PERSIAN PAINTED HANGING WALL MIRRORPersian Painted Wall Mirror, painted in the style of Persian miniatures with two doors opening to reveal a mirror within an ogee. 19" H x 8" W. Keywords: Iran, Iranian, Decor,...
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PENNSYLVANIA PAINTED HANGING WALL BOX,19TH C.Pennsylvania painted hanging wall box, 19th c. , with nailed construction and geometric scribe lines on an old red washed surface, 15 1/4" h.
Competitive in-house...
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PAINTED HANGING WALL BOX, LATE 19THC.Painted hanging wall box, late 19th c., 11 1/4" h., 9" w.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Good condition. No apparent damages or...
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GROUPING OF CARVED ASIAN WALL HANGINGS.Includes (2) openwork carved wall hangings of birds and flowers with scalloped edge; (2) gilt decorated carved wall hangings; and (1) large carved and painting decorated wall...
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Pierced iron painted hanging wall plaque,urn with fruit flanked by birds, 10"h x 24-1/2"w...
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Ursula Hobson gilt and painted hangingwall mirror, dental work form composition frame, gilt, red, and brown painted, 58" x 33-1/2"...
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20TH C. HANGING WALL BOX IN RED PAINT.Hanging wall box in red paint, with a single drawer. 21”H x 6”W....
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SMALL 19TH C. PAINTED HANGING WALL CUPBOARD.Small single door wall cupboard with painted decoration, including a nautical star the on front, and white tulips, with red ground. The interior with mustard paint and shelves....
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GREEN PAINTED HANGING WALL CABINET &WALL BOX1st item: Southern, possibly NC, green painted hanging wall cupboard, poplar primary, yellow pine secondary. Ogee cornice with one door having a glass top and paneled...
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HANGING WALL BOXA 19th century Pinehanging wall box with original Grey/Black painted finish. Shaped back with hanging hole and open top. Original alligatored painted finish with wear. 9 1/2" high overall. ESTIMATE...
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WALL HANGING SWANS WITH VERY OLD CRAZEDPAINT COMPLETE ...Wall Hanging Swans with very old crazed paint complete with worm holes or shot holes and vestiges of original paint. length 35 inches, width 13 inches. Provenance:...
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EARLY PENNSYLVANIA FOLK ART GREY PAINTEDHANGING WALL S...early to mid 18th century, pierced arch crest, molded cornice, shelved case with decorative scrolled surround, sloped base, 25 x 15 x 11-1/4 in.
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2 PC PAINTED WALL CLOCKS, HOUR LAVIGNE& GEBHARDT French and American, 20th century. Two painted hanging wall clocks, Gebhardt of Los Angeles faux marbleized wooden clock together with Hour Lavigne tole clock with...
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE CARVED PAINTEDWALL MIRRORFrench Louis XVI style painted hanging wall mirror, 19th c., with scallop shell crown, floral carved frame, beaded trim, centering flat mirror plate, restoration...
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AMERICAN PRIMITIVE PAINTED PINE HANGINGWALL SHELFAmerican Primitive painted pine hanging wall shelf, 20th c., in a red painted finish, having scalloped sides, fitted with three open shelves, approx 46.5"h, 24"w,...
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GRAIN PAINTED HANGING WALL SHELFHangingwall shelf, 20th c., in a grain painted finish, molded cornice, over four open shelves, metal hanging hardware, approx 45.5"h, 37.25"w, 9.25"d **Provenance: O'Neill-Leonard...
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ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE PARCEL GILT PAINTEDMIRRORItalian Louis XV style parcel gilt and floral painted hanging wall mirror, 20th c., having large pierce carved crest, over rocaille frame, enclosing flat mirror plate,...
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NEW ENGLAND PAINTED HANGING WALL CUPBOARDCirca 1800, white pine with old likely original red wash, rectangular case, two hinged batten doors, shelved interior with old blue interior paint....
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INDIAN CARVED AND PAINTED WOOD WALLHANGING AND A PAINTED WOOD FIGURE OF A SEATED BUDDHAIndian Carved and Painted Wood Wall Hanging and a Painted Wood Figure of a Seated Buddha,...
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PAINTED AND DECORATED GIRAFFE WALL HANGINGAND A PAINTED METAL WALL SHELFPainted and Decorated Giraffe Wall Hanging and a Painted Metal Wall Shelf...
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Bamboo gilt painted hanging wall mirror,51"h x 31"w...
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Italian style distressed bronze paintedhanging wall mirror, 47" x 34"...
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CARVED AND PAINTED HANGING WALL BOXCarvedand painted hanging wall box, ca. 1900. , with heart and star cutouts, 5 1/2" h., 12" w., 5 1/2" d.
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TWO ANTIQUE WALL RACKS. A pristine greenpainted wood wall rack with divided upper shelves, over open shelves, supported by upright posts, 12.5”H x 51.5”L x 5.25”D; A unique painted hanging wall rack, with...
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TWO 18TH/19TH C. PAINTED HANGING CORNERCUPBOARDS Group of two 18th/19th century painted hanging wall cupboards comprising: a Continental floral decorated cupboard with two-shelves and an English black-green Japanned...
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An Italian Painted Hanging Wall DisplayCabinet
19th Century
Height 30 x width 25 x depth 6 inches....
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NEW ENGLAND PAINTED HANGING WALL CUPBOARDCirca 1800, white pine with old likely original red wash, rectangular case, two hinged batten doors, shelved interior with old blue interior paint....
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Contemporary cream painted hanging wallmirror, pierced decoration, wood frame, 49"h x 31"w...
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(5) Decorative wall hangings, c/o baseballmemorabilia hanging mirror, distressed painted wood framed hanging wall mirror, paneled plaque with painted insects, and distressed painted sign with metal words, checker...
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Contemporary ebonized and bronze paintedhanging wall mirror, acanthus decoration, beveled glass, 49" x 38"...
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JONATHAN BASTIAN CROW & WALTER GOTTSHALLANGELca. 2008 & 2013; 2008 Jonathan Bastian signed hanging wall plaque crow, sawn and chip carved with black, the half-carved figure is able to hang on wall, 10"x 1 1/2"x...
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Three Painted Hanging Wall Boxes
Heightof tallest 17 5/8 x width 11 1/2 x depth 6 inches.
Property from the Dean Lower Estate, Lanark, Illinois...
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TWO 18TH/19TH C. PAINTED HANGING CORNERCUPBOARDS Group of two 18th/19th century painted hanging wall cupboards comprising: a Continental floral decorated cupboard with two-shelves and an English black-green Japanned...
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A Danish Baroque Painted Hanging WallCupboard 18th century with later paint having an arched cornice top over a single door with a small drawer in the base. Height 31 x width 22 x depth 13 inches....
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PAINTED HANGING WALL BOX. Americanca.1800 mixed soft woods. Open compartment over two lipped drawers with a ''lollipop'' back and retaining old dark green-blue over red paint. Minor imperfections. 24''h....
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Group of six painted reproduction boxesand wall boxes including three boxes with hinged lids (one signed by Gloria Greenwood dated 1991 another with broken hinges) two hanging wall boxes and one hanging wall...
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