(31) ENGLISH BONE CHINA TEA SERVICEWITH BASKET(lot of 31) English bone china tea and dessert services (varied patterns) presented in an unassociated wicker and leather picnic basket: (set) Shelley "Crochet"...
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(21) Pcs Shelley porcelain dessert set,Queen Anne shape, Garland of Fruit pattern, #11501, c/o (2) 9-3/8" x 8" cake plates, (5) 6-1/4" sq dessert plates, (5) teacups, (6) saucers, 4-3/4" sq x 2-1/2" h bowl, creamer,...
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(17) Pcs Shelley porcelain dessert set,Dainty shape, Rosebud pattern, #13426, c/o (4) 7-1/8" dessert plates, (3) 6" B&B plates, (4) demitasse cups, (4) demitasse saucers, sugar bowl, creamer...
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A Shelley Porcelain Dessert Service
Early20th Century
pattern G11678, comprising:
1 teapot
1 creamer
1 waste bowl
5 teacups
6 dessert plates
1 serving platter;
15 items total.
Diameter of plate 10 1/2 inches....
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SHELLEY BONE CHINA DAINTY SUGAR BOWL& MILK JUG CREAMER...A glazed Art Deco English breakfast chintz bowl and pitcher in the Primrose pattern.
A group of Shelley glazed china, Dainty style in the Primrose pattern....
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SHELLEY BONE CHINA SUGAR BOWL AND CREAMER,WINE GRAPEAn exemplary breakfast set, with encircling grapes and flora, gilt trim.
SHELLEY FINE BONE CHINA ENGLAND and WINE GRAPE backstamp. #ShelleyBoneChina #BritishCeramics...
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SHELLEY BONE CHINA VINTAGE TEA TRIOHULMES ROSE PATTERN...A delicate bone china creamer, sugar bowl, and butter dish trio, with pink roses, blue, green, yellow flora.
Glazed cream and green trim, SHELLEY FINE...
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SHELLEY BONE CHINA CREAMER & SUGAR BOWLROSEBUD PATTERN...A delicate bone china creamer and plate trio, with pink and green floral roses, glazed cream and green trim.
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SHELLEY BONE CHINA HOT WATER JUG TEAPOTROSEBUD PATTERN...A Dainty shaped bone china hot water jug pitcher and lid, with pink and green floral roses.
Glazed cream and green trim, SHELLEY FINE BONE CHINA ENGLAND...
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SHELLEY FINE BONE CHINA SUGAR BOWL ANDCREAMER, BEGONIA...Begonia pattern; no. 13427. Dainty shape. Floral pattern; blue trim. Shelley backstamp.
Issued: 20th c.
Dimensions: 2.5"H
Manufacturer: Shelley
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SHELLEY FINE BONE CHINA SUGAR BOWL ANDCREAMER, ROSEBUD...Rosebud pattern. Glazed bone china with pink and blue flora; green trim.
Shelley backstamp.
Issued: 20th c.
Dimensions: 2.75"H
Manufacturer: Shelley China
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SHELLEY FINE BONE CHINA CREAMER, PINKFLORAL 42734Gold rim and handle; White and pink florals.
Shelley backstamp.
Issued: 20th c.
Dimensions: 4.75"W x 3"H
Manufacturer: Shelley
Country of Origin: England...
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SHELLEY PORCELAIN CUP AND CREAMER MEISSENETTE14260Glossy porcelain with monotone blue coloring. Decorative French floral motif.
Shelley backstamp.
Issued: 20th c.
Manufacturer: Shelley
Country of Origin: England
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18PC SHELLEY CHINA DAINTY TEA SET WHITEAND GOLD TRIMA dainty white design, fine bone china tea set with 8 tea cups and saucers. Gold trim lines the rims and bamboo form handles. Includes two tea pots.
Missing creamer...
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SHELLEY ENGLAND GRAVY PITCHER AND SAUCER,SPRING BOUQUE...Vibrant colorful flowers of the Spring Bouquet pattern are seen on the sauce pitcher and saucer.
Gilt rim and Fine Bone China Shelley England backstamp on...
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3PC SHELLEY ENGLAND TRIO, CREAMER/BOWL/SMALLPLATE, HED...Colorful floral motif with pistachio green rim. New Cambridge shape.
Fine Bone China Shelley England backstamp. Creamer 3.75"H x 6"L x 3.25"W. Bowl 2.75"H x 4.5"W....
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3PC SHELLEY ENGLAND ASSORTED BONE CHINA,BEGONIADainty shape; Yellow and pink begonia flower pattern with light blue rim.
Shelley England backstamp. 13427 stamped on base. This listing includes following items; Large...
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SHELLEY ENGLAND CREAMER AND SUGAR BOWLVintagebone china tea covered sugar bowl and open creamer in a colorful flower design with pink rim.
Shelley England backstamp. Creamer - 3.5"H x 4.75"L x 3.5" W. Sugar bowl - 5"H...
