MARK OF SONG WENZHI, MODERN PAPER SCROLLPAINTING Attributed to Son WenZhi (Chinese, 1919-1999), Tai Hu Landscape, black and red ink on paper mounted to paper, two red seals lower left, larger red seal upper right,...
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SONG NIAN CHINESE SCROLL PAINTING ONSILK OF WOMANSong Nian (Chinese, 1837-1906). Chinese scroll painting on silk depicting a woman seated under flowering branches in front of a table with scholar's objects....
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CHINESE MING POTTERY CIZHOU WARE WINEJAREast Asia, China, Ming Dynasty, ca. 1368 to 1644 CE. A splendid, hand-built pottery wine jar of a sizable form from the Cizhou Ware tradition with a narrow, circular base,...
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A LARGE CHINESE HANGING SCROLL PAINTINGOF SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA Qing dynasty (1644-1912), ink and colors on paper, a large Song dynasty style painting of the Buddha with two attendant figures, the Buddha is seated...
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CHINESE DING WARE DISH W/ PHOENIX, SONGDYNASTY a Chinese ,Song Dynasty, ding ware dish, incised with paintings of phoenix, cloud swirls, floral scrolls and abstract floral motifs on a milky white ground, unglazed...
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A Chinese scroll painting depictingfigures in a landscape and calligraphy, late Qing or early Republic period, the painting, ChangE BenYue, ink on silk, signed as ''Longmian Ligonglin'' by the artist with two...
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Song Baoluo (1917-2017 Chinese) ''Eaglein Tree'' Scroll Painting Watercolor on Paper 26.75''x16'' Image. Colorful composition of an eagle on pine tree branch. Signed lower left with calligraphy and chop seal. Another...
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CHINESE SCHOOL, FINE AND EARLY PAINTINGON SILK Possibly Song Dynasty (10th-11th c.), Elder Noble and Horse Beside Tree, black ink inscription and red seal upper right, mounted to paper, matted and framed, includes...
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A Chinese Scroll Painting after SongYingke (1902-1990) depicting a figure tending to chickens. Height 8 7/8 x width 11 1/2 inches....
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A Chinese Scroll Painting after SongWenzhi (1919-1999) depicting a scene of the south of the Yangtze river showing boats in the water and houses and blossoming trees along the riverbank signed Wenzhi and inscribed...
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An Early Chinese Scroll Painting Thelarge scroll painting is reminiscent of the Southern Song style of painting that combines beautiful landscapes with people and calligraphic poetry. The painting is of a gathering...
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Good Chinese blue and white porcelainvase qing dynasty Of unusual form, wide flared mouth issues from a long waisted neck painted cobalt blue to shoe egrets amongst clouds enclosed within a diaper band,...
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PAIR OF CHINESE SCROLL PAINTINGS Inkand wash on silk each with song birds flying amidst flower in a basket matted and framed. 4 ft. 3 in. x 26 1/2 in. (frame)....
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