Five Steuben Glass salt cellars, etched glass mark
Thirteen cut glass flat bowls
Five cut glass fruit bowls
Six small cut glass dessert...
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STEUBEN GLASS "HEAVY CUT" DECANTERSteubenGlass "Heavy Cut" Decanter, designed by Joel Smith, with original fitted box, h. 11 in....
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(6 PC) A VINTAGE MAGAZINE GROUPING SETDESCRIPTION:Steuben Gladys Carder glass portrait relief (Welles (b. 1889 - 1969)
verified by grave site) as a young girl. Daughter of F. Carder.
Cast lead glass intaglio cut
Signed "F....
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STEUBEN BLACK AND GREEN CUT GLASS "PAGODA"LAMPDESCRIPTION: Steuben black and green cut glass table lamp in the "Pagoda" pattern. Finished with ornate gilt bronze mounted hardware, double light sockets, and a silk...
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STEUBEN CRYSTAL CUT BIRDDESCRIPTION:Steuben clear crystal cut bird sculpture.
Pressed and cut glass.
Signed "Steuben"
Estate of Mr. and Ms. Alan Shovers.
CIRCA: Early 1900s
DIMENSIONS: H: 6.25"...
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STEUBEN CRYSTAL PHEASANTDESCRIPTION:Steuben crystal pheasant sculpture.
Pressed and cut Lead Glass
Cast as a solid block in the shape of a sitting pheasant with a flat base and no visible feet. Head, breast,...
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STEUBEN CUT CRYSTAL EAGLE ORNAMENTALDESCRIPTION:Steuben cut crystal eagle ornamental sculpture.
Pressed and cut lead glass.
Signed "Steuben" (script acid stamp)
Shape #6502, p. 236 Paul V. Gardner.
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Pressed and cut Lead glass.
Cast as a solid block in the shape of a sitting peacock with a flat base...
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STEUBEN GREEN GLASS THISTLE PATTERNCANDLESTICKDESCRIPTION: Steuben green over colorless glass candlestick in the "Thistle" pattern cut through.
Cut square foot, cased, cut lead glass
Variant of...
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STEUBEN POINTED BUBBLE GLASS SCULPTUREDESCRIPTION:Steuben air bubble pointed glass sculpture. Features a clear solid glass with controlled bubbles. Designed to be mounted on a base containing a light fixture.
Solid Lead Glass...
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STEUBEN GLASS JAR WITH REEDINGDESCRIPTION:Steuben black and colorless footed glass jar with reeding and umbrella style cut stopper.
Lead glass with applied ornament.
Signed post production “F. Carder” “Steuben”
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STEUBEN FROSTED FIGURAL GLASS FLOWERBLOCKDESCRIPTION: Steuben frosted figural glass insert and clear flower block.
Matted kneeling insert figure and Hand pressed lead glass, edges factory ground and polished.
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(3PC) STEUBEN GREEN THISTLE PATTERNGOBLETSDESCRIPTION: (3Pc) Steuben green "Thistle" pattern glass goblets.
Green over colorless white wine goblets in "Thistle" pattern cut through the casing heavy cut, cross...
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STEUBEN GLASS VASE "FIRECONE PATTERN"DESCRIPTION:Steuben rosaline cut to alabaster glass vase in Fircone pattern.
Acid Etched Lead Glass.
Shape #938, 257 Paul V. Gardner book
Original pastel drawing of the piece...
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STEUBEN ROSALINE "CHINESE PATTERN" VASEDESCRIPTION:Steuben Rosaline cut to alabaster glass vase in Chinese Pattern.
Cased, acid etched lead glass.
Shape #5000, p. 306 Paul V. Gardner.
Shown at p. 18 of Frederick...
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STEUBEN ROSE QUARTZ VASEDESCRIPTION:Steuben Rose Quartz vase features baluster form cut with a design of leaves and flowers in cameo on an acid finished ground with applied carved satin handles and large entwining...
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STEUBEN ROSALINE AND ALABASTER GLASSVASEDESCRIPTION: Steuben rosaline and alabaster cut glass vase with double cut scrolling medallions in the "Peking" pattern.
Cased, acid etched Lead Glass
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PAIR OF STEUBEN GOLD AURENE PERFUMEBOTTLESDESCRIPTION: Pair of Steuben Gold Aurene melon- ribbed perfume bottles with mirror black floral stopper.
Mold-assisted Iridized lead glass.
Shape #1455, p. 240 of Gardner.
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(2PC) STEUBEN AMETHYST THISTLE PATTERNGOBLETSDESCRIPTION: (2Pc) Steuben amethyst "Thistle" pattern glass goblets.
Amethyst over colorless white wine goblets in "Thistle" pattern cut through the casing heavy cut,...
