ASSORTMENT OF AMERICAN COIN SILVER SPOONSFirst, a pair of serving spoons with mark of Timothy Gerrish (Portsmouth, NH. b. 1753 - d. 1813) bright-cut engraved handles with monograms; a Fiddle & Thread serving spoon...
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STEUBEN CRYSTAL PHEASANTDESCRIPTION:Steuben crystal pheasant sculpture.
Pressed and cut Lead Glass
Cast as a solid block in the shape of a sitting pheasant with a flat base and no visible feet. Head, breast,...
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RARE STEUBEN PALE AMETHYST ENGRAVEDCOVERED VASEDESCRIPTION: A Steuben pale amethyst engraved covered vase. Shape #6847. Cutting / Engraving Pattern #Marina. CIRCA: Early 1900s. ORIGIN: USA. DIMENSIONS: H: 18"....
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STEUBEN CRYSTAL PHEASANTDESCRIPTION:Steuben crystal pheasant sculpture. Pressed and cut Lead Glass Cast as a solid block in the shape of a sitting pheasant with a flat base and no visible feet. Head, breast,...
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8 FRAMED VIEWS OF NASHVILLE1st item:"President McKinley's Visit to the Tennessee Centennial and International Exposition", drawn by William A. Rogers, published 1897. From "Harper's Weekly", page 604. Wood cut...
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GROUP 19TH C. NASHVILLE RELATED ILLUSTRATIONSAssorted19th century Illustrated Newsprint pages including Harper's Weekly, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, and others, 28 items total. 1st-15th items: Fifteen newsprint pages...
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A. MASSON "CADET à LA PERLE" 1ST PRINTING,1667Antoine Masson (France, 1636-1700) sumptously detailed 1667 copper cut engraving of Nicholas Mignard's portrait of Henri de Lorraine, Comte (Count) d'Harcourt and Armagnac,...
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THREE COIN SILVER TONGSAmerican, earlyto late 19th century, includingÿone with bright cut engraved, acorn terminals, William Garret Forbes (New York, NY working 1773-1809); cartouche handles, marks forÿBall,...
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J. HAYDEN COIN SILVER SERVERS AND BOXGeorgia,mid 19th century, including cased fish server, engraved decoration, inscription verso, 8-3/4 in.; rectangular box with engraved decoration, monogram "J. E. Noble", 2-3/4 in.;...
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LARGE DIAMOND POINT CUT GLASS VASE Americanor Continental, late 20th century. Large cut glass ovoid shaped vase, all over diamond point cutting with ground and polished rim and base with star cutting. Engraved monogram...
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SIX ANTIQUE ENGLISH SILVER ITEMS Includinga George III silver cream jug, London (1787), helmet form with attractive faint hammer markings and punches to rim, no monogram (6 7/8 in.) (dent to body); a George III pap...
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TWO AMERICAN COIN SILVER MEDALLION CUPSThe first marked "Coin" and number 25, cylindrical form with elegant taper, applied hollow handle, featuring two differing portrait medallions with bright cut engraving, no...
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FOUR ANTIQUE AMERICAN STERLING SILVER& COIN SILVER SERVERS Third quarter of the 19th century; the first a serving spoon marked "Sterling" and retailed by W. J. Behan, the handle surmounted by a bold suppressed...
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THREE 19TH CENTURY AMERICAN COIN SILVERAND STERLING SILVER SERVERS WITH EGYPTIAN AND GRECIAN MOTIFS Three pieces including: Gorham Isis sterling silver large berry / casserole spoon, retailed by Starr & Marcus...
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FOUR AMERICAN COIN SILVER SERVERS Thefirst a large pair of ice tongs with retailer's mark of Joseph Brunner (New York, active circa 1839-1880), gilding to finely detailed claw form tines and oval bowl, partial...
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THREE ANTIQUE STERLING SILVER SERVERSThe first a Wood & Hughes Celestial pastry server with bright cut engraving to blade, period script monogram to recto "DB" (9 in.); the second a server by an unknown manufacturer,...
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COLLECTION OF GEORGE III SILVER FLATWARE,MARK OF HESTER BATEMAN (10) pieces including: a set of (6) spoons, London (1786), no monogram or engraving (7 in.); a pair of spoons, London (1782 and 1783), with period bull's...
