MOORCROFT "MOONLIT BLUE" POTTERY GINGERJAR Moorcroft "Moonlit Blue" Pottery Ginger Jar, by William Moorcroft for Moorcroft, circa 1920, with a silver plate rim marked "English Made", the jar marked to base "Moorcroft,...
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MOORCROFT "MOONLIT BLUE" VASES, JAR,CENDRIER, 4 Moorcroft "Moonlit Blue" Two Pottery Vases, a Jar and Cendrier, by William Moorcroft for Moorcroft, circa 1920, each signed "Moorcroft" and stamped "Made in England"....
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MOORCROFT "POPPY" AND "EVENTIDE" POTTERYVASES, 3 Moorcroft "Poppy" Vase and Two "Eventide" Pottery Vases, by William Moorcroft for Moorcroft, circa 1920, each marked to base "Moorcroft, Made in England", pear shaped...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY VASE, FREESIASphericalshaped superb vessel featuring a lively arrangement of orange and yellow freesia flowers around the body on an elegant green and blue ground.
Moorcroft Made in England and...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY VASE, POMEGRANATEBeautifullyshaped art deco vessel decorated externally with pomegranate and foliage amongst berries on a mottled blue and green ground.
Moorcroft Made in England impressed to underside....
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MOORCROFT POTTERY VASE, POMEGRANATEBeautifulvessel with hand painted designs of various colored fruits and finches surrounding the body.
Moorcroft made in England impressed to bottom. Artist signature on base.
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MOORCROFT POTTERY VASE, REVIVED CORNFLOWERTallart deco vessel, elegantly shaped decorated with detailed bloom cornflowers and foliage in bold colors. This pattern is also known as Brown Chrysanthemum.
Moorcroft Burslem...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY SMALL VASE, POMEGRANATEDoublehandled vessel in pomegranate pattern which features encircling pomegranates amidst green foliage and berries on green ground.
Signed W Moorcroft and dated 1914 to underside.
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MOORCROFT POTTERY VASE, PANSYBulbousshaped vessel decorated with hand tube lined pansy flowers in bold gorgeous colors on blue and green ground.
Moorcroft Burslem England impressed to base. Artist signed to...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY SQUAT VASE, ANEMONEStunningglobular shaped vessel decorated with tube line flowers in bold beautiful colors on a green and blue ground.
W. Moorcroft signed and impressed to bottom. Potter to the H.M...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY BUD VASE, MOONLITBLUESmall vessel perfectly decorated with 3 large trees and 3 small trees in the distance in a rolling landscape on a cobalt blue ground.
Moorcroft Made in England impressed...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY SMALL VASE, MOONLITBLUEBeautiful art deco vessel decorated with perfectly tube lined tress against a dark cobalt blue ground.
Moorcroft Made in England impressed to underside. Artist signed...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY VASE MADE FOR LIBERTYAND CO, POMEGRA...Beautifully shaped vessel decorated with fruits against a mottled ochre in green background. Made for Liberty & Co.
W Moorcroft signed to bottom.
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RARE MOORCROFT POTTERY TALL VASE, FISHExquisitelyrare ceramic vessel embellished with a tube lined fish and algae plants on a soft blue and grey ground with narrow ridged neck.
Made in England, Potter to H. M. The Queen...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY PALATIAL VASE, HERONAnexquisite, contemporary vessel of baluster form with flared rim, tubeline decorated with heron before a sunset landscape, reserved against a dark cobalt blue ground. Artist...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY VASE MADE FOR LIBERTYAND CO, SPANISH...Superb large vessel in the "Spanish" pattern. Perfectly fired pale colors with iris and cornflowers reserved against a variegated blue and green ground.
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MOORCROFT POTTERY PHILIPPINES VASELimitededition tall slender vessel tubeline decorated with sail boats, andonidia merrillii's, and beautiful lotuses in fascinating colors.
Moorcroft Made in Stroke on Trent England...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY VASE, BANKSIACaptivatingbaluster shaped vessel with embellished tress and holly motifs. This pattern was primarily made exclusively for the Australian marketplace.
