PETRIFIED WOOD SPECIMEN ON STAND Petrifiedwood specimen on red stained carved wood stand, apparently unmarked. Approximate dimensions: specimen h. 3.625", on stand h. 4.625", stand w. 7", d. 5.25"....
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MOPHO GONDE (ZIMBABWE B.1968) NATURALISTICLEADWOOD ELE...DESCRIPTION: Mopho Gonde (Zimbabwe, b.1968) Signed elephant statue. Features a naturalistic carved leadwood elephant with bone tusks. Statue mounted to a scattered...
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LYLE SOPEL (CANADIAN B.1951) A CARVEDHARDSTONES FIGURA...LYLE SOPEL (Canadian b.1951) A CARVED HARDSTONES FIGURAL SCULPTURE, "Climbing Bear," modeled as a polished nephrite figure of a seated bear leaning over...
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A GROUP OF THREE AMERICAN CARVED FLINTAND AGATE HORN K... AND AGATE HORN KNIVES WITH ONE STAND, BY PAUL E SMITH, SIGNED, CIRCA 2002, each blade is hand flaked as well as incised with artist's symbol and hide wrapped...
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A PETRIFIED PALM INLAID AND CARVED CEDARCOFFEE TABLE /... COFFEE TABLE / BENCH, 1970s, the long rectangular top centering a blue composite panel inlaid with horizontally cut samples of various colorful petrified...
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F. MATCHIAN (B. 1966) LOON NUNIVAK SPIRITWHEELThis is an amazing Eskimo Yup’ik Loon Nunivak Mask / Spirit Wheel made of walrus tusk, whalebone and baleen by Aleut Eskimo Cup’ik Cevak, Alaska artist, Franklin...
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Ancient South Asia, eastern India, Bengal, Chandraketugarh, ca. 200 BCE to 100 BCE. A lovely intricately hand-carved mirror...
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11 PETRIFIED WOOD BOWLS20th century,shallow bowls carved from petrified wood, various forms and sizes, 2 x 8-1/2 x 4-1/4 in. to 2-1/2 x 9-1/2 in. diameter
Provenance: Private Collection, Fernandina Beach, Florida
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Northwest American, late Cretaceous, possibly Nanotyrannus specimen. Petrified, pierced, and carved as tool or jewelry implement, purportedly from Inuit tribe....
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Alaskan (Reindeer People), c. 1900, walrus ivory. Nine (9) total articles of ivory, scrimshaw work, letter openers, a wooden paddle, and a fragment of petrified...
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Petrified Mammoth Tusk Carved SignedOwl Sculpture- 6''...
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JOSE DE CREEFT, PETRIFIED WOOD SCULPTUREJose De Creeft (American, 1884-1982), Modernist bust, green marble base, carved signature along right side, 15"h x 6"l x 4"w (bust), 22"h (total)...
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(3) NATIVE AMERICAN ZUNI PUEBLO BEARFETISHES(lot of 3) Native American carved bear fetishes, Zuni Pueblo, including: (2) black bears, attributed by consignor to Georgia Quandelacy, inlaid with turquoise and...
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THREE ASIAN SMALL ANIMAL CARVINGSThefirst, a Japanese netsuke in the form of a recumbent horse; the second, a Chinese carved Zitan horse, signed; the third, a petrified material horse. Widths 1.5 in. to 2 in....
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TWO WHALE-THEMED CARVINGS DATED 1978TWOWHALE-THEMED CARVINGS, Dated 1978, 1) Wooden sculpture of a whale and calf, carved in the round, with the calf mounted behind the fin of the mother. Displayed on petrified...
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THAI CARVED PETRIFIED WOOD FIGURE OFBUDDHA HEIGHT 10". WIDTH 5.5". BUDDHA Standing on a lotus throne with hands in the "Abhaya", or protection mudra, against a curved stele. Height 10". Width 5.5". Dimensions:...
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CARVED PETRIFIED WOOD SCULPTURE OF AREARING HORSE 20th century, carved petrified ironwood, with incised initials "LZ" to underside....
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TWO OPAL AND OPAL MATRIX CARVINGSTWOOPAL AND OPAL MATRIX CARVINGS, the first, of triangular form and carved as a flat surface, the sides and reverse apparently of petrified wood, h: 4 3/4 in.; and the other,...
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COLLECTION ASIAN CARVINGS AND ARTIFACTS19th/20th c., (18) objects, incl. small ceramic crab form brush washer, miniature porcelain figure of a squirrel, remnant animal jawbone, piece petrified wood, six earthenware...
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A NICE COLLECTION OF CORN MAIDEN & OTHERZUNI FETISHESThe carved and detailed corn maiden figures with inlaid embellishments are found in solid turquoise, onyx(?), petrified bone, marble and other hardstone and or...
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EIGHT ASSORTED UTILITARIAN OR GAMINGITEMS MID-19TH TO EARLY 20TH CENTURY LENGTHS FROM 2.75” TO 7.5”. ITEMS, Mid-19th to Early 20th Century, Two needle cases, a turned cup, an Inuit whale ivory carved horse...
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PETRIFIED WHALEBONE AND WALRUS IVORYOOSIK LATE 19TH CENTURY LENGTH 14". OOSIK, Late 19th Century, One end carved as a polar bear's head, showing its teeth and black features. Polished tip at opposite end....
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Petrified Whale Bone Carving- 5''...
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Eddie Lee Alaskan Eskimo Carved PetrifiedFigure 6.5''...
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PREHISTORIC FOSSIL SLUB CARVED VASE8" Baluster form carved and polished prehistoric fossil vase. Containing the impression of prehistoric organisms in petrified form....
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PREHISTORIC FOSSIL CYLINDER TEA CADDY/VANITYBOX 4" x 3 ?" Fossilised tea caddy/vanity box with fitted lift-up lid, carved and polished; containing sporadic impression of prehistoric organisms in petrified form....
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Sam Dimmick Alaskan Inuit Carved AnimalPetrified Tusk Vertical Fragment on Stand 14''...
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A Carved Petrified Wood Buddha BurmaCarved and polished natural segment verso in the original natural form in gray to brown colors; Buddha standing on a lotus with leafy background positioned in a blessing posture....
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Watercolor, carved horn, bookend: watercolor,coastal waterway with ducks in flight, titled on label verso "In From the Sea", signed lower right "MC Weiler" (Milton Weiler, New Jersey, 1910-1974),...
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Probably 19th century the first: a walrustusk cribbage board one side with a pierced and engraved playing surface further engraved with a pair of Inuit boots and two seal heads; the second: a bone fragment engraved...
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Continental carved hardstone cormorant,a carved hardstone falcon, and a carved tiger's eye angel fish 1) cormorant - with metal feet, on petrified wood base, 4 in. H. of figure, 7 in. total H.; 2) falcon - with...
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THREE PIECES OF IVORY. First half-20thcentury or earlier. Two pieces that appear to be petrified ivory a mallet 6 1/2''l. and a tusk with drilled holes 17 1/2''l. Together with a carving of an Eskimo sled...
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ESKIMO CARVING - Musk Ox Carved fromPetrified Wood by Fred Iyak (Canada 1961- ) an Inuvik from the Northwest Territories signed 'Iyak' on underside with inset white stone horns 6 1/2'' tall 8 1/2'' x 11 1/2''...
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