AND A Belgian Boxlock Percussion Cap Pistol Grouping. Including an Colt Brevete six shot percussion cap revolver circa 1813-1855 (based on proof marks). This revolver features...
OVERCOAT PISTO...Pair of cased Liege, Belgium Boxlock Percussion Overcoat Pistols, .49 caliber, serial number 12, bottom of breech. Bottom of breech stamped "12" with crown...
of Belgian boxlock percussion pistols , approximately .55 caliber, with engraved frames, folding triggers, fitted ebony and bone grips, 3" damascene decorated screw barrels.
[more like this] - SAVAGE FOX MODEL B SXS BOXLOCK .410
SHOTGUNSavage Arms Fox Model B .410 gauge double barrel shotgun. 14J date code (1958). Shotgun features color case finish, double triggers, plain rib, middle and front silver...
[more like this] - J. Stevens 12-gauge SxS shotgun and
Lefever12-gauge SxS shotgun circa 1990 Model 311H serial number D409425; hammerless top lever boxlock action double triggers marked ''STEVENS MODEL 311 SERIES H 12-GA 2 3/4...
[more like this] - A 40 BORE FLINTLOCK POCKET PISTOL
lock engraved with swags and signed Brasher London, with turn off barrel, folding trigger and sliding safety catch, walnut stock with silver escutcheon, 15cm l, view and proof...
[more like this] - Janssen Fils SxS boxlock .32/40 black
powder express double rifle circa 1896 SN 81345. Barrels with flat matte rib four-leaf express sight ''ELG'' and crown proof mark inscribed: ''MADE IN BELGIUM / CAL. 32/40'';...
[more like this] - Cased George Gibbs 6.5 mm caliber boxlock
SxS Bristol double rifle circa 1912 SN 20294; top lever screw grip third bite double triggers; full coverage engraving with animal scenes and surrounding scrollwork: a stag...
[more like this] - Rigby SxS boxlock .250 caliber double
rifle circa 1920 SN 17855. Top lever boxlock action automatic ejectors full coverage rose-and-scroll engraved receiver marked: ''JOHN RIGBY & CO.''; barrels with flat matte...
[more like this] - G.E. Lewis & Sons 12 bore boxlock SxS
sporting gun manufactured in 1940 SN 16322. Barrels marked: ''G.E. Lewis Birmingham'' with game rib; case-hardened action with 50-60% foliate scroll engraving; extractors;...
[more like this] - Army & Navy Stores Ltd SxS 12 bore boxlock
sporting gun circa 1940 SN 75836. Top lever non-ejector Webley action with ball fences and engraved with scrolls and ''ARMY & NAVY STORES LTD'' retaining slight traces of...
[more like this] - Wilkinson Pall Mall 12 bore boxlock
SXS sporting gun SN W1026. London proofed nitro shortened barrels; game rib with extension; case-hardened boxlock action fully engraved with foliate scroll; automatic safety;...
[more like this] - W. C. Scott & Sons 12 bore boxlock SxS
sporting gun circa 1895 SN 54809. Blued Damascus barrels flat matted rib with extension; case-hardened action 50-60% engraved with fine foliate scroll; extractor automatic...
[more like this] - Goeuby Nanly 12 bore SxS sporting gun
SN 64574. Barrels with narrow game rib; scalloped boxlock top lever action Greener crossbolt automatic ejectors; marked: ''GOUEBY NANLY'' on action floorplate; full coverage...
[more like this] - Parker Brothers 12 gauge GH Grade SxS
sporting gun SN 120844. Damascus barrels with concave matte rib; case-hardened top lever boxlock number 2 action engraved with foliate scroll and game scenes right side pheasants...
[more like this] - Remington 12 gauge Model 1894 SxS hammerless
sporting gun SN 102270. Top lever boxlock action double triggers extractor; Damascus barrels with wide matte rib marked: ''REMINGTON ARMS CO. ILION N.Y. U.S.A.''; semi-pistolgrip...
[more like this] - Ithaca 20 gauge ''Flues'' Model SxS
shotgun circa 1920 SN 293546. Automatic-ejector boxlock action double-set triggers; case-hardened engraved receiver with woodcock and quail marked: on left sideplate ''ITHACA...
[more like this] - Thomas Evans 12 bore boxlock SxS sporting
gun circa 1905 SN 7560. Matte flat rib marked: ''Thomas Evans 30 Whaman St. Birmingham''; case-hardened boxlock action fully engraved with foliate scroll-and-game scenes:...
