AFTER MARK CATESBY(British, 1679-1749)
Fourplates from Sammlung Verschiedener Ausl„ndischer und Seltener Vogel, Nuremberg, 1749-1776, by Johann Michael Seligmann (German 1720-1762), including plates T. XVIII Carolina...
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AFTER MARK CATESBY(British, 1679-1749)
Eightplates from Sammlung Verschiedener Ausl„ndischer und Seltener Vogel, Nuremberg, 1749-1776, by Johann Michael Seligmann (German 1720-1762), includes Tab. XXII Parrot of Carolina,...
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Tab. XII, XIV, IV, VIII, LXXII, XXIV by Johann Michael Seligmann (1720-1762), from Sammlung verschiedener auslandischer und seltener vogel, Nuremberg, 1749-1773,...
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Tab. L, LXII, LVI, IV, XL, XLVIII, LXXII, by Johann Michael Seligmann (1720-1762), from Sammlung verschiedener auslandischer und seltener vogel...
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AFTER MARK CATESBY(British, 1679-1749)
Sevenplates of songbirds, Tabs: LI, LXXX, LXVIII, XXXII, XIV, XXVIII, VIII, from from Sammlung Verschiedener Ausl„ndischer und Seltener Vogel, Nuremberg, 1749-1776, by Johann...
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CATESBY & SELIGMANN ENGRAVING HUMMINGBIRDJohannMichael Seligmann (Germany, 1720-1762), after Mark Catesby (England, 1683-1749). Hand colored ornithological / botanical engraving, plate XXX, Le Colibri (hummingbird). With...
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AFTER MARK CATESBY (BRITISH, 1683-1749)AfterMark Catesby (British, 1683-1749) , "Red Bellied Woodpecker and Hairy Woodpecker and the Black Oak", 1749, hand-colored engraving, engraved and published by Johann Michael...
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CATESBY MARK A group of two hand-coloredengravings of birds by M. Seligmann after Mark Catesby from The Natural History of Carolina Florida and the Bahama Islands (Nuremburg 1749-1776) comprising Fringilla Tricolor...
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CATESBY MARK A group of two hand-coloredengravings of birds by M. Seligmann after Mark Catesby from The Natural History of Carolina Florida and the Bahama Islands (Nuremburg 1749-1776) comprising Carduelis Americanus...
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(ORNITHOLOGY ENGLISH) CATESBY MARC afterL'Hirondelle d'Amerique. Hand-colored engraving from the German edition of Catesby's Natural History of South Carolina and the Bahama Islands. Nuremburg: Johann Seligmann...
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(ORNITHOLOGY ENGLISH) CATESBY MARC afterSarcelle d'Amerique. A Hand-colored engraving from the German edition of Catesby's Natural History of South Carolina and the Bahama Islands. Nuremburg: Johann Seligmann (1749-1776)....
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(ORNITHOLOGY ENGLISH) CATESBY MARC afterEtourneau a aile rouge. Hand-colored engraving from the German edition of Catesby's Natural History of South Carolina and the Bahama Islands. Nuremburg: Johann Seligmann (1749-1776)....
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(ORNITHOLOGY ENGLISH) CATESBY MARC afterGeai bleu. Hand-colored engraving from the German edition of Catesby's Natural History of South Carolina and the Bahama Islands. Nuremburg: Johann Seligmann (1749-1776). Matted....
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* (ORNITHOLOGY ENGLISH) CATESBY MARCafter A group of four hand-colored engravings of birds from the German edition of Catesby's Natural History of South Carolina and the Bahama Islands. Nuremburg: Johann Seligmann...
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Three Seligmann edition Catesby printsfrom Sammlung Verschiedener Auslaendisher und Seltener Vogel , Nuremberg, 1749-1776: Parus uropygeo luteo…, plate 36, 15-3/8 x 9-1/2 in., water stains ; Columba Graenandica…,...
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Two prints after Mark Catesby (British1679-1749): Canard d'Ete and L'Alcyon, from the Seligmann edition of The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, Nuremberg, 1749-1776, by Johann Michael...
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* (ORNITHOLOGY) CATESBY MARC A groupof three hand-colored engravings of birds from the German edition of Catesby's Natural History of South Carolina and the Bahama Islands. Nuremburg: Johann Seligmann (1749-1776)....
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Seligmann Edition Catesby Engraving,[Hortulanus Caroliniensis…Ortolan de la Caroline ou Oiseau a Ris] (Carolina Finch), published by Johann Michael Seligmann, in [Sammlung Verschiedener Auslandischer un Seltener...
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