4 FRANKLIN MINT STERLING COLLECTOR'SPLATES4 Franklin Mint limited edition sterling silver commemorative plates. 1972 Thanksgiving plate, Stevan Dohanos, numbered 3397; 1972 Christmas plate, Norman Rockwell,...
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BEN. FRANKLIN CONSTITUTIONS DES TRIEIZEETATS 1783 Constitutions Des Treize Etats-Unis de l'Amerique. Printed 1783 by D. Pierres, Paris. Contains the first printed appearance of the Great Seal of the United States...
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17) FRANKLIN MINT STERLING SILVER COLLECTORSITEMS(lot of 17) Collection of Franklin Mint sterling silver collectors' items, each with corresponding serial number, most accompanied with Certificate of Authenticity and...
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FDR LIBRARY 5 BOOKS INCLUDING BEN FRANKLIN1) "Life of Benjamin Franklin", NY 1851, Library tag #1147, "Franklin D Roosevelt/ Hyde Park - 1930", 4.5" x 3.25", 2) "The Interesting Life, Travels, Voyages and.... Paul...
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PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT EPHMERAARCHIVE1st item: Vintage WWII "Voices of Victory" Roosevelt & Churchill recordings, 2 part set, Recorded by WOR. These recordings are a compilation of quotes from speeches...
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1830 TENNESSEE PORTRAIT MINIATURE OFKINHECHE, CHICKASA...Caroline Dudley (Tennessee, 1802-1832) important watercolor miniature portrait painting, depicting Chickasaw Native American dignitary Kinheche in bright...
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THE FRANKLIN LIBRARY LEATHER BOUND BOOKS,SIX (6)Six leather bound books to include: 1) A Mencken Chrestomathy by H.L.Mencken, Al Hirschfeld Frontispiece Illustration - Limited Edition Hardcover – The Franklin Library...
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THE FRANKLIN LIBRARY LEATHER BOUND BOOKS,SIX (6)Six leather bound books to include: 1) Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and The War Years by Carl Sandburg - Limited Edition Hardcover - The Franklin Library 1978...
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THE FRANKLIN LIBRARY LEATHER BOUND BOOKS,SIX (6)Six leather bound books to include: 1) Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison , illustrated by Steven H. Stroud - Limited Edition Hardcover - The Franklin Library 1980 (100...
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FRANKLIN LIBRARY LEATHER BOUND BOOKS,SEVEN (7)Seven leather bound books to include: 1) Collected Poems by Marianne Moore, illustrated by Robert Andrew Parker, introduction by T. S. Eliot - Limited Edition Hardcover...
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FRANKLIN MATCHIAN (B. 1966) LARGE ESKIMOCARVINGThe lot features a fantastic Seal Hunter carving by Eskimo Cevak, Alaska artist, Franklin Matchian. The piece comes with a small paper denoting that it was purchased...
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North America, United States, ca. 1847 to 2010 CE. A truly exceptional 3-volume collection of United States stamps sure to impress...
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FIVE CERAMICS PERTAINING TO BENJAMINFRANKLIN 19TH/20TH CENTURY FRANKLIN, 19th/20th Century, 1) Bust of Franklin on plinth. Indistinct incised mark on reverse, possibly an "FC" monogram. Sticker on reverse...
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LETTER BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN WRITTENBY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DATED JULY 20, 1774 5.5" X 7.25". FRAMED 7.25" X 8". BY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Dated July 20, 1774, Addressed in what is believed to be Franklin's hand...
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COLOR MEZZOTINT OF BENJAMIN FRANKLINWITH ACCOMPANYING PROVENANCE NOTES FRAMED 13.25" X 11.25". WITH ACCOMPANYING PROVENANCE NOTES, The two handwritten provenance notes indicate Franklin personally presented...
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BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790, AMERICAN)"THE WORKS OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN," 1818Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790, American) "The Works of Benjamin Franklin," 1818, Franklin, Benjamin. "The Works of Benjamin Franklin,...
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SET OF SIX BACCARAT BUST PAPERWEIGHTSdepictingGeorge Washington (blue background, The Franklin Mint/1977), Julius Caesar (purple background, The Franklin Mint/1976), Joan of Arc (blue background, The Franklin Mint/1976),...
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TYPOTHETAE OF NYC - FRANKLIN BIRTHDAYDINNER 1902 VD Brenner - Typothetae of the City - Franklin Birthday Dinner, Jan 17, 1902 -Members (Master Typesetters of NYC) were presented with this medal which has an obverse...
