Folk Art. A Scottish Presbytery patchworkquilt, 19th c, in the manner of Welsh chapel work, centred by an eight-pointed star inscribed Robert Brown, Minister, between the verses of Psalm CXXXII and a pair of shaking...
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ARTS & CRAFTS REVIVAL BOOKSHELF BY ROBERT'MOUSEY' THOMPSON (1876 – 1955) 8" x 17 ?" x 8" Elegant clean lines Arts & Crafts Revival bookshelf from Yorkshire oak on carved integral feet, with carved 3D mouse accent,...
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ROBERT INDIANA SCREENPRINT EXHIBITIONPOSTERRobert Indiana (1928-2018). Screenprint exhibition poster titled, "Mother of Us All, An American Pop Opera, The Center Opera Company of the Walker Art Center," 1967....
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LRG GRP: BOOKS ON AFRICA AND AFRICANARTGroup of 32 books on Africa and African art. Includes the following titles:
Jacqueline Delange (French, 1923-1991), Carol F. Jopling (American, 1916-2000), "The Art and...
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MANTELCLOCK, CIRCA 1930 oak, with carved mouse signature, fitted with an 8-day movement23.5cm wide 17.5cm high...
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ROBERT LOUIS THOMPSON, (AMERICAN, 1937-1966),THE RAISING OF LAZARUS, 1965, OIL ON CANVAS, 9 X 12 IN.ROBERT LOUIS THOMPSON (American, 1937-1966) The Raising of Lazarus 1965, oil on canvas signed, dated, and titled...
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GROUP, 6 ART BOOKSGrouping of 6 artbooks comprising of one (1) Journeys to Abstraction by Sue St. John; One (1) Dali by Robert Descharnes; One (1) Kahlo by Andrea Kettenmann; One (1) Pop Art by Tilman Osterwold;...
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AFTER ROBERT KER PORTER (SCOTTISH, 1777-1842)AfterRobert Ker Porter (Scottish, 1777-1842) , "Bring Me Wine in Brimming Urns", "Arm'd with Hyacinthine Rod", "Methinks the Pictur'd Bull Me See", "A Youth the While, with Loosen'd...
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MORTON THOMPSON. 'NOT AS A STRANGER'MORTONTHOMPSON. 'NOT AS A STRANGER', Provenance: Robert McNamara Estate and Diana Byfield McNamara Book Collection...
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COLLECTION OF FIFTEEN PREDOMINANTLYCHILD INSTRUCTION AND COMING-OF-AGE HARDCOVER VOLUMESCollection of Fifteen Predominantly Child Instruction and Coming-of-Age Hardcover Volumes,, Consisting of: 'Sermons on...
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Robert Thompson of Kilburn (1876-1955),a Mouseman cheese board, in oak and of oval form, carved mouse signature to handle, 39cm overall...
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PAIR OF BEDSIDE CABINETS, CIRCA 1980 adzed oak, patinated metal fittings, bears carved mouse signature(2)48cm (18 3/4in) wide, 69.5cm (27 1/4in) high, 37.5cm (14...
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OCTAGONALWALL CLOCK, CIRCA 1980S oak, fitted a Barigo movement, carved mouse signature19cm across...
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MANTELCLOCK, CIRCA 1935 oak, with carved mouse signature, fitted with an original Smith's dashboard clock movement24cm wide, 15.5cm high, 6cm deep...
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BOOKTROUGH, CIRCA 1980S/90S oak, with carved mouse signature45.2cm wide, 20cm high, 20cm deep...
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LARGEBOWL, CIRCA 1970S oak, carved mouse signature to the centre31cm diameter...
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CHEESEBOARD,CIRCA 1940S/50S oak, with carved mouse signature37.5cm long...
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MATCHEDPAIR OF ASHTRAYS, 1940S AND 1970S oak, each with carved mouse signature(2)each 10cm x 7.5cm...
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LARGEASHTRAY, CIRCA 1950S beech or pearwood, with carved mouse signature14.3cm across...
