ROYAL DOULTON TOBY JUG GROUPING (5).RoyalDoulton Toby Jug Grouping (5). The Sleuth (D6631) Hand signed by Michael Doulton and dated 1983, Romeo (D6670), George Washington (D6669), The Lawyer (D6498). Tallest 7 1/2"....
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3 SHERLOCK HOLMES COLLECTABLE MEMORABILIAPIECESTeapot hand decorated with gilt rim, miniature character jug.
James Sadler Teapot, Royal Doulton Sleuth D6639, Sleuth bottle toper marked on back.
Issued: 20th c.
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3 ROYAL DOULTON CHARACTER JUGS AND TOBYJUG THE SLEUTHThe Sleuth D6773, The Sleuth D6639, Sherlock Holmes D6661.
Doulton backstamp.
Issued: 20th c.
Dimensions: 8.5"H
Manufacturer: Royal Doulton
Country of Origin:...
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6 MINIATURE ROYAL DOULTON CHARACTERJUGSGolfer, Washington, Vet. Motorist, Sleuth, Granny, Fort Teller.
Artist: Garry Sharpe, Max Henk, David Biggs, Stanley Taylor
Issued: 20th c.
Dimensions: 2.5"H, tallest
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SLEUTH D6631 - LARGE - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGRoyal Doulton Character Jug, Sleuth D6631 (dark green deerstalker hat, brown cloak). Designed by Alan Moore, issued 1973 - 1996. Size: 7"H (Large)Arthur Conan...
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Artist: Alan Moore
Issued: 1973 - 1996
Dimensions: 7"H
Manufacturer: Royal Doulton
Country of Origin: England...
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SLEUTH COLORWAY BLUE CLOAK - SMALL -ROYAL DOULTON CHAR...Brown deerstalker hat and cloak in a blue colorway.
Manufacturer: Royal Doulton
Country of Origin: England...
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SLEUTH D6631 - LARGE - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One. Dark green deerstalker hat, brown cloak.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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SLEUTH D6635 COLORWAY - SMALL - ROYALDOULTON CHARACTER...Literary Character series. He is wearing a black coat and a brown hat.
Royal Doulton backstamp.
Artist: Alan Moore
Issued: 1973-1996
Dimensions: 4" H
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SLEUTH D6639 - MINI - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One, dark green deerstalker hat; brown cloak.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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SLEUTH D6635 - SMALL - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One. Dark green deerstalker hat; brown cloak.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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SLEUTH D6639 - MINI - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One, dark green deerstalker hat; brown cloak.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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SLEUTH D6631 - LARGE - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One. Dark green deerstalker hat, brown cloak.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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SLEUTH D6639 - MINI - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One, dark green deerstalker hat; brown cloak.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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SLEUTH D6635 - SMALL - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One. Dark green deerstalker hat; brown cloak.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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SLEUTH D6639 - MINI - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One, dark green deerstalker hat; brown cloak.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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SLEUTH D6635 - SMALL - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One. Dark green deerstalker hat; brown cloak.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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SLEUTH D6631 - LARGE - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One. Dark green deerstalker hat, brown cloak. Royal Doulton backstamp.
Artist: Alan Moore
Issued: 1973 - 1996
Dimensions: 7"H
Manufacturer: Royal Doulton
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SLEUTH D6631 - LARGE - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation One. Dark green deerstalker hat, brown cloak. Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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SLEUTH D6773 - SMALL - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUGVariation Two. Brown deerstalker hat; red cloak.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), an unsuccessful doctor, published the first of his widely popular detective...
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(3 PC) ROYAL DOULTON PORCELAIN TOBYJUGSDESCRIPTION: A group of three Royal Doulton Toby Jugs feature the following: (1) Sleuth character (1) Romeo from shakespeare (1) Shakespeare figure CIRCA: Early 20th Cent....
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Royal Doulton Small Character Jugs TheSleuth D6635 Tam O'Shanter D6636 Porthos D6453 and Sancho Panca D6461 (4)...
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Royal Doulton Miniatures Character JugsVeteran Motorist D6641 Walrus and Carpenter D6528 Bacchus D6521 Sleuth D6639 Sam Weller D6140 and Gaolen D65874 (6)...
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Royal Doulton Miniature Character JugsPaddy D6042 Sleuth D6039 Cardinal Falstaff D6619 Long John Silver D6512 Capt Ahab D6522 Dick Turpin D6412 (8)...
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Royal Doulton Small Character Jugs comprisingBeefeater D6233 Leprechaun D6899 Viking D6507 Robin Hood D6534 and The Sleuth D6635 (5)...
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Royal Doulton Small Character Jugs LobsterMan D6620 The Sleuth D6773 Bootmaker D6579 The Jug Collector D7147 (4)...
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Royal Doulton Miniatures Elf D6942 TheSleuth D6639 The Lawyer D6524 and Tam O'Shanter D6640 (4)...
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Royal Doulton Small Character Jugs ChristopherColumbus D6911 and The Sleuth D6773 both Limited Edition with Certificates (2)...
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Royal Doulton Small Character Jugs PearlyKing D6844 The Sleuth D6635 Long John Silver D6386 Old Salt D6544 and Mad Hatter D6422 (seconds) (5)...
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Royal Doulton Miniature Character JugsRobinson Crusoe D6546 Robin Hood D6541 Old Charley D6046 Falconer D6547 Neptune D6555 Lawyer D6524 Dick Turpin D6542 Porthos D6516 and Captain Henry Morgan D6510 and Sleuth...
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Group of five Royal Doulton toby jugsincluding Captain Ahab D6505 Falstaff D6385 Gaoler D6577 Robinson Crusoe D6539 and The Sleuth D6635...
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Royal Doulton Treasure Chest Long JohnSilver signed M Doulton D7138 and The Sleuth D6773 (both special colourways)...
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Royal Doulton Miniature Character JugsVeteran Motorist D6641 The Angel D7051 Pied Piper D6514 Sleuth D6639 Sairey Gamp D6045 and Paddy D6042 (6)...
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Royal Doulton Small Character Jugs Simonthe Cellerar D5616 Beefeater D6233 John Doulton D6656 The Collector Capn Cuttle D5842 and The Sleuth D6635 (5)...
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Royal Doulton Small Character Jug TheSleuth in Scarlett Colourway D6733...
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Royal Doulton Large Character Jug TheSleuth D6631 and Town Crier D6530 (2)...
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