English Regency Parcel Gilt RosewoodBreakfront Side Cabinet, c.1820 the shaped marble top with pierced brass gallery over four curtained diamond grill panelled doors separated by fluted pilasters with acanthus...
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FINE GEORGE IV GILT-METAL-MOUNTED ROSEWOODBREAKFRONT SIDE CABINET, ATTRIBUTED TO FREDERICK APPLETREE OF BIRMINGHAMThe anthemion cast border above the black porto marble top, over a pair of grilled doors fitted with...
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A PAIR OF VICTORIAN EBONISED, BOULLEWORK AND MARBLE TOPPED SIDE CABINETS the rectangular marble inverted breakfront tops, over single cupboard doors, opening to shelved interiors, on pedestal bases, each 108cm...
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Fine antique early 20th century FrenchLouis XV revival marble topped breakfront cabinet, with fine brass mounts, floral marquetry panel to the central door, approx 146cm L x 45cm W x 128cm H...
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REGENCY MARBLE TOP BREAKFRONT CABINET19th c., English, Carrara marble top, hardwood veneered case, with four glazed panel doors, flanked by ionic column supports, opening to shelved storage, 38"h x 73"l x 20"d...
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE-TOP WALNUTSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XV style marble-top walnut sideboard, early 20th c., raised backsplash with foliate-carved crest, framed marble plaque, breakfront marble top with molded...
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FRENCH MARBLE-TOP WALNUT HUNT SIDEBOARDFrenchwalnut hunt sideboard, late 19th c., raised back with open display shelf, carved fruit pendants, turned drop finials, over breakfront case with inset marble top, four drawers,...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style marble-top breakfront sideboard, J. Dehail, 20th c., mahogany case fitted with three drawers, over centered double-door cabinet, flanked by...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style marble-top mahogany sideboard, early 20th c., breakfront marble top, conforming case fitted with three cabinet doors, side cabinets with reeded...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP BREAKFRONTSIDEBOARDLouis XVI style breakfront sideboard, early 20th c., shaped marble top, case fitted with three drawers, over three cabinet doors, each carved with flower-filled urn,...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style breakfront mahogany sideboard, late 20th c., shaped marble top with projecting rounded corners, conforming case with fluted corner posts, four...
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FRENCH MARBLE-TOP WALNUT BREAKFRONTSERVERFrench marble-top walnut breakfront server, early 20th c., three drawers with beaded molding, over three cabinet doors, center door carved with floral garland, side...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style mahogany breakfront sideboard, early 20th c., shaped marble top, conforming case fitted with four drawers, with Greek key parquetry inlay,...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style mahogany breakfront sideboard, early 20th c., shaped marble top, conforming case with ebonized string inlay, four cabinet doors, center double-door...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style mahogany breakfront sideboard, late 20th c., shaped marble top, conforming case fitted with four drawers, over four paneled cabinet doors,...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style mahogany breakfront sideboard, N.F. Ameublement, late 20th c., shaped marble top, conforming case fitted with four drawers, over four paneled...
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FINE RENAISSANCE REVIVAL MARBLE-TOPSIDEBOARDItalian Renaissance Revival walnut breakfront sideboard, Rovere Giovanni, Oneglia, late 19th/ early 20th c., turned finials surmounting the carved frieze, arched...
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FINE RENAISSANCE REVIVAL MARBLE-TOPSIDEBOARDItalian Renaissance Revival walnut sideboard, Rovere Giovanni, Oneglia, late 19th/ early 20th c., carved and pierced crest, flanked by turned finials, stained and...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style flame mahogany breakfront sideboard, 20th c., shaped marble top, over stylized gilt metal egg and dart trim, fitted with four cabinet doors,...
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ITALIAN MARBLE-TOP OAK BREAKFRONT SIDEBOARDItalianoak breakfront sideboard, 19th c., having inset marble top, over case fitted with four central full-length drawers, flanked by two small drawers over two cabinets, opening...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style mahogany breakfront sideboard, 20th c., shaped marble top, over case fitted with four drawers, four cabinet doors, opening to shelved interiors,...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style marble-top mahogany breakfront sideboard, 20th c., four drawers, over four cabinet doors, interior shelf, rising on tapering fluted legs, one...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style marble-top mahogany sideboard, 20th c., breakfront case fitted with three drawers, over four cabinet doors, fluted corner posts, on tapering...
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AN ENGLISH MARQUETRY BUFFETAn Englishmarquetry buffet, Late 19th/early 20th Century Drawer marked: Hobbs & Co. / London The breakfront-form marble top over one long drawer, a cabinet with a concave half-circle...
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WILLIAM IV ROSEWOOD BREAKFRONT PARLORCABINETWilliam IV Rosewood Breakfront Parlor Cabinet, mid-19th c., later marble top, gothicized doors, plinth base, h. 36 7/8 in., w. 56 1/4 in., d. 17 1/2 in. Provenance:...
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BREAKFRONT MARBLE-TOP BUFFET, CONTINENTAL,EARLY 2BREAKFRONT MARBLE-TOP BUFFET, Continental, early 20th century, centering a rank of five drawers between two cabinet doors, 42.75"H x 79"W x 23"D....
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SIDEBOARD,FRENCH, C. 1 French, c. 1900, in two sections: horizontal china display cabinet top section raised over a marble-top breakfront buffet base, 79.25"H x 63.25"W x 21.25"D....
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LOUIS XVI STYLE BREAKFRONT CHINA CABINETLOUISXVI STYLE BREAKFRONT CHINA CABINET, French, early 20th century, having a shaped marble top, single glass-panel door, ormolu mounts and two interior glass shelves, 53.5"H x...
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EASTLAKE STYLE MAHOGANY MARBLE-TOP SIDEBOARDEastlakestyle mahogany marble-top breakfront sideboard, 20th c., having shaped marble top, in two-parts with central seam, over paneled mahogany case, fitted with three cabinets,...
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RINCK LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE & MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style marble-top mahogany sideboard, M. Rinck, 20th c., breakfront case fitted with four drawers, over four cabinet doors, gilt metal trim, interior...
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RINCK LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE & MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style marble-top mahogany sideboard, M. Rinck, 20th c., breakfront case fitted with four drawers, over four cabinet doors, gilt metal trim, interior...
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SIDEBOARDFrenchLouis XVI style walnut sideboard, 20th c., having shaped marble top, over breakfront case, fitted with four drawers, over four cabinets, rising on fluted and tapered legs,...
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19TH CENTURY the nero portoro marble top of breakfront outline with a moulded edge, above a line inlaid frieze over a central oval glazed door with yellow...
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AMERICAN MARBLE TOP WALNUT SIDE BOARDATTRIBUTED TO ALEXANDER ROUX Circa 1875 the superstructure with rounded corners and outset center section on scrolling acanthus-carved supports backed by a panel-carved splashboard...
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REGENCY GILT-BRONZE MOUNTED ROSEWOODSIDE CABINET Of breakfront outline with a white veined marble top above a pair of mirrored central doors flanked by a pair of mirrored doors within alternating columnar supports...
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