PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL MAHOGANY PIERTABLEPhiladelphia Classical mahogany pier table, ca. 1825 , retaining its original King of Prussia marble top and gilt decoration, 38 1/4" h., 28 1/4" w. Provenance: a Pennsylvania...
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IMPORTANT PINTAIL DRAKEAndrew A. Tull(1840-1915)
Philadelphia, PA, c. 1856
17 1/2 in. long
An exceptional Delaware River pintail drake, this example is a regional archetype quite distinct in form from other...
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RARE ASSEMBLED SET OF EIGHT PHILADELPHIACLASSICAL DINI...attributed to the shop of Richard Parkin, circa 1835, each with figured mahogany tablet back, striped over the rail upholstered seats, on carved and turned...
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PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL MAHOGANY TWOPART DINING TABLEattributed to Anthony Quervelle, circa 1830, highly figured solid mahogany book matched tops, each with one drop leaf, carved pedestal bases with lions paw...
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FINE ASSEMBLED PAIR PHILADELPHIA CLASSICALCARD TABLESattributed to Anthony Quervelle, circa 1830, each with rotating fold over top, each with figured and segmented top with rosewood banded surround and stencil decoration,...
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RARE PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL FIGUREDSECRETAIRE ABATTANT...circa 1825, fine figured veneers and ormolu mounts, of architectural form with stepped top over single frieze drawer, drop front secretary flanked by...
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VERY FINE CLASSICAL ROSEWOOD AND BRONZEPIANOFORTE, SAC...brass plaque inscribed "Made by A. Babcock for G. D. MacKay, Boston", circa 1825, highly figured mahogany and rosewood case with ebonizing, brass inlay and...
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PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL REVIVAL PIERTABLE, C. 1825 Attributed to Anthony Gabriel Quervelle (French/American, Philadelphia, 1789-1856), circa 1825. Classical revival mahogany pier table, having bronze mounts...
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Philadelphia classical form mahoganygaming table, circa 1840, with gilt stencil decoration, brass and wood casters.
30"h x 36"l x 17.75"d (closed)
Condition: Some warping of veneer, refinished....
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AMERICAN LATE CLASSICAL CARVED MAHOGANYBEDSTEADAmerican Late Classical Carved Mahogany Bedstead, c. 1840, Philadelphia, paneled headboard with acorn rolling pin and turned disc finials, turned posts, conforming...
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PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL CHERRY TALL POSTBEDPhiladelphia classical cherry tall post bed, ca. 1820, with carved posts, 97" h., 80" w., 68" d.
Approx. interior measurements - 72" l. x 60" w. Good condition...
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PAIR OF PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL DININGCHAIRSPair of Philadelphia Classical birds-eye maple dining chairs, ca. 1820, purportedly owned by Hannah Topliff Johnson (1774-1844). Sold with the approval of the Board...
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CLASSICAL BREAKFAST TABLE ATTRIBUTEDTO QUERVELLEAmerican Classical breakfast table attributed to Anthony G. Quervelle (Philadelphia, 1789-1856). First quarter of the 19th century. Carved mahogany, fold over...
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BANJO BAROMETER BY JOSEPH C. FERGUSONOF PHILADELPHIA Classical English Hepplewhite Style Aneroid Barometer in inlaid mahogany, with broken pediment having a wooden urn, inlaid wheel at top and a pair of conch...
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A Fine American Classical Stenciledand Carved Mahogany Secretary Bookcase early 19th c. Baltimore carved cornice glazed doors enclosing shelves fall front lid faced with bolection molding birdseye maple fitted...
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An Important Pair of American ClassicalMahogany Knife Boxes early 19th c. attributed to Joseph Barry Philadelphia each with paneled lift top opening to fitted interior above a Gothic arch panel flanked by Corinthian...
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An American Classical Carved MahoganyGames Table c. 1833-1837 Philadelphia with paper label of retailer David Fleetwood 95 Walnut Street Philadelphia and an incised signature of Thomas Roberts; foldover swivel...