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STEUBEN MOSS GREEN CLUTHRA VASE WITHOPALINE HANDLESDESCRIPTION: Steuben Moss Green Cluthra Vase with opaline handles. Case lead glass with applied handles. Large bubbles extruded into the glass surrounded by...
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STEUBEN DOUBLE CUT TO YELLOW MAJESTICJADE VASEDESCRIPTION: Steuben green jade vase with double cut to yellow jade in Majestic pattern,
Cased, double acid-etched lead glass. Homogenous acid etching or pecking...
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STEUBEN MIRROR BLACK CUT TO JADE GREENVASEDESCRIPTION: Steuben mirror black cut to jade green vase with grape pattern.
cased, acid-etched lead glass with a Deep-etched design.
Shape #6222
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RARE STEUBEN CINTRA PAPERWEIGHT STYLECOLOGNE BOTTLEDESCRIPTION: Steuben faceted crystal paperweight style cologne bottle with pink to blue shaded controlled Cintra internal decoration and controlled bubbles....
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STEUBEN GLADYS CARDER GLASS RELIEF (WELLES(B. 1889 - 1...DESCRIPTION: Steuben Gladys Carder glass portrait relief (Welles (b. 1889 - 1969)
verified by grave site) as a young girl. Daughter of F. Carder.
Cast lead...
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STEUBEN CLUTHRA GREEN GLASS "BOOTHBAY"PATTERN VASEDESCRIPTION: Steuben Cluthra green to rose to brown glass "Boothbay" pattern vase
Cased acid-etched lead glass.
Marked: f-d-l on side next to base.
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STEUBEN CINTRA PAPERWEIGHT STYLE COLOGNEBOTTLEDESCRIPTION: Steuben clear black and white controlled Cintra “Paperweight” cologne bottle c. 1929.
Clear cased and deep cut lead glass. Clear stopper.
Shape #6942,...
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STEUBEN MIRROR BLACK TURQUOISE VASEDESCRIPTION:Steuben mirror black vase cut to turquoise blue in Flambeau Pattern.
Cased acid etched lead glass.
Marked, Steuben and AF. Carder. Also, bears initials AJGW and # AL.157.4.76".
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STEUBEN CLUTHRA GREEN GLASS "HUNTING"PATTERN VASEDESCRIPTION: Steuben Cluthra green to rose to brown glass "Hunting" pattern vase. Cased acid-etched lead glass. Reference: Shape 7007, p.316 Paul V. Gardner. Shown...
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STEUBEN CRYSTAL PHEASANTDESCRIPTION:Steuben crystal pheasant sculpture. Pressed and cut Lead Glass Cast as a solid block in the shape of a sitting pheasant with a flat base and no visible feet. Head, breast,...
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STEUBEN CRYSTAL CUT PIGEONDESCRIPTION:Steuben clear crystal cut bird sculpture. Pressed and cut glass. Signed "Steuben" Reference: Shape 6824 Pictured at p. 164 of Objects of Desire, The Art of Frederick Carder...
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STEUBEN CUT COLORLESS PEACOCK TABLEDECORATIONDESCRIPTION: Steuben cut colorless peacock table decoration. Pressed and cut Lead glass. Cast as a solid block in the shape of a sitting peacock with a flat base...
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RARE STEUBEN CINTRA PAPERWEIGHT STYLECOLOGNE BOTTLEDESCRIPTION: Steuben faceted crystal paperweight style cologne bottle with pink to blue shaded controlled Cintra internal decoration and controlled bubbles....
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STEUBEN GLASS "CAROUSEL OF THE SEASONS"SteubenGlass "Carousel of the Seasons" , designed by Paul Schultze and Frank Eliscu in 1966, engraved by Ladislav Havlik, # 14 in an edition of 20, from the Artist's Exhibition Series,...
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STEUBEN GLASS "NARCISSUS", THOMPSON& WAUGHSteuben Glass "Narcissus" , designed by George Thompson and Sidney Waugh in 1962, from the Artist's Exhibition Series, cast, cut and engraved, h. 6 in, w. 11 in, d....
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STEUBEN GLASS CUT BOWL, RUSSELSteubenGlass Cut Bowl , designed by Donald Russel in 1937, h. 9 in, dia. 11 1/2 in . Provenance: Collection of Dr. Isidore Cohn, Jr. (1921-2015), New Orleans. Exh.: Crystal Clear:...
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STEUBEN CRYSTAL VASE, CUT CRYSTAL VASEAND PITCHER, POSSIBLY HAWKES OIL AND VINEGAR AND OTHER GLASSWARESteuben Crystal Vase, Cut Crystal Vase and Pitcher, Possibly Hawkes Oil and Vinegar and Other Glassware,...
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