AN ENGLISH REGENCY SILVER ON COPPERTEA URN WITH COVER An English Regency silver on copper tea urn with cover , the oval form dated 1810 with two ring form handles fastened to lion form mounts, a single dispenser,...
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VERY FINE REGENCY TORTOISE SHELL TEACADDYwith sunburst design, silver ball feet and plaque "My Father's Gift", included key. 6 1/4" high, 7 1/8" wide, 4 7/8" deep. Minor cracking, light losses. Property from...
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy , 19th century, pagoda top with sterling silver escutcheon and blank silver name plate on lid,...
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy , early 19th century, with canted corners, sterling silver escutcheon and blank silver name...
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy , 19th century, with inlaid mother of pearl floral decoration on lid, sterling silver escutcheon...
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy, 19th century, with pagoda top and sterling silver escutcheon and unmarked silver nameplate...
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy, 19th Century, with fluted shaped front, sterling silver escutcheon and shaped blank name plaque...
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy, 19th Century, with sterling silver escutcheon, nameplate and wreath on front panel. Ball finial...
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...Early 19th Century English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy, with sterling silver escutcheon, nameplate and line inlay on ball feet.
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...19th Century English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy, with pagoda top, sterling silver nameplate, on hinged top with ball feet.
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy, 19th Century, with pagoda shaped top, blank sterling silver nameplate, on ball feet.
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REGENCY ENGLISH SINGLE COMPARTMENT TORTOISESHELLTEA CA...Diminutive English Regency Tortoiseshell Single Compartment Tea Caddy, circa 1800 , pagoda shaped top, sterling silver nameplate and line inlay on ball feet. Spring...
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy, 19th Century, pagoda shaped top, blank sterling silver nameplate and escutcheon on bun feet....
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...English Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy, 19th Century, pagoda shaped top, blank sterling silver nameplate and escutcheon on ball feet....
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FINE BRITISH REGENCY FLAMING TORTOISESHELLTEA CADDY, C...Fine British Regency Flaming Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy, circa 1820 , a block-front rectangular box with silver line inlays with silver name plaque, escutcheon...
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BRITISH REGENCY TORTOISESHELL DOUBLECOMPARTMENT TEA CA...19th Century British Regency Tortoiseshell Double Compartment Tea Caddy, a serpentine front with sterling silver escutcheon and blank name plate on lid....
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BRITISH REGENCY DOME TOP TORTOISESHELLTEA CADDY, 19TH ...British Regency Dome Top Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy, 19th Century, silver plated ball finial on lid, name plate on front, on silver plated ball feet.
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REGENCY BLONDE TORTOISESHELL TEA CADDY,1ST QUARTER OF ...Regency Blonde Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy, 1st Quarter of 19th Century , oblong with outcurved ends, cove molded top with silver nameplate engraved with initials...
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RARE FORM OCTAGONAL BRITISH REGENCYANTIQUE TORTOISESHE...Rare Form Octagonal British Regency Antique Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy, 19th Century , initialed silver name plate, finial and key hole escutcheon
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PETITE BRITISH REGENCY ANTIQUE TORTOISESHELLDOUBLE COM...Petite British Regency Antique Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy, 19th Century , bow-fronted oblong form with engaged corner columns; cavetto molded hinged lid, silver...
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TWO TEA CADDIES TO INCLUDE A REGENCYTORTOISE SHELL TEA...Two Tea Caddies to include a Regency tortoise shell tea caddy having silver inlay lift top, opening to two fitted compartments with covers, height 5 inches,...
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REGENCY TORTOISESHELL TEA CADDY, HAVINGSILVER INLAY, L...Regency Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy, having silver inlay, lift top opening to two fitted compartments with covers, height 5 1/2 inches, length 7 inches.
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ENGLISH REGENCY TORTOISE SHELL TEA CADDYEarly 19th century, likely English, sarcophagus form, with silver inlaid escutcheon and linear borders, rectangular silver cartouche mount to center lid panel (without monogram),...
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FISHER REGENCY STYLE STERLING SILVERFIVE-PIECE COFFEE/TEA SERVICE #2336, 61.4 GROSS OZFisher Regency Style Sterling Silver Five-Piece Coffee/Tea Service #2336, 61.4 gross oz,...
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GROUP OF AMERICAN STERLING SILVER TEAWAREGroup of American Sterling Silver Tea Ware , incl. Watson teapot in the Regency taste, ebonized handle, h. 5 in.; "Paul Revere" sugar and creamer, Richard Dimes for Bigelow,...
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MOTHER-OF-PEARL & TORTOISESHELL TEACADDY English Regency Period Silver Mounted Tea Caddy, ca. 1820, having a block-front shape and skirted lower edge, with silver lid cartouche and escutcheon, metal stringing,...
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WILLIAM B. DURGIN REGENCE STERLING TEASERVICE William B. Durgin Gilded Age Regence Revival seven piece tea and coffee service, retailed by Bailey, Banks and Biddle of Philadelphia, circa 1900, comprising a hot...
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A Regency style three-piece silver teaservice, Adie Bros., Birmingham 1925, approximately 910g...
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EARLY19TH CENTURY to include a REGENCY MAHOGANY TEA CADDY of sarcophagus form, the interior with two fitted caddies and a cut glass waste bowl; a REGENCY BURR WOOD TEA CADDY with...
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BOIN-TABURET REGENCE STYLE VERMEIL TEASERVICE, 5 French Regence Style Vermeil 950 Silver Tea and Coffee Service, Maison Boin-Taburet, Paris, ca. 1900; comprising a teapot, coffeepot, covered sugar, and milk pitcher,...
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TORTOISESHELL TEA CADDY Regency EraEnglish Tea Caddy, early 19th c., having a stepped lid and waisted body, with silver cartouche engraved "JSC" and silver escutcheon, silver and ivory stringing, interior with...
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TORTOISESHELL TEA CADDY English RegencyPeriod Bowfront Tea Caddy, c. 1830, having a domed lid with brass finial, silver escutcheon, stringing, and cartouche with engraved whippet dog, front panel with radiating...
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A good pair of George III silver teacaddies and covers with matching mixing bowl of inverted pear shape cast and chased with flowers and scrolls with flower head finials on pierced foliate scroll foot Samuel...
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Assembled Regency three piece sterlingsilver tea service thomas wilkes barker, london, 1819 & stephen adams, london, 1819 Each with a part gadrooned body, foliate cast handles and with reeded rims marked...
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Four-piece sterling tea service: 7 in.coffeepot with matching teapot, creamer, open sugar, Regency style, oval with stop-fluted bodies, mushroom finials, coffeepot and teapot with wooden handles, cream and sugar...
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