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Philadelphia Classical mahogany lyre-formtable with a single drawer. As found. 36.5''h.x25''w.x14''d....
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Philadelphia classical sofa, gadroonedmahogany frame set with brass spandrels and anthemions on saber legs with brass casters, Philadelphia or possibly British, early 19th century, 30-1/4 x 67 x 24 in. Generally...
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Philadelphia classical center table,Egyptian marble circular top, circular mahogany skirt with three S-form leaf-carved supports, tripod base with leaf-carved returns and paw feet, possibly by Anthony Quervelle,...
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Philadelphia classical recamier, carvedmahogany, fine robin's egg and gold silk upholstery, probably Philadelphia, second quarter 19th century, 33-3/4 x 72 x 23-1/4 in. Break and repair to scrolled arm, refinished,...
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Philadelphia Classical Empire mahoganygaming table 19th c. with a flip-top above a skirt with a bird's-eye maple panel acanthus carved legs and brass casters. 30"h.x36.5"w.x18"d....
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Philadelphia Classical giltwood mirrorby R. Williams circa 1830 oval frame with pediment of hands clasping sheaf of wheat and ribbon bow continuing around frame interlaced with foliate decoration to bow pendant....
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An American Classical Carved MahoganyArmoire c. 1825 Baltimore or Philadelphia flared cornice above a pair of doors flanked by reeded pilasters carved paw front feet partially fitted interior height 89 1/4 in....
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Classical mahogany pianoforte charlesalbrecht, philadelphia, circa 1820 Oblong case,on tapering reeded legs ending in brass casters. PROVENANCE: Israel Sack, New York ,000-6,000 Some scuffs...
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An American Classical Carved and InlaidMahogany Desk and Bookcase c. 1825 probably Philadelphia finely carved scrolled pediment glazed doors; the lower case now fitted with a desk interior; probably commissioned...
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Philadelphia Classical Sofacirca 1830mahogany and mahogany veneers scrolled crest with carved rosettes shaped arm support convex veneered seat rail raised on paw feet with acanthus carving nicely upholstered.Overall...
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Philadelphia classical pianoforte, anexceptional example with highly figured mahogany and bird's-eye maple veneers throughout with banding, ebonized columns, brass mounts and inlay on heavily carved acanthus...
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8 pieces. Signed Programs - ClassicalMusicians: Heifetz, J(ascha). Philadelphia, March 23, 1944; Philadelphia, Feb. 14, 1952. * Menuhin, Yehudi. Philadelphia, Dec. 16, 1937; Philadelphia, April 10, 1974. * Milstein,...
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An American Classical Carved MahoganyPedestal Cabinet c. 1825 Baltimore frieze drawer above a Gothic arch paneled door "Egyptian" caryatid pilasters blocked base incised suppressed bun feet in "estate" condition...
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An American Classical Carved MahoganyMixing Table early 19th c. original white marble top ogee-molded frieze drawer above a pair of bow front Gothic arched doors carved scroll stiles molded and blocked base on...
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Set of four Philadelphia Classical paint-decoratedside chairs circa 1825 shaped stiles support shaped crestrail and backrest above cane seat on saber legs with split-baluster stretcher; retaining original black and gold stencil...
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Fine Philadelphia classical cabinet,original Egyptian marble top, ogee molded frieze drawer with mahogany secondary, paneled lower door with shelved interior flanked by supports with gooseneck scrolls, original...
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Framed 19th century oval Presidentialfamily portraits, Washington and Lincoln; Fonding Father's image published by John Dainty, Philadelphia, classic Lincoln image by A. Robin, N.Y., gilt mattes and inner frame...
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Philadelphia classical dining table,two pedestals, each with figured mahogany top and single drop leaf swiveling over a pedestal support, carved paw feet, poplar and cherry secondary, 19th century, 29 x 48 (opens...
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