YORK, PENNSYLVANIA FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEYork,Pennsylvania printed and hand-colored fraktur birth certificate, 13" x 15 3/4".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Scattered repairs throughout....
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EIGHT PENNSYLVANIA FRAKTUR, 19TH C.EightPennsylvania printed and hand-colored fraktur, 19th c.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot....
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YORK COUNTY FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEYorkCounty, Pennsylvania printed and hand-colored fraktur birth certificate for Johann Kohr, b. 1806, 12 3/4" x 15".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATESTwoPennsylvania printed and hand-colored fraktur birth certificates, frames - 19 1/4" x 15 3/4" and 20" x 17 1/4".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATESTwoPennsylvania printed and hand-colored fraktur birth certificates, frames - 21" x 18", 19" x 15 1/2".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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JOHANN HERSCHBERGER, FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEJohannHerschberger, Chambersburg printed and hand-colored fraktur birth certificate for Jacob Strickler, b. 1805 in York, frame - 15 1/4" x 17 1/2".
Competitive in-house shipping...
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THREE PENNSYLVANIA FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATESThreePennsylvania printed and hand-colored fraktur birth certificates, largest frame - 18 3/4" x 15 3/4".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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THREE PENNSYLVANIA PRINTED HAND-COLOREDFRAKTURThree Pennsylvania printed hand-colored fraktur birth certificates, largest frame - 21 1/2" x 18 1/2".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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J. BAUMAN FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEJ.Bauman, Ephrata, Pennsylvania printed and hand-colored fraktur birth certificate for Peter Etris, b. 1802, Berks County, 12 3/4" x 15 1/4", frame - 18" x 20 1/2".
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FRIEDERICH KREBS FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEFriederichKrebs (Southeastern Pennsylvania 1749-1815) , Berks County printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Maria Dillfamm, b. 1809, 12 3/4" x 15 3/4". Provenance: The...
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FRIEDERICH KREBS FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEFriederichKrebs (Southeastern Pennsylvania 1749-1815) , Northampton County printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Lydia Vogel, b. 1803, 13" x 15 3/4". Provenance: A...
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FRIEDERICH KREBS FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEFriederichKrebs printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate, dated 1800 , 13" x 15 1/2".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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FREDRICK SPEYER FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEFredrickSpeyer printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Johan Peter Baum, b. 1774, 13 1/4" x 15 1/2".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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DAUPHIN COUNTY, PA FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEDauphinCounty, Pennsylvania ink printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate, dated 1787 , 15" x 16 1/4" (with mat).
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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FRIEDERICH KREBS PRINTED AND HAND COLOREDFRAKTURFriederich Krebs printed and hand colored fraktur for Catharina Riesser, b. 1778, 13" x 15 3/4".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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GOTTLOB JUNGMANN FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEGottlobJungmann, Berks County printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Georg Stumpp, b. 1800 , 13 1/4" x 16". Provenance: The Estate of Peter Tillou.
Competitive in-house...
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GEORG FRIEDERICH SPEYER FRAKTUR BIRTHCERTIFICATEGeorg Friederich Speyer (Southeastern Pennsylvania active 1774-1801) , printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Daniel Schafer, b. 1793, 13" x 15...
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S. BAUMANN FRAKTUR HOUSE BLESSINGSamuelBaumann (Ephrata, Pennsylvania 1788-1820), printed and hand colored fraktur house blessing, 12 1/2" x 15 3/4".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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GEORG FREDERICH SPEYER FRAKTUR BIRTHCERTIFICATEGeorg Frederich Speyer (Southeastern Pennsylvania, active 1774-1801) , printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Friederich Steier, b. 1784, Caernarvon...
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HENRICH DULHEUER FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEHenrichDulheuer (Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, late 18th c.) , printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Christian Herr, b. 1782, in Mount Joy Township, 12 1/4" x...
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HENRICH DULHEUER, FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEHenrichDulheuer (Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, late 18th c.) , printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Maria Huber, b. 1771, in Martic Township, 13" x 16".
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JOHANN HEINRICH OTTO FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEJohannHeinrich Otto (Southeastern Pennsylvania active 1762-1797) , printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Valentin Miller, b. 1761, Heidelberg Township, Lancaster...
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G. BAUMANN FRAKTUR HAUSSEGEN 19TH C.G.Baumann printed and hand colored fraktur haussegen 19th c., retaining its original flame grained frame, 16 1/4" x 20 1/4".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for...
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JOHANN HEINRICH OTTO, FRAKTUR BIRTHCERTIFICATEJohann Heinrich Otto, (Southeastern Pennsylvania, active 1762-1797), printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Catherina Oberle, born 1788, Northampton...
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JOHANN VALENTIN SCHULLER FRAKTUR BIRTHCERTIFICATEJohann Valentin Schuller (Southeastern Pennsylvania, early 19th c.) , printed and hand drawn fraktur birth certificate for Hanwendel Latscha, b. 1811 in Northumberland...
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GEORG FRIEDERICH SPEYER FRAKTUR BIRTHCERTIFICATEGeorg Friederich Speyer (Southeastern Pennsylvania active 1774-1801) , Lancaster County printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Peter Weiss, b. 1780,...
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PRINTED AND HAND COLORED FRAKTUR, DATED1827Printed and hand colored fraktur, dated 1827 , for Rebecca Walter, in a tramp art frame, overall 18 1/4" x 15 1/2".
Fraktur - toning, wrinkles, creases....
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PENNSYLVANIA PRINTED AND HAND COLOREDFRAKTURPennsylvania printed and hand colored fraktur together with a scherenschnitte by R. Manns, Ohio, frames - 18 1/2" x 15 1/4" and 14 1/2" x 12 1/2".
Competitive in-house...
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HATTER & EASTON PRINTED AND HAND COLOREDFRAKTURHatter & Easton printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate, frame - 17 3/4" x 20 3/4".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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LARGE GROUP OF PRINTED AND HAND COLOREDFRAKTURLarge group of printed and hand colored fraktur, 19th c.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Unframed. As found....
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FRIEDRICH KREBS, PRINTED AND HAND COLOREDFRAKTURFriedrich Krebs, printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Maria Kaup, b. 1789, in Cumberland County, frame - 15 3/4" x 18 3/4".
Competitive in-house...
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PRINTED AND HAND COLORED FRAKTUR BIRTHCERTIFICATEPrinted and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Maria Dreibelbies, b. 1829, Northumberland County, frame - 16 3/4" x 19 3/4".
Competitive in-house shipping...
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RARE JOHANN HERSCHBERGER FRAKTUR BIRTHCERTIFICATERare Johann Herschberger printed and hand colored fraktur birth certificate for Aaron Weiser, b. 1806, Berks County, frame - 18 1/2" x 21 1/4".
Competitive in-house...
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PRINTED & HAND ILLUMINATED FRAKTUR GERMANBIRTH &ca. 1775 dated; printed form with illumination printed for Daniel Otto, printing attributed to Benjamin Meyer, Harrisburg recording birth of Elizabeth Riessin (Reese)...
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FRAMED PRINTED & WATERCOLOR EMBELLISHEDFRAKTUR-GEca. 1812 baptism date; printed in 1801 probably by Bauman at Ephrata, the heart shaped text box has two lower printed heart textboxes and printed in German; the...
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PENNSYLVANIA FRAKTUR. Hand colored frakturprinted in Allentown, Pennsylvania by Blumer and Leisenring. Records the 1859 birth of Spengler Siegfried in Allen Township, Northampton County. Glued down, some tears. Framed,...
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