19TH C.Carved maplescoop, 19th c. , with double sided butterprint handle, 10 1/4" l.
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
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