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SHELLEY ENGLAND OPEN CREAMER, 11683Vintagebone china small creamer with colorful garden scene of fountain and flowers, 2.5"H x 2.25" diameter.
Shelley England backstamp.
Issued: 20th c.
Manufacturer: Shelley
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(2 PC) SHELLEY BONE CHINA TEACUPSDESCRIPTION:A 2-piece Shelley bone china tea cup and creamer, in the "Summer Glory" pattern, with floral motifs on a pink ground. Marked and numbered on the underside. CIRCA: 20th Century...
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SHELLEY BONE CHINA CREAMERDESCRIPTION:A Shelley bone china creamer, in white porcelain with gilded handle and trim. Marked and numbered on the underside. CIRCA: 20th Century ORIGIN: England DIMENSIONS: H. 2 7/8"...
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(8PC) PORCELAIN GROUPINGDESCRIPTION:(8Pc) A collection of porcelain tableware. Includes: (2) Shelley England "Rosebud" sugar & creamer (H: 2.75" x D: 4") & (H: 2" x D: 3.25") (2) Royal Stafford "June Roses"...
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6PC SHELLEY BONE CHINA TEA WARE FLORALSETArt Deco style with yellow and green trims, adorned in a yellow gladiolus pattern. Includes a set of 2 tea cups and saucers, creamer, and sugar bowl. Shelley backstamps....
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6PC SHELLEY BONE CHINA FLORAL TEA WAREWhitetea ware set in a white Japanese blossom pattern and green trims. Includes 2 cups with 2 saucers, 1 sugar bowl, and 1 creamer. Shelley backstamps. Cup: 3.75"L x 3"W x 2.5"H....
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2PC SHELLEY BONE CHINA SUGAR BOWL ANDCREAMER, HAREBELL...A set of white creamer and sugar bowl adorned with blue flower pattern and light blue trims. Shelley backstamps. Creamer: 4"L x 3"W x 2.75"H. Sugar bowl:...
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6PC SHELLEY TABLEWARE SET, ROSIE SPRAYWhitein a wildflower pattern. 3 piece porcelain tableware with green trims (12576), includes a gravy pitcher with tray, and a oval serving platter. 3 piece bone china set with...
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SHELLEY ENGLAND PORCELAIN PITCHERVintagehand painted Bone China Chinoiserie pitcher. Yellow with green interior. Shelly England backstamp.
Dimensions: 3"L x 2.5"W x 4"H
Manufacturer: Shelley
Country of Origin:...
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2PC SHELLEY ENGLAND CREAMER AND SUGARBOWL, ROSEBUDWhite bone china with pink rose motif, light turquoise rim. Creamer pitcher 4.25"L x 3.25"W x 2.75"H. Sugar bowl 2"H x 3.5"dia. Shelley England backstamp.
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3PC SHELLEY BONE CHINA TEA SET, ROCKGARDENA cafe set includes covered teapot, creamer, and covered sugar bowl. Decorated in a floral garden with rocks and gilded trims. Shelley backstamps. Teapot: 8.5"L x 5.25"W...
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38 PIECE SHELLEY "CRABTREE" PORCELAINBREAKFAST SET, TO...38 Piece Shelley "Crabtree" Porcelain Breakfast Set, to include 11 teacups, 12 saucers, 12 luncheon plates, 1 creamer, 2 service plates.
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GROUPING OF CUPS, SAUCERS, SUGAR & CREAMER2Hutschenreuther porcelain silver overlay cups, 4 1/4" diameter, saucers, 6 1/4" diameter and small plates, 7 1/2" diameter, in blue and red; Franz William Ho strawberry motif...
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SIXTEEN SHELLEY PORCELAIN TEA CUPS,EIGHT SNACK PLATES, FIVE SAUCERS, SUGAR AND CREAMERSixteen Shelley Porcelain Tea Cups, Eight Snack Plates, Five Saucers, Sugar and Creamer...
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SHELLEY ENGLAND FINE BONE CHINA REGENCYPATTERNShelley England fine bone china in the Regency pattern with with gold trim comprising 9 snack plate and cup sets with two additional plates; tray with creamer and sugar;...
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MABEL ATTWELL SHELLEY BOO BOO PORCELAINTEA SET3 piece Shelley porcelain tea set, based on The Boo-Boos by Mabel Lucie Attwell. Mushroom house lidded teapot, figural Boo Boo creamer and mushroom open sugar bowl....
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29PC SHELLEY FLORAL CREAMER SUGAR BOWLGROUP England,20th CenturyIncludes twenty-one porcelain creamers and eight sugar bowls with floral decoration....
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SHELLEY FINE BONE CHINA BREAKFAST SET:Luncheon or dessert. Set includes the coffee pot open sugar cream pitcher serving plate 8 plates (8'') 8 plates (6'') 4 cups and 5 saucers....
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