TWO DIMINUTIVE CHINESE VASES, DUCAI& BLUE & WHITE Two diminutive Chinese vases comprising, a Ducai bottle vase decorated with plantain and ruyi bands above a pastoral scene of bamboo, plantain, pomegranate,...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE ON BLUEVASE Diminutive Chinese Famille Rose on blue ground bottle vase, having a flared rim with a ruyi band, above a stick neck flanked by gilt accented bat handles, the neck...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE CUP& UNDERLINER Diminutive Chinese Famille Rose cup and underliner, the cup with a flared rim, having a red fruit to the interior, the exterior depicting a musician playing...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE BLUE & WHITE TEAPOTDiminutive Chinese blue and white teapot, having a button finial on the lid, surmounting a shouldered body decorated with floral scrollwork, apparently unmarked. Approximate...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE IMARI GARLIC HEADVASE, H. MOOG Diminutive Chinese Imari garlic head vase, decorated in panels with alternating beauties and auspicious flowers, any markings obscured by H. Moog label. Provenance:...
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(4) DIMINUTIVE CHINESE PORCELAIN TEAPOTGROUP(lot of 4) Diminutive Chinese porcelain teapots, varied sizes and designs, (2) showing figures riding qilin, (one) with possible restoration to spout, (2) in blue and...
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2) DIMINUTIVE CHINESE PORCELAIN COVEREDMELON JARS(pair) Diminutive Chinese blue and white porcelain melon jars, each with wood cover, over vessel showing symbols and flowers, approx 7.25"h, 7"w; 5.5lbs total...
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THREE DIMINUTIVE CHINESE STONE SNUFFBOTTLES Three diminutive Chinese carved stone snuff bottles comprising, a discoid agate bottle with a coral color stopper, a square section serpentine bottle with a coral...
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TWO DIMINUTIVE CHINESE CERAMIC PIECESTwo diminutive Chinese ceramic pieces comprising a Dehua or Blanc de Chine head of a goddess, mounted on a wooden stand, and a sancai figure of the star god Lu, neither having...
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19TH CENTURY DIMINUTIVE CHINESE LACQUERETAGERE19th Century Diminutive Chinese Lacquer Etagere 18 in. h. x 11.5 in. w. x 9 in. d....
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SET OF THREE DIMINUTIVE CHINESE GILTDECORATED STORAGE ...Set of Three Diminutive Chinese Gilt Decorated Storage Boxes , red painted wood with gilt floral decoration, brass lock plates and hinges
Smallest 4....
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23 GLASS PAPERWEIGHTS19th/20th century,comprising: Millville yellow rose; pink zinnia on multicolor ground; two cherries on blue ground, possibly Pantin; yellow lily on multicolored mottled ground; Chinese blue...
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TWO DIMINUTIVE CHINESE HARDSTONE HORSESON STANDS Chinese. Pair of diminutive or miniature jade-tone hardstone horses on wooden stands, one recumbent. Unmarked. Approx. of the tallest without stand, h. 2", w. 3",...
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(4) DIMINUTIVE CHINESE ENAMELED PORCELAINVASES(lot of 4) Diminutive Chinese porcelain vases, each with flared rim over tapered neck, comprising: (2) with dual applied handles, figural reserves, remnants of wax seal...
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FIVE DIMINUTIVE CHINESE CELADON PORCELAINPIECES Five Chinese diminutive celadon porcelain pieces, comprising a vase in the form of a monk's alms bowl, having a blue four character mark, h 3", w 4.25"; a miniature...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE ROSEWOOD DRAGON CABINETDiminutive Chinese rosewood dragon cabinet, of rectangular form, having two doors relief carved with writhing dragons and auspicious cloud forms, opening to interior shelves....
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE ZITAN ASYMMETRICALCURIO Diminutive double sided Chinese zitan asymmetrical curio, of rectangular form, having a carved peony crest above seven asymmetrical shelves, one drawer and two small...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE GE WARE HU VASE DiminutiveChinese Ge ware vase, of paneled Hu form, having square section handles at the neck, the whole rising on a recessed foot, having no apparent mark. Approx: h. 6"....
