JERRY LAYNE VENTRILOQUIST DUMMY FIGURE.JerryLayne Ventriloquist Dummy Figure. Label to head post reading “Jerry Layne/1989”, depicting an old maid in floral dress. Blue glass eyes. 44” tall. Two movements (mouth...
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PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAU OIL ON BOARD "OPERAHOUSE CUP RAC...Peter Layne Arguimbau (b. 1951) Oil on Board "Opera House Cup Race at Brant Point", depicting the "Ticonderoga", "Alabama" and "Endeavor" embarking ; signed...
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PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAU OIL ON PANEL "APPLESTILL LIFE", ...Peter Layne Arguimbau (American, b. 1951) Oil on Panel, "Apple Still Life", signed lower left Layne 1988, on reverse P. Layne Arguimbau Still Life with Apples-1988,...
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PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAU OIL ON BOARD "FISHERMENPULLING I...Peter Layne Arguimbau (American b. 1951) Oil on Board "Fishermen Pulling in the Nets" , signed lower left Layne, in carved wood frame.
18 in. x 24 in. Framed...
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PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAU OIL ON BOARD "THEYACHT RACE"Peter Layne Arguimbau (American b. 1951) Oil on Board "The Yacht Race" , signed lower left Layne in carved gilt frame.
18 in. x 24 in. Framed 25 in. x 31 in.
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PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAUPeter Layne Arguimbau,Yacht Race oil on canvas, signed illegibly lower left, 28 3/4" x 31 3/4". Provenance: Waterfront Estate, Stamford, Connecticut.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The...
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PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAU (NEW YORK/CONNECTICUT,B. 1951), "WEST RIVER, NEW YORK HARBOR", OIL ON BOARD, 10" X 25". FRAMED 15" X 30".PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAU, New York/Connecticut, b. 1951, "West River, New York Harbor", ...
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PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAU (NEW YORK/CONNECTICUT/ITALY,B. 1951), THE YACHT WHITE HEATHER., OIL ON BOARD, 12.5" X 11". FRAMED 17" X 16".PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAU, New York/Connecticut/Italy, b. 1951, The yacht White Heather. Signed...
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PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAU (NEW YORK/CONNECTICUT/ITALY,B. 1951), "AMERICA'S CUP 'VIGILANT' 1893"., OIL ON BOARD, 9" X 12". FRAMED 14" X 16".PETER LAYNE ARGUIMBAU, New York/Connecticut/Italy, b. 1951, "America's Cup 'Vigilant'...
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Peter Layne Arguimbau (B. 1951) oilon wood panel of sailboats, titled on frame plaque "Bird Island Light, Buzzard's Bay Layne" signed lower left, Layne. Image 9.5" x 17.5" Frame 13.5" x 21.75" Condition: good...
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Collection of nine brass school bells:all with turned wooden handles (one rosewood), most with brass ferrules, two marked "Fidian" on ferrule, one with deep impressed mark "A.R.P.", several with numbers, one marked...
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Six redware shallow bowls, all withunglazed backs, five early to mid 19th century, probably Pennsylvania or Virginia: four with coggled rims, three with slip decoration, one with three straight lines, one with...
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Pennsylvania poplar lift-top chest,lift top with iron strap hinges, open interior, dovetailed construction, red painted with two tombstone front panels with urn, flower and philfot decoration, heart-painted...
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North Carolina walnut corner cupboard,one-case construction with poplar secondary, elaborate stepped cornice, original scalloped skirt, paneled doors with white-painted shelved interiors, dovetailed drawer, undisturbed...
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Tennessee inlaid walnut chest, poplarand yellow pine secondary, molded top, four graduated drawers with elaborate diamond and cartouche inlay, deeply shaped front and side skirts, applied quarter columns, original...
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East Tennessee cherry corner cupboard,one-case construction, figured cherry with sap wood, yellow pine and poplar secondary, glazed upper doors, paneled lower doors, original hinges, cornice and feet, attributed...