Moorcroft Made in England impressed...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY VASE, HAZELDENETallstunning vessel painted with tall branching tress in a rolling landscape in mottle greens and blue of undulation and wavering form.
Signed W Moorcroft to base.
Artist: William...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY TRIAL VASEA one ofa kind vessel hand painted in blue and green coloration. Signed Trial and dated to underside. Moorcroft backstamp.
Issued: 1996
Dimensions: 6"W x 14.5"H
Manufacturer: Moorcroft
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MOORCROFT POTTERY SNOWDROP VASEA small,hand painted vessel decorated with snowdrops on a blue ground; silver-tone rim. Artist marks stamped to underside. Moorcroft England backstamp.
Artist: Rachel Bishop
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MOORCROFT POTTERY GOLDEN JUBILEE VASEBalusterform vessel featuring tube-line decorations of stylized flowers in shades of yellow, orange, green and pink on a dark blue ground. WM signed and dated to base, Golden Jubilee...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY ANEMONE VASEA smallbulbous vessel with slightly flared neck, decorated with tube-line anemone flowers on a brown glaze ground. Moorcroft Potter To The Late Queen Mary factory label.
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MOORCROFT POTTERY ANEMONE VASEEnchantingvessel of baluster form with tube-line decorations of stylized flowers on cobalt blue ground. Moorcroft Made In England backstamp.
Dimensions: 3.75"W x 5"H
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MOORCROFT POTTERY LILY CABINET VASEAsmall vessel decorated with tube line lily and freesia flowers on a blue ground. Moorcroft backstamp.
Dimensions: 2"W x 3.25"H
Manufacturer: Moorcroft
Country of Origin:...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY TULIPS VASELimitededition, hand painted small size vessel decorated with colorful tulips on a black ground; gold-tone rim. Moorcroft England backstamp.
Issued: 2005
Dimensions: 2"W x 3.25"H
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MOORCROFT POTTERY HIBISCUS VASEA smallvessel decorated with tube line blue hibiscus flowers and its green foliage on a cobalt blue ground; glaze interior. Moorcroft Made In England backstamp.
Issued: c. 1953
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MOORCROFT POTTERY SPANISH VASESmallvessel, Collectors Club exclusive; tube-line decorated with perfect colored stylized flowers of ovoid form. Artists marks on underside. Moorcroft England impressed backstamp.
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MOORCROFT POTTERY JACOBS LADDER VASEAsmall ovoid shaped vessel featuring stylized tube-line flowers in blue and red colors, set against a cream ground. Artists marking and dated t underside. Moorcroft backstamp.
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MOORCROFT POTTERY VASEA Moorcroft CollectorsClub vessel decorated with tube-line flowers on a cobalt blue ground. M. C. C. signed and dated on bottom Moorcroft backstamp.
Issued: 1997
Dimensions: 5"W x 6.25"H
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MOORCROFT POTTERY RED TULIP VASEBeautifullypatterned vessel of baluster form, decorated with tube-line details. Features stylized tulips on a maroon field. WM signed to underside. Moorcroft Made In England impressed...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY RENNIE ROSE BUD VASEAperfectly tube-line decorated vessel featuring romantic blue roses set against a blue ground. Moorcroft Made In England backstamp.
Artist: Rachel Bishop
Dimensions: 3.5"W...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY CLEOPATRA VASEA trumpetshaped vessel decorated with tube-line decorations of colorful flowers on interior and exterior on a blue glazed ground. Artist stamped and dated to underside. Moorcroft Made...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY COPSE AT EVENTIDEVASEExquisite vessel featuring tube-line decorations of the perfect sunset amidst the serene forest. Artist markings and dated on underside. Moorcroft backstamp.
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MOORCROFT POTTERY ANEMONE VASEAn ovoidform vessel, featuring tube-line decorations of anemone flowers in pinks and purples with green leaves on a deep blue ground. Artist signed and dated to underside. Moorcroft...
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MOORCROFT POTTERY MILLSIDE VASEDelightfulvessel featuring tube-line decorated stylized flowers and lattice work, sett against a cream colored ground. Artist signature on underside. Moorcroft Made in England impressed...
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