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(5) LIONEL TRAINS BOOKS Group of (5)Assorted Books and Catalogs on Lionel Toy Trains, incl: "Legendary Lionel Trains" by John A. Grams & Terry D. Thompson, publ. by Kalmbach Books, 2004, with dust cover, 128...
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1950 BOWMAN FOOTBALL CARDS: Elroy ''CrazyLegs'' Hirsch was a Hall of Fame player for the Los Angeles Rams. This card is off-center and does have impressions running horizontally mid-card and lower edge margin. There...
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LARGE MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL AUTOGRAPHCOLLECTION: To include: Warren Spahn, Enos Slaughter, Yogi Berra, Rocky Bridges, Don Larsen, Fred Clarke, Thomas Connolly, Richie Ashburn, Ryne Duren, Whitey Ford, Al Dark,...
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Robert Mouseman Thompson British, 1876-1955Two Stools, second quarter of the 20th century
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Books, U.S. Military Arms and related:James E. Hicks, 1971, dust jacket, Notes on U.S. Ordnance: Volume II ; two copies, Gluckman, 1948 and 1959 with dust jacket, United States Muskets, Rifles and Carbines ; Green,...
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Fine leatherbound books: Poetry prosephilosophy drama education and law Heywood Thomas. THE BEST PLAYS OF THE OLD DRAMATISTS-THOMAS HEYWOOD. Ed. A. Wilson Verity. London: Vizetelly 1888.; McElroy John G.R. THE...
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Archive of Documents Associated withthe Sturges Family Including John R. Sturges 3rd GA Infantry KIA The lot contains a variety of items including over 100 receipts and other ephemera an early indenture and...
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GROUP OF SIX ASSORTED FRAMED NORTHWESTCOAST PRINTS. Art Thompson: Hummingbird editon 75/200 (17'' x 15'' sight). Robert Davidson: Raven Stealing the Moon edition 17/19 AP (11' x 11'' sight). J. David: The Adoption...
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Thirty-One Volumes of New Orleans andLouisiana Interest, including H. C. Warmouth, War, Politics and Reconstruction, Guy Caldwell, Early History of the Ochsner Medical Center (with presentation inscription from...
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GROUP OF REFERENCE BOOKS ON ORIENTALRUGS. Michaelian and Kohlberg Inc. Catalogue of Designs Oriental Rugs John Kimberly Mumford Black Mountain Looms (volume 1) Michaelian and Kolhberg Inc. Oriental...
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ESTATE LOT SMOKING PIPES OF THE WORLD:23 pipes listed by country of origin - DENMARK: Stanwell 338, marked ''danish sovereign'' ''XXX'', lightly smoked; B. Barling & Sons 4059, marked Made in Denmark, with Barling...
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[Autographs and Manuscripts] Smith ThompsonDS as Chief Justice of the New York State Supreme Court Smith Thompson (1768-1843). Secretary of the Navy (1818-23) and U.S. Supreme Court Justice (1823-1843). DS as Chief...
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PENNSYLVANIA SAMPLER AND RELATED EPHEMERA.Bithia Thompson New Buffalo/Duncannon Perry County 1843 silk on linen. Alphabets numbers over a large two-story house potted bush and a black crow surrounded by a thin...
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A Robert 'Mouseman' Thompson oak coffeetable on octagonal legs 1ft 5.5ins x 3ft x 1ft 3ins Estimate ?200-300 Many splashes and rings of water marks throughout the piece and light fading throughout some scuffing...
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Books: South Carolina history sportingliterature and art THE WORKS OF THE RIGHT REVEREND JOHN ENGLAND FIRST BISHOP OF CHARLESTON. Ed. Sebastian G. Messmer. 7 vols. Cleveland OH: Arthur H. Clark 1908; Burton E....
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A Robert Thompson '' Mouseman '' oakhexagonal cheese board 19 cm across....
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Edwin Thompson Roberts (English 1840-1917)"The Letter" oil on board signed lower right 23 in. x 19 in. in a cove-molded gessoed and giltwood frame....
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