REGINA DOUBLE COMB DISC MUSIC BOX, 33REGINA DISCS.Regina Disc Music Box with 33 Regina 15 1/2" discs. Fancy Mahogany case with original interior card, double comb(1 tooth missing and 1 bent as shown), crank and...
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REGINA MAHOGANY MUSIX BOX & 41 DISCSC. 1900 Regina Company (German 1892), mahogany cased music box, circa 1900, having serial number 55236, together with 41 discs, and manufacturer's plaque to the interior....
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REGINA DOUBLE-COMB 15-1/2 IN. MUSICBOX WITH (62) DISCS Circa 1900, the brass bedplate marked REGINA with serial number 53492, case of mahogany and mahogany veneers, on bun feet, the lid's underside a muse amid...
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REGINA 15 1/2-INCH REGINAPHONE MUSICBOX ON STAND AND (55) DISCS Circa 1905, labeled "Reginaphone" to interior lid and "Regina" stamped with serial number "70094" to brass bed plate, earlier Style 11 rectangular...
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REGINA MUSIC BOX WITH DISCS. 19th C.Regina music box, in a mahogany case, with 37 metal discs including Star Spangled Banner, Auld Lang Syne, The Blue Bells of Scotland, and more. Case 7.5”H x 20”L x 18”W....
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ANTIQUE REGINA DOUBLE COMB MUSIC BOX.Carved mahogany double comb Regina music box, serial # 22836, in good working condition, complete with crank and 29, 15.5” discs....
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A VICTORIAN REGINA MUSIC BOX A VictorianRegina music box, having a mahogany case with a casket form and having a hinged lid, opening to a comb player, and rising on a stand, accompanied by approximately 30 discs,...
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REGINA DOUBLE COMB MUSIC BOX MODEL #50.ReginaDouble Comb Music Box Model #50. In a serpentine mahogany case, includes a later custom made cabinet and 39 15-1/2" discs. 46-1/2"h. x 25"w. x 22-1/2"d. overall measurement...
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REGINA MUSIC BOX W/ 8" DISCSRegina singlecomb music box with molded lid and plain, mahogany case, lithographed picture of a cabin by the lake inside the lid. Last patent date 1897. Also included are three 8" discs....
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REGINA DISC MUSIC BOX IN MAHOGANY CASEDOUBLE COMB IN W...Regina Disc Music Box in Mahogany Case double comb in working condition on music stand, model 34488, along with 36 discs disc diameter 15 1/2 inches
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REGINA MUSIC BOX 11" DISC PLAYER, INMAHOGANY CASE HEIG...Regina Music Box 11" disc player, in mahogany case height 8 3/4 inches, width 14 inches, depth 12 3/4 inches
All lots are sold "AS IS" The...
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REGINA STYLE 35 AUTOMATIC TWELVE DISCMUSIC BOXAmerican Regina style 35 upright music box, Rahway, New Jersey, c.1900, automatic tune changing mechanism, twelve steel discs, housed in bowfront mahogany case with...
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REGINA SERPENTINE MUSIC BOX WITH 21DISCS Regina Company (American, founded 1892), late 19th century). Serpentine-form mahogany music box with seven 8" discs and fourteen 15.5" discs, including "The Star...
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REGINA MAHOGANY MUSIC BOX WITH 21 DISCSRegina Company (American, founded 1892), late 19th century). Mahogany music box (serial number 23833) with twenty-one 15.5" discs, including "Abide With Me" and "Rally...
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A Regina 35 Upright Disc Music Box
Late19th/Early 20th Century
featuring a mahogany case with removable shell and leaf-carved crown, curved glass door with gilt metal arched top, full barley-twist carved corners,...
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REGINA DISC MUSIC BOX EARLY 20TH CENTURYHEIGHT 10.5”. WIDTH 17”. DEPTH 14.5”.REGINA DISC MUSIC BOX, Early 20th Century, Mahogany box. Includes fifteen 11" discs. Dimensions: Height 10.5". Width 17". Depth...
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REGINA, INLAID MAHOGANY DISC MUSIC BOXLate 19th century, number 64879, retailed out of St. Louis, with original Regina Music Co. classical style printed panel, single comb with two 15-1/2 in. discs, crank, on...
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A REGINA "CORONA" SELF-CHANGING 27-INCHDISC MUSIC BOXA Regina "Corona" self-changing 27-inch disc music box, Late 19th/early 20th century; Rahway, NJ Marked to the interior: Copyright 1894 / Regina Music Box...