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE BRUSHPOT Diminutive Chinese Famille Rose brush pot, of cylinder form, having a ruyi band above a scene of the Emperor, Empress, and their two sons, being attended by courtiers...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE BLUE & WHITE DRAGONSTEM CUP Diminutive Chinese blue and white dragon stem cup, the interior centering a blue underglaze six character Xuande style mark within double rings, the exterior decorated...
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PAIR OF DIMINUTIVE CHINESE FAMILLE ROSEPORCELAIN VASES EARLY 20TH CENTURY HEIGHTS 5.5”. PORCELAIN VASES, Early 20th Century, Decoration of exotic birds in a peony and rockery landscape against a vibrant blue...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE DREAMSTONE TABLESCREEN 19TH CENTURY STONE PANEL 5.5” X 7.5”. TOTAL HEIGHT 9.5”. WIDTH 10”. SCREEN, 19th Century, Dreamstone panel marked with calligraphy upper right of one face....
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PAIR DIMINUTIVE CHINESE CARVED STONEFU LIONS Pair of diminutive Chinese carved stone Fu Lions, each seated and accented with vestiges of red pigment, resting on a rectangular bases, Approximate measurements:...
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PR DIMINUTIVE CHINESE CARVED STONE TABLESCREENS Pair of diminutive Chinese carved stone table screens on stands, the screens mounted with peonies and butterflies carved in semi-precious stones including lapis, carnelian,...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE FLAMBE GLAZE MEIPINGVASE Diminutive Chinese Flambe glaze Meiping vase, having a short neck above a tapering shouldered form, with variegated grey-blue and red glazes, having no apparent mark....
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5PC SAMSON EXPORT STYLE DIMINUTIVE GARNITURESET Five piece Edme Samson et Cie (French, 1845-1969), diminutive Chinese Export style Famille Rose floral decorated porcelain garniture set, marks used 1941-1957, comprising...
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PAIR DIMINUTIVE CHINESE FAMILLE ROSEJARDINIERES Pair of diminutive Chinese Famille Rose jardinieres, each of rectangular form, having flattened rims, above bodies decorated with cranes and auspicious flowers,...
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2) DIMINUTIVE CHINESE PORCELAIN COVEREDMELON JARS(pair) Diminutive Chinese blue and white porcelain melon jars, each with wood cover, over vessel showing symbols and flowers, approx 7.25"h, 7"w; 5.5lbs total...
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TWO DIMINUTIVE CHINESE TABORETS LATE19TH CENTURY HEIGHTS 12.5” AND 17.75”.TWO DIMINUTIVE CHINESE TABORETS, Late 19th Century, One in lobed form and the other hexagonal. Both with inset rouge marble tops....
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Diminutive Chinese chair and nightstand. Chinese, Early 20th Century. Finished chair with horseshoe splat and carved Chinese motif, cabinet with...
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PAIR DIMINUTIVE CHINESE REPUBLIC PERIODVASES Pair of diminutive Chinese Republic Period vases, having stylized garlic head rims with vestiges of gilt, above long necks and ovoid bodies, glazed in speckled tangerine,...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE CLOISONNE CAT TEAPOTDiminutive Chinese cloisonne teapot, unmarked. 5" H x 2.5" W x 3.5" D...
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CHINESE YIXING DIMINUTIVE TEAPOTS, 2Two diminutive Chinese yixing ceramic pottery tea pots, the smaller signed with an impressed six character mark to underside, the larger with a four character impressed mark....
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CHINESE PORCELAIN FLAMBE FANGHU VASEDiminutive Chinese fanghu vase, of rectangular form with rectangular handles, the whole rising on an inset base having red to purple flambe glaze, the underside with an impressed...
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TWO DIMINUTIVE CHINESE ENAMELED TEAPOTSTwo diminutive Chinese enameled teapots, both having lingzhi finials above globular bodies decorated with lotus scrollwork and Shou characters, one on a madder red body and...
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DIMINUTIVE CHINESE WHITE GLAZED SCHOLAR'SROCK Diminutive Chinese white glazed stoneware scholar's rock, having scattered grottos and large apertures, the vertical structure resting on an irregular base, having no...
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