MEHLLI GOBHAI (INDIAN, 1931-2018) ABSTRACTIONOil on canvas. Unsigned.Artist BioMehlli Gobhai (Indian, 1931-2018)
Mehlli Gobhai was one of the foremost abstractionist artists in India. For Gohnai, the act of paintingin...
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MEHLLI GOBHAI (INDIAN, 1931-2018) ABSTRACTIONOil on canvas. Signed 'Mehlli' and dated '1979' on reverse.Artist BioMehlli Gobhai (Indian, 1931-2018)
Mehlli Gobhai was one of the foremost abstractionist artists in India....
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ELFI SCHUSELKA "UNTITLED" ABSTRACT OILON CANVAS Elfi Schuselka (Austrian, b. 1940), "Untitled", Abstract Expressionist Oil on Canvas, in the manner of Cy Twombly (American, 1928-2011), stamped "Studio Elfi Schuselka"...
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DOMENICK CAPOBIANCO ABSTRACT OIL ONCANVAS Domenick Capobianco (American, born 1928) Abstract Surrealist Oil on Canvas, depicting a sunshine over the sea and a smoking man with hat, apparently unsigned, "Studio...
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DOMENICK CAPOBIANCO ABSTRACT OIL ONCANVAS Domenick Capobianco (American, b. 1928), "Untitled", Abstract Oil on Canvas, in black and red tones, in the manner of Pierre Soulage (French, 1919-2022), apparently...
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(3) Modern abstract paintings, largeabstract, oil on canvas, signed "Sneeder", 42" x 42"; (2) postmodern abstracts, mixed media with oil, collage and gold leaf, signed "Budhy", 17-3/4" x 13-3/4" sight, framed...
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STARK SIGNED MODERN ABSTRACT OIL ONCANVAS Modern Abstract oil on canvas, signed "Stark" to left. Image: 32" H x 40.25" W; frame: 33" H x 41.25" W x 1.75" D....
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ILLEGIBLY SIGNED ABSTRACT OIL ON CANVASIllegibly signed abstract oil on canvas, bearing illegible signature lower right, abstract composition with areas of heavy impasto. Image: 12" H x 10" W; frame: 13" H x 11.25"...
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JOAN SHAPIRO 'GOLDEN ABSTRACTION' OILON CANVAS Joan Hyde Shapiro (American, XX-XXI) 'Golden Abstraction' oil painting on canvas depicting an Abstract Expressionist composition on a sunny yellow ground, signed...
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(3) Unframed abstract paintings, abstractportrait of a girl, oil on canvas panel, signed "Rita Leff", 16" x 12"; abstract still life, oil on canvas panel, signed "AH October 50" on reverse, 16" x 20; monochrome abstract,...
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CHARLES R. JACOBSON (AMERICAN 20TH CT.)ABSTRACT OIL ON...DESCRIPTION:Charles R Jacobson (American 20th Ct.) Abstract Oil on Board. depicts a multicolored abstract rendition.. Signed lower left "JACOBSON". CIRCA:...
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CHARLES R. JACOBSON (AMERICAN 20TH CT.)ABSTRACT OIL ON...DESCRIPTION:Charles R Jacobson (American 20th Ct.) Abstract Oil on Board. An abstract center emerges from a white backdrop.. Signed lower left "JACOBSON"....
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CHARLES R. JACOBSON (AMERICAN 20TH CT.)ABSTRACT OIL ON...DESCRIPTION:Charles R Jacobson (American 20th Ct.) Abstract Oil on Board. An abstract composition depicting judaic iconography. Signed lower left "JACOBSON"....
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BEAUFORD DELANEY, OIL ON FABRIC, ABSTRACTOF FACEBeauford Delaney (American, 1901 - 1979) abstract oil on fabric pillow case. Abstract rendering of a human face with thickly applied streams of yellow, orange, green,...
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FERNANDO ZOBEL ABSTRACT OIL ON CANVASFernandoZobel de Ayala y Montojo (Spanish/Filipino, 1924-1984), "Plaza de Pilatos I," oil on canvas abstract painting, with artist signature "Zobel" and Spanish inscription lower...
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EXHIBITED 1969 ANDERS KNUTSSON OIL ABSTRACTPAINTING, H...An early exhibited Anders Knutsson (Sweden/New York, b. 1937) abstract oil on canvasboard painting titled "He Died For Mankind" depicting Mary holding her son,...
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3 OLEN BRYANT ITEMS, DRAWING OF 2 WOMEN& 2 ABSTRACT O/...Three (3) Olen Bryant (American/Tennessee, 1927-2017) artworks, including one (1) ink portrait and two (2) abstract oil paintings. 1st item: Ink on paper...
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2 O/C ABSTRACT PAINTINGS, INCL. EYVINDOLESON AND ESTRI...Two abstract oil on canvas paintings including Eyvind Oleson and Estrid Heerup. 1st item: Eyvind Oleson (Denmark, 1907-1995) abstract painting depicting...
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FONG CHUNG-RAY LARGE ABSTRACT PAINTINGFongChung-Ray (Feng Zhongrui) (Chinese, b. 1934). Large abstract oil on canvas painting titled "29-31," depicting large blocks of cool blue, white, and black. Signed along the...