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26 SILVER & ETCHED COLLECTOR PLATEScomprising:Millard Fillmore Franklin Mint, Horizons West by Richard Baldwin Franklin Mint, Bob White by Richard Evans Younger Franklin Mint, James Madison Franklin Mint, Lionel Barrymore...
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Hand colored 19th C. engraving by WilliamO. Geller, after Baron Jolly, published by William Jay, Charles Hedenberg and William H. Emerson, 1853. Franklin, standing left of center; woman [Diana Polignac] standing...
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GROUP, 12 DANBURY MINT & FRANKLIN MINTMODEL CARSGrouping of 8 Danbury Mint and 4 Franklin Mint 1:24 model cars comprising of One (1) Danbury Mint 1956 Ford F-100 Street Machine Pickup; One (1) Danbury Mint 1953...
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39 FRANKLIN HALF DOLLARS14 1953 FranklinHalf Dollars Denver Mint. 9 1958 Franklin Half Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 6 1958 Franklin Half Dollars Denver Mint. 1 1961 Franklin Half Dollar Philadelphia Mint. 3 1962...
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40 FRANKLIN HALF DOLLARS18 1953 FranklinHalf Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 2 1953 Franklin Half Dollars Denver Mint. 2 1952 Franklin Half Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 1 1954 Franklin Half Dollar Philadelphia Mint. 3...
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40 FRANKLIN HALF DOLLARS31 1949 FranklinHalf Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 1 1949 Franklin Half Dollar Denver Mint. 3 1949 Franklin Half Dollars San Francisco Mint. 2 1950 Franklin Half Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 2...
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42 FRANKLIN HALF DOLLARS1 1956 FranklinHalf Dollar Philadelphia Mint. 1 1957 Franklin Half Dollar Philadelphia Mint. 3 1958 Franklin Half Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 1 1958 Franklin Half Dollar Denver Mint. 1 1959...
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40 FRANKLIN HALF DOLLARS5 1949 FranklinHalf Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 6 1949 Franklin Half Dollars Denver Mint. 1 Franklin Half Dollars San Francisco Mint. 3 1950 Franklin Half Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 1 1950...
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40 FRANKLIN HALF DOLLARS5 1953 FranklinHalf Dollars Denver Mint. 1 1953 Franklin Half Dollar San Francisco Mint. 2 1953 Franklin Half Dollars Philadelphia Mint.7 1954 Franklin Half Dollars Denver Mint. 6 1954 Franklin...
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40 1951 1952 AND 1953 FRANKLIN HALFDOLLARS9 1951 Franklin Half Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 1 1951 Franklin Half Dollar San Francisco Mint. 3 1951 Franklin Half Dollars Denver Mint. 3 1952 Franklin Half Dollars...
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40 1948 1949 AND 1953 FRANKLIN HALFDOLLARS3 1948 Franklin Half Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 7 1949 Franklin Half Dollars Philadelphia Mint. 8 1949 Franklin Half Dollars Denver Mint. 1 1950 Franklin Half Dollar...
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FIVE WORKS OF MODERN FICTIONFive worksof modern fiction, Each octavo bound in full leather with gilt lettering and embellishment and gilt page edges Five works: Heller, Joseph. "Catch-22." Franklin Center:...
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FIVE WORKS OF MODERN FICTIONFive worksof modern fiction, Each octavo bound in full leather with gilt lettering and embellishment and gilt page edges Five works: Baldwin, James. "Go Tell It on the Mountain."...
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A GROUP OF BIOGRAPHIES AND SOCIAL COMMENTARYAgroup of biographies and social commentary, Each octavo bound in full leather with gilt lettering and embellishment and gilt page edges Four works: Simone, De Beauvoir....
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THREE COLLECTIONS OF MODERN PLAYSThreecollections of modern plays, Each octavo bound in full leather with gilt lettering and embellishment and gilt page edges Three works: Williams, Tennessee. "Selected Plays."...
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STEVAN DOHANOS FOR THE FRANKLIN MINT'THE FIRST THANKSGIVING', 1972 STERLING SILVER PLATE, D 8 IN. (20.3 CM.), 6.3 OZTStevan Dohanos for The Franklin Mint 'The First Thanksgiving', 1972 Sterling Silver Plate,,...
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10 vols. Franklin, Benjamin: The Gentleman'sMagazine. London: July, 1767. 8vo. disbound. Includes in list of books with remarks, "The Examination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, Relative to The Repeal of The American Stamp...
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