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Regina table top mahogany music box(S# 22494) together with 28 discs 15.5" dia
13"h x 21"w x 19.5"d
Condition: Case refinished, missing one foot, discs are in good condition, no key....
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REGINA MODEL 50 MAHOGANY 15-1/2-INCHDISC TABLE MODEL MUSIC BOX CIRCA 1903Regina Model 50 Mahogany 15-1/2-inch Disc Table Model Music Box, Circa 1903 With gilt cast metal bedplate with factory's logo REGINA...
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REGINA DISC MUSIC BOX ON TABLE, THEREGINA MUSIC BREGINA DISC MUSIC BOX ON TABLE, The Regina Music Box Co., Rahway, New Jersey, serial #39157, c. 1905, playing 15.5"D metal discs 6.5"L single comb, lift-top...
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REGINA MAHOGANY MUSIC BOX, 19TH C.Reginamahogany music box, 19th c., with double comb, together with six 15 1/2" discs, case - 11" h., 22 1/2" w.
A few teeth broken, missing a couple on each comb....
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A REGINA "CORONA" SELF-CHANGING 27-INCHDISC MUSIC BOXA Regina "Corona" self-changing 27-inch disc music box, Late 19th/early 20th century; Rahway, NJ Marked to the interior: Copyright 1894 / Regina Music Box...
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REGINA SINGLE COMB MUSIC BOX FOR 15-1/2IN. DISCS Serial number 48613 on bed plate, latest patent date is May 18, '97, single comb with 77 teeth; crank present, inlaid mahogany cabinet with bun feet; lithograph...
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REGINA DISC MUSIC BOX WITH DISCSREGINADISC MUSIC BOX WITH DISCS, The Regina Music Box co., Rahway, New Jersey, style 55, c. 1910, playing 15-1/2"D discs on single comb, no serial number, plain mahogany case with...
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The Olympia Self Playing Disc MusicBox, made by FG Otto and Sons, Olympia Music Box Co, Jersey City, NJ, c 1900, double comb, no damaged or missing teeth apparent, finely carved mahogany case, with a winter...
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REGINA TABLE TOP DOUBLE COMB MUSIC BOX,CA.1895 PLAYS 15.5 INCH DISCS. 12 1/4"H X 23"W X 20 1/2"DRegina table top double comb music box, ca.1895 plays 15.5 inch discs., Mahogany case. Serial number 22225. All teeth...
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MUSIC BOX ON CABINET Counter-Top ReginaDisc Music Box on string inlaid mahogany case embellished with column corners and domed top, ser. no. 55100, 1896 patent on litho card inside lid; PLUS Matching Cabinet with...
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Regina mahogany coin-operated disc musicbox circa 1895; serial number 28223, with 25 15 1/2 in. metal discs, 12 in. H., 22 in. W., 20 in. D....
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Regina mahogany disc music box circa1895, with 24 15 1/2 in. discs; serial number 13257, interior with allegory of music lithograph decoration, 12 in. H., 22 in. W., 20 in. D....
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REGINA DISC MUSIC BOX - Mahogany CasedRegina Disc Music Box with (31) Discs some in concealed drawer at bottom the restored works in fine bright operable condition the original figural litho card inside lid with...
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REGINA DISC MUSIC BOX - Mahogany CasedRegina Disc Music Box with (31) Discs some in concealed drawer at bottom the restored works in fine bright operable condition the original figural litho card inside lid with...
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Regina 15 1/2'' disc fancy mahoganycased music box circa 1900 mahogany case with style 11 musical mechanism; with celluloid plaquette inset lithograph depicting Olympia and serial #49278; together with 38 discs...
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AMERICAN VICTORIAN MAHOGANY-CASE FLOOR-MODELREGINA MUSIC BOX WITH 36 20 IN. DISCS ''Regina Sublima'' model circa 188o. Balustraded pediment over large round aperture revealing revolving disc above fall-front panel enclosing...
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Regina music box, mahogany case, serialnumber 62730, latest patent date 1897, base with original paper label dated 1896, "Style No. 29", with crank, case 11 x 17 x 15-1/4 in., with 20 original 12-1/4...
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Regina Table Top Upright Disc MusicBox Mahogany case original finish. Double comb. (61) 12'' discs. Condition: Playing order no broken teeth. Dimensions: Ht. 19'' W 19'' D 12''Provenance: Dr. Richard PopeE...
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