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A COLLECTION OF EIGHT GEORGIAN SILVERSPOONS, INCLUDING PAUL STORR Including a pair of shell back spoons with mark of Ebenezer Coker, London (1748), period monograms (8 in.); a pair with bright cut engraving,...
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FIVE ANTIQUE ENGLISH SILVER SERVERSIncluding a pair of George III silver tablespoons with mark of Richard Jenkins, Exeter (1796), bright cut engraving and period monograms to handles (8 1/2 in.); a pair of...
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AMERICAN SILVER SERVING UTENSILS (16)Assorted 19th c. Sterling & Coin Silver Serving Pieces, incl: Sterling meat fork by Crosby, Morse & Foss (Boston, 1868-1875), with bright cut engraved tines, AW monogram,...
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SMALL SILVER BOX COLLECTION (9) MiniatureBoxes, incl: Late 18th c. French silver engraved book form locket, with latches and hinges on both sides, eight interior compartments (possibly for patches or seeds), interior...
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BOHEMIAN CUT & ENGRAVED RUBY STAINEDGOBLETAttributed to Moser, Bohemian colorless, faceted cut body, with ruby stained and engraved oval reserves gilt enamel rim and cut eight-panel stem and foot. Approx. height...
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14K GOLD DIAMOND-CUT ENGRAVED BANGLEBRACELET 14K yellow gold diamond-cut style engraved dragon and phoenix motif hinged bangle bracelet with safety clasp, stamped: "585", trademark illegible. Measures:0.25"W...
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GEORGE III STYLE POLISHED STEEL FIREPLACEINSERT George III Neoclassical style bright-cut, engraved and polished steel fireplace insert log holder with serpentine front decorated with bright cut faceted lozenges set...
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A GEORGE III TEAPOT AND MATCHED TEAPOTSTAND Benjamin Mountigue, London 1784, of oval shape with beaded borders, engraved initials to body, the hinged lid with a ball finial with beaded border; the stand, W.S,...
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AN IRISH GEORGE III TEAPOT Dublin 1792,of shaped oval outline, bright-cut engraved decoration throughout, engraved oval cartouches in swag borders to both sides with engraved crest to centre, C-scroll handle and...
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A MATCHED GROUP OF GEORGE III BRIGHT-CUTFLATWARE six dessert spoons, Richard Crossley, London 1786 and five for William Eley & William Fearn, London 1801 and one unascribed, all of Old English pattern with, engraved...
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Three English silver caddy spoons, allBirmingham: bright-cut engraved rectangular bowl, marks for George Unite, 1837, 3-1/8 in.; shell tip handle, marks for Francis Clark, 1835, 3-1/8 in., polishing abrasion ;...
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S. Kirk & Son Sterling Pitcher & CenterBowlboth monogrammed with bright-cut engraved ''R '' the underside of the pitcher engraved ''A.K.R. from F.G.R. Christmas 1933 '' pattern number 215 (9.5 in.); the bowl engraved...
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Four English silver caddy spoons: onewith oval bright-cut engraved handle, monogram, probably London (lacking city mark), 1794, partial maker's mark, 2-5/8 in., dent in bowl; one with rectangular bowl, marks...
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Bateman silver flatware, tongs, allwith marks for Peter and Ann Bateman, London: two dessert spoons, bright-cut engraving, 1792, 8-1/2 in.; two pairs tongs, one with bright-cut engraving, 1792 and 1798, 5-1/2...
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Fine Pair of Cut & Engraved Decanters641. Bronze eagle heads & mounts. Jeweled eyes. Etched glass w/crown coat of arms. Wadsworth Family Geneseo NY.Ht. 17 1/2'' E...
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SIX PIECES OF CUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS.American and European mid 19th century. Cut decanter with stopper two water goblets and two Huber tumblers all with vintage engraving Together with a Bohemian goblet with...
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Group of (7) English Sterling MatchSafesthe first with bright-cut engraving and gadrooned border (Birmingham 1889) with maker's mark of H. Brothers (3rd q. 19th century); the second with bright-cut foliate...
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A Large Taylor & Lawrie Coin SilverServing Fork Philadelphia active 1837-1852 retailed by Bailey & Co. active 1848-1865 bright-cut engraved Old English pattern with script monogram "JMR" with shield on upper...
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