[more like this] - Newton Fairclough & Co. Limited 12 bore
boxlock non-ejector SxS sporting gun SN 128828. Steel barrels game rib marked: '' NEWTON & FAIRCLOUGH LONDON'' top-lever Greener crossbolt border engraving straight grip stock...
[more like this] - Remington 12-gauge model 1894 BE grade
SxS shotgun SN 133936 Damascus barrels; Matte concave rib with locking extension. Case-hardened boxlock action border engraved with foliate scroll details and foliate scroll...
[more like this] - T. Beard 12 bore SxS boxlock non-ejector
sporting gun SN 6445. Top-lever action body and furniture engraved with foliate scrollwork; nitro proofed barrels with game rib marked: ''T. BEARD WOLVERHAMPTON''; semi-pistolgrip...
[more like this] - A. N. Ilsley 20-bore boxlock non-ejector
shotgun SN 3610 nitro barrels 2 1/2'' chambers bored approx. True Cylinder and 1/4 choke border and scroll engraved action. 14 1/4'' stock. Weight 5 lbs 8 oz. barrel: L26''...
[more like this] - G & S Holloway 12 bore SxS top-lever
non-ejector boxlock sporting gun SN 10041. Nitro proofed steel barrels game rib marked: ''G & S HOLLOWAY IMPERIAL WORKS BIRMINGHAM & LONDON''; engraved action with carved...
[more like this] - Webley & Scott 12 bore SxS boxlock ejector
sporting gun manufactured 1921 SN 95554. Barrels marked: ''WEBLEY & SCOTT LTD BIRMINGHAM'' / ''55 VICTORIA ST LONDON SW 1'' game rib marked: ''AGENT A. SANDERS 79 BANK STREET...
[more like this] - W.W. Greener 12-bore grade E17 boxlock
non-ejector sporting gun circa 1912-1913 SN 63649; treble grip action body plain finish manual side-safety stock with extension sleeved barrels with matte rib. barrel: L28''...
[more like this] - BSA Delux 12-bore boxlock ejector SxS
sporting gun circa 1920 SN 16787; ''BSA'' trade mark on bottom of barrels game rib case-hardened action engraved fine foliate scroll game scene with pair of setters and a...
[more like this] - W.W. Greener 12 bore boxlock ejector
SxS sporting gun made in 1883 SN 26415. Appears to be a F-35 or 40; sleeved barrels with game rib; case-hardened Facile Princeps boxlock action heavily engraved with fine...
[more like this] - Cogswell & Harrison 12-bore boxlock
ejector SxS sporting gun circa 1912 SN 45650; blacked action and furniture checkered 14 1/4'' straight-hand stock with checkered buttplate and matching snap-on splinter forend...
[more like this] - Hooton & Jones 12-bore boxlock non-ejector
sporting gun treble grip top lever action with scroll and border engraving. 30'' steel barrels with 70mm chambers recent London nitro proof and concave game rib. 14 3/4''...
[more like this] - F.J. Cole 12-bore boxlock SxS sporting
gun circa 1900 serial number 2267; sunken game rib marked ''F.J. COLE CIRENCESTER'' case-hardened boxlock action engraved with fine foliate scroll details blued floorplate....
[more like this] - E.M. Reilly 12-bore boxlock SxS sporting
gun circa 1912 serial number 32665; case-hardened action fully engraved with fine foliate scroll checkered straight stock of dark figured walnut with vacant silver oval and...
[more like this] - Drillien (Clermont) 16-bore boxlock
non-ejector hammerless SxS sporting gun circa 1930 serial number 19509; treble grip action body with some foliate-scroll engraving marked ''CHOKE PORTLE RECTIFIE GARANTIE...
[more like this] - Webley & Scott 12-bore boxlock SxS lightweight
sporting gun Manufactured in 1939 serial number 116006; polished action with makers name barrels marked ''WEBLEY AND SCOTT LTD. LONDON AND BIRMINGHAM'' game rib checkered...
[more like this] - Charles Lancaster 12-bore boxlock SxS
sporting gun circa 1890 serial number 08699; engraved rounded action with fine foliate arabesque patterns maker's name and patent on each side ''Patent Safety ''on floorplate...
[more like this] - German pre-war16x16x.410-bore sporting
gun converted from drilling circa 1910 serial number 23375; scalloped boxlock action partial floral engraving highly-figured Circassian walnut checkered pistolgrip stock with...
[more like this] - Charles Osborne & Co. 12-bore boxlock
SxS sporting gun circa 1910 serial number 5122; extractors automatic safety locking doll's head marked ''Chas Osborne London'' on game rib case-hardened action with 40-50%...
[more like this]