FRENCH NAPOLEON III BOULLE TANTALUSSETNapoleon III tantulus cordial set consisting of a serpentine shaped, ebonized rosewood case with boulle brass inlay, elaborately engraved with leaves, griffins and lions....
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SHERATON REVIVAL INLAID REVOLVING MAHOGANYBOOKCASE + 2...1st item: Sheraton Revival inlaid mahogany bookcase, comprised of a round inlaid rotating top above 8 bookshelves divided by geometric inlaid panels above four...
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Dance of the Wilis
Continental, mid-19th century, bronze. Crowned with the figure of an owl with outstretched wings at...
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26PCS NAPOLEON GILT FRENCH TABLEWARESFrench, 19th and 20th century. Twenty six piece collection of Napoleon Bonaparte and Napoleon III motif gilt Sevres style and Limoges porcelain comprising round tray (11"),...
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1856 FRENCH TWENTY FRANCS GOLD COIN,RIGHT PROFILE right profile bust of Emperor Napoleon III, .900 fine gold, 6.45 grams....
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VINTAGE NAPOLEON III STYLE GILT METAL& PORCELAIN MOUNTED TABLEVintage Italian Napoleon III style parquetry inlaid side table with pierced gallery, twenty four floral decorated porcelain plaques over a pair of...
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NAPOLEON III FITTED BOULLE EBONIZEDCAVE A LIQUEUR French twenty-one piece Napoleon III boulle brass inlaid, ebonized cave a liqueur, 19th century, having a removable tray fitted with a gilded bronze stand,...
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Large Napoleon III Gilt-Brass and CutGlass Tiered Twenty-Four-Light Chandelier, third quarter 19th century, in the Louis XVI taste, richly dressed with multiple jewel-cut draped glass chains bearing inverted...
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Rare Set of Twenty Napoleon III BoisDure Portrait Medallions, third quarter 19th century, depicting French philosophers and scientists, presented in a pair of bird's-eye maple shadowboxes on pale salmon backplates,...
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A 17th Century hammered gold Ducat withfigures of saints to each side (undated - weight 3.4 grammes) an Italian 1882 gold Twenty Lire coin (weight 3.4 grammes) and a French Napoleon III 1860 gold Five Franc coin...
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French Cut Brass-Inlaid Burlwood Lift-FrontCave a Cigares, first quarter 20th century, in the Napoleon III taste, the interior fitted with five sliding trays to hold twenty cigars, the interior basal edge fitted with...
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Five French Twenty-Franc gold coinsComprising: 1 1810 Napoleon I; 1 1811 Napoleon I; 1 1813 Napoleon I; 1 1863 Napoleon III; 1 1897 angel 4 pcs...
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Rare Set of Twenty Napoleon III BoisDure Portrait Medallions, third quarter 19th century, depicting French philosophers and scientists, presented in a pair of bird's-eye maple shadowboxes on pale salmon backplates,...
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