COLLECTION OF SILVER TABLE ACCESSORIESIncluding a set of (6) M. Fred Hirsch Co. sterling silver bread plates (6 1/4 in. dia.); (4) Manchester sterling silver saucers; a sterling silver underplate by Poole; (3)...
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SIX AMERICAN STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATESAND A GRAVY LADLE Set of six bread plates, marked "Sterling", by an unknown maker, with script "FW" monograms to wells; and a Baker Manchester Mfg. Co. Roanoke sterling silver...
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GORHAM STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES,SET OF 8 Gorham Mfg. Co. (Providence, RI) sterling silver bread plates, set of 8, maker's marks and numbered on reverse: "A5750." 6.375" diameter. Approx: 26.65 ozt....
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TIFFANY & CO. STERLING SILVER BREADPLATES, 8 Tiffany & Co. sterling silver bread plates, set of 8, the rims with coat of arms depicting lion rampant holding rose with banner reading: "Es Verus Tuo Ipsi" (You...
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TIFFANY & CO. STERLING SILVER BREADPLATES, 8 Tiffany & Co. sterling silver bread plates, set of eight, marked underside: "Tiffany & Co. 20063 Makers 14321 Sterling Silver 925-1000 M," some monogrammed. 5.75"...
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TIFFANY & CO. STERLING SILVER BREADPLATES, 9 Tiffany & Co. sterling silver bread plates, set of nine, marked underside: "Tiffany & Co. 20063 Makers 14321 Sterling Silver 925-1000 M," monogrammed. 5.75" diameter....
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TWELVE AMERICAN STERLING SILVER BREADPLATES Assembled set of twelve American sterling silver bread plates comprising, four Meridian Britannia Company plates (monogrammed), three Alvin Manufacturing Company plates...
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THIRTEEN STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES,INCLUDING BY GORHAM 6" Including: eight plates by Gorham, monogrammed; and five other sterling bread plates. Total weight 37.48 toz....
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13 STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES, FINAAND AMSTONThirteen (13) sterling silver hollowware bread plates, including six (6) Michael C. Fina plates and six (6) Amston plates, all having gadrooned borders to rims;...
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SET OF EIGHT STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES,DIAMETER 6 I...Set of Eight Sterling Silver Bread Plates, diameter 6 inches, 23.8 t.oz.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots can vary widely and are...
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STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES, BOWL ANDRULERSterling Silver Bread Plates, Bowl, plate diameter 6 inches, 22.7 t.oz.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots can vary widely and are unlikely...
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12 KIRK & WHITING STERLING SILVER BREADPLATES Group of two sets of American sterling silver bread plates comprising: six. S. Kirk & Son Co. (American, founded 1815) plates, pattern 58 and six Whiting Mfg Co. (American,...
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AN ASSEMBLED SET OF TEN STERLING SILVERBREAD PLATES Including a set of (9) bread plates by Mauser Manufacturing Co., model number 1050A, each with period monogram to well (6 in. diameter) (all with some scratching,...
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SEVEN AMERICAN STERLING SILVER BREADPLATES Including (6) with mark of Dominick & Haff, pattern number 1666, and a single bread plate with mark of International, all with matching C monogram....
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STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATE AND BOWLR.HMacy & Co bread plate. 12 1/4" L x 5 3/4" W x 1 1/2" H. Wallace bowl with scalloped rim. Marked on the underside "H102". 10 1/4" Diameter x 2 1/8" H.
441.94 grams total....
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FOUR STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES, D5 1/8 IN. (13 CM.), COMBINED 4.3 OZTFour Sterling Silver Bread Plates,, Dimensions: D 5 1/8 in. (13 cm.), Combined 4.3 ozt...
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SIX AMERICAN STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES:SET OF FIVE AND AN OTHER, D: 6 1/8 IN. (15.56 CM.); 12.6 OZSix American Sterling Silver Bread Plates: Set of Five and an Other,, Dimensions: D: 6 1/8 in. (15.56 cm.); 12.6...
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SET OF EIGHT AMERICAN, PROBABLY MERIDENSTERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES, D: 6 1/8 IN. (15.56 CM.); 21 OZSet of Eight American, Probably Meriden Sterling Silver Bread Plates,, Dimensions: D: 6 1/8 in. (15.56 cm.); 21...
