ROOKWOOD VELLUM VASE BY E.T. HURLEY,1911A 1911 Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze decoration with a dogwood motif, by noted Rookwood designer ET Hurley (Cincinnati, 1869-1950). Marked to the underside with the 14-flame...
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Edward T. Hurley for Rookwood Pottery.scenic Vellum vase. 1945, glazed porcelain. 6¼ h × 2¾ dia in. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Impressed manufacturer's mark, date and number to underside ‘Flame mark XLV 6644E’...
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Edward T. Hurley for Rookwood Pottery.scenic Vellum vase. 1908, glazed earthenware. 8 h × 4¼ dia in. result: $1,375. estimate: $1,500–2,000. Impressed manufacturer's mark, date, and number to underside ‘Flame...
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Edward T. Hurley for Rookwood Pottery.Vellum vase with prunus blossoms. 1914, glazed earthenware. 8 h × 4 dia in. result: $1,792. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Impressed manufacturer's mark, date, and number to underside...
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Edward T. Hurley for Rookwood Pottery.Vellum vase with fish. 1904, glazed earthenware. 10 h × 6 dia in. result: $8,125. estimate: $2,000–3,000. Impressed manufacturer's mark, date, and number to underside ‘Flame...
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Rookwood Pottery. Vellum vases, setof two. 1912, 1921, glazed earthenware, glazed porcelain. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Lot is comprised of tall Sara Sax vase with cherry blossoms, measuring 4.5 dia x 8.75 h...
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Edward T. Hurley for Rookwood Pottery.Scenic Vellum vase. 1923, glazed porcelain. 7¼ h × 3¾ dia in. result: $845. estimate: $700–900. Impressed signature, date and number to underside ‘Flame mark XXIII...
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Edward T. Hurley for Rookwood Pottery.Scenic Vellum vase. 1940, glazed porcelain. 5¼ h × 3¼ dia in. result: $650. estimate: $500–700. Impressed signature, date and number to underside ‘Flame mark XL 6730...
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Edward T. Hurley for Rookwood Pottery.scenic Vellum vase. 1921, glazed porcelain. 11¼ h × 5 dia in. result: $2,560. estimate: $1,500–2,000. Impressed signature, date, and number to underside ‘Flame mark/XXI/939B/V/ETH’....
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Edward T. Hurley for Rookwood Pottery.Scenic Vellum vase. 1917, glazed earthenware. 9 h × 4½ dia in. result: $1,125. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Incised signature to underside ‘ETH’. Impressed manufacturer's...
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Edward T. Hurley for Rookwood Pottery.Scenic Vellum vase. 1909, glazed earthenware. 10½ h × 5 dia in. result: $2,125. estimate: $1,500–2,000. Impressed manufacturer's mark, date, and number to underside ‘Flame...
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Two Art Pottery vases rookwood, cincinnati,ohio, dated 1912 and1913 The first of ovoid form in vellum glaze of blue with white band, initialed "E.T.H." for decorator Edward T. Hurley , impressed ""1773" date...
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E.T. Hurley Rookwood Vase A Rookwood?vellumglaze vase with floral landscape design by E.T. Hurley. dated 1925 impressed Rookwood?logo artist's incised signature shape number 2721; ht. 6.25 in. Condition: Even crazing...
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E.T. Hurley Rookwood Vellum Vase Americana Rookwood vellum vase decorated with three wrens among flowers marked with Rookwood logo dated 1930 shape No. 2831 incised artist initials E.T.H. for E.T. Hurley; ht. 5.5...
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A Rookwood Vellum 1356E Vase EdwardHurley The tapering vase apprx. 7-1/4"H is delicately decorated with a grapevine with grapes and leaves marked on the underside with the Rookwood impressed mark VIII 1356E...
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Rookwood 1906 Vellum Vase marked (dieimpressed) Rookwood flame VI 935G over V very faint signature of Edward Timothy Hurley mint condition 9.5''h....
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