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FONG CHUNG-RAY (FENG ZHONGRUI) PAINTINGFongChung-Ray (Feng Zhongrui) (Chinese, b. 1934). Large abstract oil on canvas painting titled "29-31," depicting large blocks of cool blue, white, and black. Signed along the...
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FOUR PIECE LOT OF ABSTRACT ART, TO INCLUDEAN ABSTRACT ...Four Piece Lot of Abstract Art, to include an abstract cityscape, oil on board, signed indistinctly lower right; yellow geometric abstraction, oil on canvas...
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SEVEN FRAMED MID CENTURY MODERN PIECESSevenFramed Mid Century Modern Pieces, to include a large oil on canvas signed "Perry Corren" lower right, a set of three abstract oil on canvas, oil on canvas of abstract faces,...
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ANGEL CHAVEZ, ABSTRACT STILL LIFE, OILON CANVAS Angel Chavez (Peruvian, 1929-1995). "Abstract", oil on canvas, signed lower right. Colorful abstract painting. Provenance: Deaccession from the Mobile Museum...
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ABRAHAM RATTNER, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA/ FRANCE (1893-1978), ABSTRACT, OIL ON CANVAS, 12 1/4"H X 16"WAbraham Rattner, New York, Pennsylvania / France, (1893-1978) abstract, oil on canvas Signed lower left,...
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MARGIT BECK, NEW YORK / ROMANIA (1911-1997),ABSTRACT, OIL ON CANVAS, 39 3/4"H X 50"W, 41 3/4"H X 52"W (FRAME)Margit Beck, New York / Romania, (1911-1997) abstract, oil on canvas Signed lower right. Biography from...
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TWO ABSTRACT OILS ON CANVAS. JOANNEL. NACHMAN (WTWO ABSTRACT OILS ON CANVAS. Joanne L. Nachman (Washington, 1931-2019) geometric shapes, signed lower right, image measures 16" x 20". Eric Marcoux (Oregon, 20th...
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FERGUSON, ABSTRACT, OIL ON PAPER, ANDANOTHER UNSIGNED ABSTRACT, LARGER FRAME: 12-1/2 X 10-1/2Ferguson, Abstract, Oil on Paper, and another Unsigned Abstract, Larger Frame: 12-1/2 x 10-1/2...
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WILLIAM LEIZMAN, ABSTRACTS, OIL ON PANELAND OIL ON CANVAS, FRAME OF LARGER: 16-3/4 X 12-1/2 INWilliam Leizman, Abstracts, Oil on Panel and Oil on Canvas, Frame of larger: 16-3/4 x 12-1/2 in...
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MARION HUSE (AMERICAN, 1896-1967), THREEWORKS ON WOOD, INCLUDING: "STYLIZED GIRL HOLDING BIRD", OIL ON WOOD, SIGNED LL, ¾ LENGTH VI...Marion Huse (American, 1896-1967), three works on wood, including: "Stylized...
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CONTEMPORARY ABSTRACT SCHOOL, SURREALISTABSTRACT, OIL ON CANVAS, 58.25" H X 54.125" W X 1.75" DContemporary Abstract School, Surrealist abstract Oil on canvas Signed lower left: Peirano 58.25" H x 54.125" W x 1.75"...
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PIERRE JACQUEMON (FRENCH 1936-2002),UNTITLED ABSTRACT, OIL AND MIXED MEDIA ON CANVAS, 18 X 12 IN. (45.7 X 30.5 CM.), FRAME: 22 X 16 IN. (55.9 X 40.6 CM.)Pierre Jacquemon, (French, 1936-2002) Untitled Abstract,...
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RAY PARKER (AMERICAN 1922-1990), UNTITLED(ABSTRACT), OIL ON CANVAS, 31 X 31-1/4 IN (78.7 X 79.4 CM)Ray Parker, (American, 1922-1990) Untitled (Abstract), Oil on canvas Signed Parker and dated '60 on verso; also...
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MILES I. TUNNACLIFF, (20TH CENTURY),UNTITLED ABSTRACT, OIL ON CANVAS, 38 X 42 INCHESMILES I. TUNNACLIFF, (20th century) Untitled Abstract, oil on canvas signed and dated lower right "Miles I. Tunnacliff...
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PAT LIPSKY, AMERICAN (B.1941), ABSTRACT,OIL ON PAPER, 12 5/8"H X 15 1/2"W, 18 3/4"H X 21 1/2"WPat Lipsky, American, (b.1941) abstract, oil on paper Signed, titled, and dated verso. Biography from the Art Students...
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CHARLES REDDINGTON, AUSTRALIA / AMERICA(BORN 1929), UNTITLED ABSTRACT, OIL ON BOARD, 39"H X 24 3/4"W, 42 1/2"H X 28 1/4"W (FRAME)Charles Reddington, Australia / America, (Born 1929) untitled abstract, oil on...
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ROBERT BERKSHIRE, INDIANA (1932 - 2010),UNTITLED ABSTRACT, OIL ON CANVAS, 39 1/4"H X 29 1/2"W (SIGHT), 41 1/2"H X 31 3/4"W (FRAME)Robert Berkshire, Indiana, (1932 - 2010) untitled abstract, oil on canvas signed...
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