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TIFFANY & CO. MAKERS STERLING SILVERBREAD PLATE AND SALVE, D PLATE: 5 1/8 IN. (13.02 CM.); 4.4 OZTiffany & Co. Makers Sterling Silver Bread Plate and Salve,, Dimensions: D plate: 5 1/8 in. (13.02 cm.); 4.4 oz...
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AMERICAN STERLING SILVER BREAD DISHBY ALVIN, 7.6 OZAmerican Sterling Silver Bread Dish by Alvin, 7.6 oz...
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R. WALLACE & SONS MFG. CO. FLOWER CHASEDSTERLING SILVER BREAD DISH, L: 12 INCHES, 9.1 OZ (MONOGRAMMED)R. Wallace & Sons Mfg. Co. Flower Chased Sterling Silver Bread Dish, 12" long, 9.1 ozt (monogrammed)...
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GORHAM REPOUSSE BOARDER STERLING SILVERBREAD PLATE, 3.4 OZTGorham Repousse Boarder Sterling Silver Bread Plate,, Dimensions: 3.4 ozt...
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SET OF TWELVE STERLING SILVER BREADPLATES, BY MERIDE PLATES, by Meriden Britannia Co. with scrolling rim having water lily motif. Monogrammed. Diameter 5.75 inches. Total weight 29.2 troy oz.....
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SIX AMERICAN STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES,D 6 1/8 IN. (15.6 CM.), COMBINED WEIGHT 15.5 OZTSix American Sterling Silver Bread Plates,, Possibly Meriden Britannia Dimensions: D 6 1/8 in. (15.6 cm.), Combined weight...
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(9) STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES, GORHAM,S. KIRK(lot of 9) Group of sterling silver bread plates: (6) S. Kirk & Son, (one) with heavy tarnish, 6"diam; (2) EAM (Elgin American Sterling), foliated edge, 6"diam; (1)...
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COLLECTION OF SILVER SERVING ACCESSORIESIncluding a set of (6) M. Fred Hirsch Co. sterling silver bread plates (6 1/4 in. dia.); (4) Manchester sterling silver saucers; a sterling silver underplate by Poole; (3)...
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S. KIRK & SON REPOUSSE STERLING SILVERBREAD PLATES AND OVAL TRAY Including a set of (6) bread plates, pattern number 28, without monograms (6 in.), and an oval tray, pattern number 150F, with engraved well and...
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REED AND BARTON STERLING SILVER BREADDISH (X326), L 11 5/8 IN. (29.5 CM.), 6.9 OZReed and Barton Sterling Silver Bread Dish (X326),, Dimensions: L 11 5/8 in. (29.5 cm.), 6.9 oz...
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SET OF TWELVE WHITING MANUFACTURINGCO. STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES (MODEL 2336), D 6 IN. (15.2 CM.), COMBINED 33.4 OZTSet of Twelve Whiting Manufacturing Co. Sterling Silver Bread Plates (model 2336),, Dimensions:...
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SET OF SIX ALPHONSE LA PAGLIA DESIGNEDSTERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES FOR INTERNATIONAL. 6 1/2"DIAM. (EACH)Set of six Alphonse La Paglia Designed sterling silver bread plates for International. 6 1/2"diam. (each)...
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(3) AMERICAN STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES& BOWL(lot of 3) American sterling silver tableware, including: (2) bread plates, M. Fred Hirsch, with gadrooned rim, model 1259, approx 6"diam, (1) bowl, Gorham, model 141,...
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EIGHT MUECK-CAREY STERLING SILVER BREADPLATES 6" With everted rim sterling bread plates, marked with Mueck-Carey NY hallmark, Sterling underneath. Total weight 34.28 toz....
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EIGHT GORHAM STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATES6" Footed bread plates with gadrooned rim, monogrammed. Each piece properly marked on the bottom. Total weight 23.7 toz....
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SET OF FIVE STERLING SILVER BREAD PLATESSet of five sterling silver bread plates by M. Fred Hirsch (Jersey City 1920), each of circular form with a rolled rim and centering a 'D' monogram, all are appropriately...
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A Set of Twelve of Sterling Silver BreadPlates in "Rose Point" Pattern by Wallace Sterling silver bread plates with reticulated design floral border in "Rose Point" pattern. Measure approx. 6-3/4"W. Overall weight...
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