ROGERS LUNT & BOWLEN ART NOUVEAU STERLINGSPOONS 6 Rogers, Lunt and Bowlen American Art Nouveau sterling silver dessert spoons, set of six, with repousse poppy flower decoration, hallmarked and marked "Sterling."...
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ART NOUVEAU STERLING SILVER TEASPOONS,SET OF 6 Art Nouveau sterling silver dessert spoons, set of six, the handles with repousse female heads with flowing hair and floral decoration, marked to reverse "Sterling"...
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Good F. B. Rogers Company SilverplateFive-Light Candelabrum, in the Art Nouveau taste, first quarter 20th century, the large candlesockets of stylized tulip blossom form, the base and the candlearm supports...
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(10PC) ART NOUVEAU FLATWARE A (Lot of20) Art Nouveau sterling flatware: including Whiting Louis XV (4) luncheon forks Initialed "D", 7"l and a pair servers with gilt wash 9"l; en suite with (10) Roger Williams...
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(LOT OF 16) COLLECTION OF MAINLY FRENCHART NOUVEAU AND ART DECO DRESSING ARTICLES AND BOXES (Lot of 16) Collection of mainly French Art Nouveau and Art Deco dressing articles and boxes, including (4) Guerlain perfume...
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UNGER BROS & WM ROGERS & SON STERLINGFLATWAREUnger Brothers, New Jersey, USA. Sterling silver flatware set decorated in an Art Nouveau style each marked "Sterling. 925. Fine." along the handles. Comprised of...
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(2) ART NOUVEAU SILVER PLATE VASE &BUTTER DISH(lot of 2) Art Nouveau silver plate, early 20th c., including: (1) fan vase, Godinger, reticulated frame with ribbons, garland swags, portrait medallions, cobalt...
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COLLECTION OF SILVER DRESSING TABLEITEMS ITEMS, including an Art Nouveau hair brush and matching clothes brush, a silver tall candlestick (weighted), a silver rectangular clothes brush with hammered silver...
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GROUP OF AMERICAN SILVER TABLE ITEMSGROUPOF AMERICAN SILVER TABLE ITEMS, including a Fisher silver Chippendale style creamer and sugar with shell over paw feet, a Lunt weighted short tazza with gadrooned border,...
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UNGER BROTHERS STERLING DRESSER SETAmericanArt Nouveau Sterling Silver Dresser Set , Unger Brothers, Newark, NJ, act. 1872-1919, incl. hand mirror, hairbrush, and clothes brush; together with an associated Unger Brothers...
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GROUP OF AMERICAN SILVER AND PLATEDTABLEWARES TABLEWARES, including a cased set of 6 resin-handled Sailor Savouries cocktail forks, Rogers Bros. plated fish server with engraved blade, Gorham silver Art Nouveau...
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GROUP OF AMERICAN STERLING AND SILVERPLATEASSORTED TABLEWARES ASSORTED TABLEWARES, including an American silver plain napkin ring with beaded borders, a set of 12 dessert forks with beaded borders, three silver baby...
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SELECTION OF COLLECTIBLES & DECORATIONSIncluding an Art Nouveau figural newel post lamp, early 20th century, 22 1/2 in. H.; a Rogers "Paris" Art Deco coffee service with tray; a pair of antique brass candlesticks,...
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Art nouveau ceramic pitcher Roger Guerin(Belgian, 1896-1954) lion etched detail with original manufacturer labels, c. 1920's; overall excellent condition, age wear, surface wear; H 6 1/2" (Approx.)...
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D. Y. CAMERON'S ETCHINGS With an Introductory Essay by Frank Rinder. Edinburgh: Otto Schulze and Company, 1908. First edition, deluxe issue, one of 150 copies printed...
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ART NOUVEAU SILVER SERVING PIECES ANDSPOONS Marked Strateford Silver Co. & AWM Rogers. 8.4 troy ounces....
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American Art Nouveau style repoussesilver hand mirror, Unger Bros. circa 1900, 6 1/2 in. H., 4 7/8 in. W.; together with an old Sheffield ribbed bowl with armorial crest; Simpson, Hall & Co. quadruple plate...
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A Collection of American Sterling SilverArticles comprising six five o'clock spoons and five teaspoons by Whiting in the Violet pattern six cocktail forks and five fruit knives by Towle in the Paul Revere pattern...
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Four Art Nouveau dresser/jewelry boxes.Most silverplate with floral embellishments. One marked Rogers. Gilt metal box: 4 1/2"H x 5 1/2"W. Good condition....
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American silver-plated urn, Meriden,for Rogers Bros., late 19th century Art Nouveau style with applied iris design, mounted on a large ebonized wood socle fitted with a similar plated plaque inscribed "Mother,"...
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Four-Piece Group of Silver and Glassware,consisting of an attractive Knickerbocker Silver Company silverplate iced water goblet in the Art Nouveau taste, first quarter 20th century, h. 6-1/8"; a Webster Company sterling...
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Silver-plated six-piece tea service:pear forms with scroll and Art Nouveau figural decoration, horned putti finials, two coffeepots, 12-1/2 in. and 11-1/2 in., matching teapot, covered sugar, creamer, waste,...
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ART NOUVEAU STERLING SILVER PINS: Toinclude; 1) 9 medium and larger art nouveau sterling period pins. Greek lettered pin by Paye & Baker; cut out pin (note silhouette of woman) by Simons Bros.; bar pin with...
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ART NOUVEAU STERLING SILVER JEWELRY:To include; 1) 3 art nouveau period sterling earrings: the flower marked sterling; the smaller figurals marked sterling; the larger of the figurals marked sterling with H...
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