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Southern chest dated 1771, walnut withpoplar secondary, molded lift top with open interior fitted with till, front inlaid "LH 1771", two dovetailed drawers with beveled fronts, turned feet, probably original butt...
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North Carolina walnut sideboard, figuredwalnut with old mellow color, yellow pine secondary throughout, two dovetailed drawers over three doors, paneled back, inlaid kite escutcheons and line inlay, Randolph County,...
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Blue decorated salt glaze butter tub,blue flourishes on sides and lid, 5-1/4 x 8-1/2 in. Surface somewhat sticky, lid slightly warped and under fired. The Collection of Ella and Dennis Layne, Asheboro, North...
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Hilton pottery vase, church and groveof trees, unmarked, attributed to Clara Maude Hilton, 1885-1969, McDowell County, North Carolina, 4-1/2 in. Overall light crazing. The Collection of Ella and Dennis Layne,...
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Southern yellow pine huntboard, yellowpine throughout with single-board top, shaped backsplash, paneled central door with original lock and hinges and shelved interior flanked by two deep dovetailed drawers, tapered...
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Chippendale style mirror, stained poplar(?)with gold painted highlights, 20 x 15-3/4 in. Minor finish losses and abrasions. The Collection of Ella and Dennis Layne, Asheboro, North Carolina....
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18th century Georgian tall case clock,engraved brass dial, signed "John Stanclif", hood with stepped pediment and turned columns, case door with side lock, original feet, with weights and period pendulum, 86-1/2...
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North Carolina inlaid walnut chest,yellow pine secondary throughout, yellow pine top and splash panel, five dovetailed drawers with kite escutcheons, split spindle decoration on front, original tall French...
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Tiger maple and punched tin pie safe,highly figured stepped molded cornice, moldings on rear stiles, two double-paneled hinged doors with heart-punched tins, each side also with heart-punched tings, shelved interior,...
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Southern inlaid miniature chest, walnutthroughout with molded top and walnut interior till, inlaid kite escutcheon, original feet and hinges, dovetailed construction with cut nails, attributed to North Carolina,...
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Virginia cherry corner cupboard, one-caseconstruction with cut nails, paneled doors and shelved interior, upper doors with painted circles and checkerboards, original feet and stepped and fluted pediment, unusual...
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Early North Carolina lift-top desk,yellow pine and poplar, open interior with two compartments, original iron hinges, original surface with traces black paint, pegged and rosehead nails construction, top with...
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1831 alphabet sampler, 13 lines, "ElizabethWinter's Work in the 7th Year of her Age October 27th 1831", wool on linen, other family initials above name, probably American, 12-1/2 x 9-1/4 in. (sight); modern black wood...
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Chippendale walnut four drawer chest,molded top and canted corners, yellow pine secondary throughout, four graduated dovetailed drawers, fluted case corners, straight bracket feet, probably original batwing brasses,...
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Lumen Watson Cincinnati clock, tallhighly figured cherry case with broken arch pediment, poplar secondary, mahogany veneered door and inset tombstone panel on base, shaped skirt and feet, arched and painted...
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Seth Thomas two-door shelf clock, mahoganywith ogee molded cornice above split column format, eight-day movement, brass works marked "S Thomas eagle ", original wooden face marked on back "Bowman(?)",...
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Grain painted Federal tall case clock,white pine throughout with oak wooden works, hood front not hinged (as made), boldly painted green, red, yellow and grained, faux painted rosettes and plinths, gilt and painted...
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Piedmont North Carolina Federal chest,walnut with yellow pine secondary, five drawers, molded top and back edge of case sides, quarter columns, early 19th century, 41 x 38 x 19-1/4 in. Old refinishing with mellow...
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Carved oak bible box dated 1674, oakthroughout with mannerist carving on front and sides, original iron lock, front with carved initials and date "G(?)W 1674", 11 x 22-1/2 x 14 in. Lid, base molding and feet...
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