Books. One shelf of art history andphotography, reference, including Knox's Catalogue Raisonné of Tiepolo, OUP, 1980, dj, hb, 4to, further Old Master reference, etc., mostly hardbacks, mixed sizes...
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ANDY WARHOL (1928-1987) "LADIES ANDGENTLEMAN, 1975" Silkscreen print in colors on Arches wove paper. Signed, numbered '28/125', and dated '75 in pencil (on verso). Reference: FS II134.Andy Warhol (American,...
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ANDY WARHOL (1928-1987) "LADIES ANDGENTLEMAN, 1975" Silkscreen print in colors on Arches wove paper. Signed, numbered '28/125', and dated '75 in pencil (on verso). Reference: FS II132.Andy Warhol (American,...
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TWO SHELVES OF ART AND REFERENCE BOOKSTwo shelves of art and refeernce books including Gardens, Jewelry, Oriental Carpets, photography, etc....
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MAJA LISA ENGELHARDT PAINTING "THE SIXTHDAY" (2015)Maja Lisa Engelhardt (Danish, b. 1956). "The Sixth Day" acrylic on linen, 2015. Signed and dated on lower left. A stunning abstract composition painted on linen...
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SIGNED BETTY GOLD IRON ARTIST PROOF,CA. 1980Betty Gold (American, b. 1935). Iron artist's proof, inscribed "A.P. B.G" (Artist's Proof / Betty Gold) at base of one side, ca. 1980. A special work by American artist...
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(35) REFERENCE BOOKS: AMERICANA, METALS,WEAPONS(lot of 35) Collection of reference books on Americana, silver, metal, and various weapons, comprising: (1) "Old English Plate," Wilfred Joseph Cripps, Spring Books,...
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NINE PHOTOGRAPHY REFERENCE BOOKS: LIEBOVITZ,WESTON, STRAND, EVANS, ADAMS, MAPPLETHORPE 11 1/2"H X 13 1/4"W X 1"D (LARGEST)Nine photography reference books: Liebovitz, Weston, Strand, Evans, Adams, Mapplethorpe, Supreme...
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REFERENCE BOOKS ON PHOTOGRAPHY, 12 Twelvereference books on photography, including: "Eisenstaedt's Guide to Photography" by Alfred Eisenstaedt, "Flowers" by Robert Mapplethorpe, "Photographs" by Annie Leibovitz,...
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PHOTOGRAPH ART REFERENCE BOOKS, 10 Tenreference books on photography comprising "Photograph 19870-1990" by Annie Leibovitz, autographed by the artist, "Alfred Stieglitz - Photographs & Writings" by Greenough &...
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PHOTOGRAPHY ART & NATURE REFERENCE BOOKS,9 Nine reference books on Photography Art comprising "Famous Photographers Annual" by Jerry Mason, "American Photographers and The National Parks" by Robert Cahn & Ronbert...
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FASHION LUXURY / HAUTE COUTURE REFERENCEBOOKS, 11 Eleven reference books on Fashion Luxury and Haute Couture comprising "Chanel and her world" by Edmonde Charles-Roux, "Balmain" by Gerard Julien Salvy, "Haute Couture...
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PHOTOGRAPH REFERENCE BOOK, 12 Twelvereference books on photograph comprising "Alfred Stieglitz" by National Gallery of Art, "Avedon" by Capote, "Avedon an autobiography" by Richard Avedon, "Berenice Abbott American...
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HISTORICAL PHOTOGRAPH REFERENCE BOOK,14 Forteen reference books on historical photograph comprising "The History of American Photography" by Martin W. Sandler, "Photography and the American Civil War" by Jeff...
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PHOTOGRAPHY ART REFERENCE BOOKS, 9 Ninereference books on Photography Art comprising "Irving Penn" by John Szarkowski, "David Seidner" by Patrick Mauries, "Graphis Photo 94" by Martin Pederson, "A critical history...
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PHOTOGRAPHY ART REFERENCE BOOKS, 10Ten reference books on Photography Art comprising "Eisenstaedt: Germany" by Harry N. Abrams, "Eisenstaedt: Aberdeen" by Allan Massie, "The Art and Technique of Color Photography"...
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PHOTOGRAPHY ART REFERENCE BOOKS, 9 Ninereference books on Photography Art comprising "Photographs 1970-1990" by Annie Leibovitz, "Picture" by Michael Doster, "Women" by Annie Leibovitz & Susan Sontag, "Stieglitz...
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HOMOEROTIC ART MONOGRAPHS AND REFERENCEBOOKS BOOKS, [Photography] titles include: Collaboration: The Photographs of Paul Cadmus; Paul Cadmus: The Male Nudes; Attila Richard Lukacs: Polaroids; Fully Exposed: The...
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JAPANESE ART REFERENCE BOOKSJAPANESEART REFERENCE BOOKS, [Japanese Textiles] 7 titles, 8 volumes, mostly large size: Toshiko Ito. Tsujigahana: The Flower of Japanese Textile Art. NY: Kodansha International....
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GROUP OF 13 ASSORTED HARDCOVER FINEART AND DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY REFERENCE BOOKSGroup of 13 Assorted Hardcover Fine Art and Documentary Photography Reference Books,, Artists include: Brassaï (Gyula Halász),...
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REFERENCE BOOKS ON PHOTOGRAPHY, 6 Sixreference books about photography comprising The Body: Photographs of the Human Form, Photography Until Now: The Museum of Modern Art, Promise, Gertrude Kasebier: The Photographer...
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PHOTOGRAPHY ART REFERENCE BOOKS, 7 Groupof seven art reference coffee table books; titles include: Jean Clair "Henri Cartier-Bresson Europeans"; Henri Cartier-Bresson "A propos de Paris" English edition; "Philippe...
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ANNIE LEIBOVITZ PHOTOGRAPHY ART REFERENCEBOOKS, 3 Group of three art reference / coffee table books on photography comprising "Annie Leibovitz portraits 2005-2016" signed by the artist, "Annie Leibovitz A Photographer's...
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