Malby & Sons 18 Inch Celestial LibraryGlobe, London, c.1870 on a mahogany tripod stand with a compass, and with a cartouche inscribed 'Malby's Celestial Globe, Exhibiting the whole of the Stars Contained in the...
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GROUP OF STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE HISTORICALTRANSFERWAREGroup of Staffordshire Blue Historical Transferware, each American subjects; comprising a J and W Ridgway "Beauties of America" double-handled bowl depicting...
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FRANCIS BLACKWELL MAYER (1827-1890):SEATED FIGUREPencil on paper, 1860, signed 'F. Mayer' and dated lower right; together with Louis Leloir (1843-1884): Architectural Study , pencil on paper, with the Louis...
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JOHANN G M VON BREMEN, OIL, CHILDRENWITH A PETJohann Georg Mayer Von Bremen (German, 1813-1886) Children with a pet oil on panel signed lower left and inscribed Berlin 8 x 6in (20 x 15cm)Provenance: Property...
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PETER BELA MAYER (AMERICAN 1887-1993)A PAINTING, "GLOU...PETER BELA MAYER (American 1887-1993) A PAINTING, "Gloucester Harbor," oil on canvas board, signed L/R, inscribed on verso, "To a dear friend." 14" x 18"...
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MARK BOYLE'S JOURNEY TO THE SURFACEOF THE EARTHby J. L. Locher, Stuttgart/London: Hansjorg Mayer, 1987, complete with an original Boyle resin cast in presentation case, inscribed by the artist at the base of...
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FRED A. MAYER (NEW YORK/GERMANY, BORN1904), CUT PAPER SILHOUETTE OF A COCKTAIL PARTY., IMAGE SIZE 10” X 23”. FRAMED 10.25” X 24.25”.FRED A. MAYER, New York/Germany, Born 1904, Cut paper silhouette of...
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PABLO PICASSO (1881 - 1973): "FEMME"PITCHERpainted ceramic; inscribed in black to underside "Edition Picasso", impressed "Madoura Plein Feu" mark, and impressed "D'Apres Picasso" mark; Condition: with repair...
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COLLECTION OF RUSSIAN SILVERvariousmakers; most marked for 84-standard (some marked illegibly); comprising two four-piece shaker sets; a mug; a cabinet vase (3 3/4" high); a small cup (2" high); a covered cylindrical...
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LANA TURNER AS "SAMARRA" COSTUME SKETCHforthe Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer movie production of "The Prodigal"; 1954; pencil and watercolor on paper, with fabric swatch stapled to upper left, mounted to board, framed under...
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JOHANNES MAYER WATERCOLOR FRAKTUR REWARDOF MERITJohannes Mayer (Southeastern Pennsylvania, active 1769-1812), vibrant ink and watercolor fraktur reward of merit, inscribed Anno Domini 1785 , with a bird perched...
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[JAMES MADISON] 1801 LETTER1801 letterof introduction for Jacob Mayer, Esquire, to meet with James Madison, then secretary of State to Thomas Jefferson. Mayer became U. S. consul to the port of Cap-Francais in...
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ANDY WARHOL THE VELVET UNDERGROUND &NICO ALBUM The Velvet Underground & Nico (V6-5008) LP vinyl album, 1967, produced by Andy Warhol (American 1928-1987), publisher Verve/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., East Coast...
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After Alois Mayer (German, 1855-1936)
inscribedA. Mayer
Height overall 28 inches....
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Presentation cane inscribed "Mayer SulzbergerPhiladelphia, PA", a prominent Philadelphia judge and Jewish scholar/leader late19th/early 20th c.
Condition: Wear consistent with age, dents, tarnished....
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A Franz Mayer & Co. Stained Glass PictorialLate 19th Century Depicting Mary Baby Jesus Mary Magdeline and angels within a quatrefoil design inscribed "Gift of Mr. & Mrs. P.C. O'Brien" inscribed lower right F. Mayer...
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Johannes Mayer (Bucks County Pennsylvaniaactive 1769-1812) Nockamixon Township watercolor and ink on paper bookplate inscribed... ?...
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