BURGNER, GREENE CO. TN MUSICAL DESK,DATED 1819Early labeled East Tennessee Federal desk by cabinetmaker, J. C. Burgner (John C. Burgner, Horse Creek Community, Greene & Washington Counties, Tennessee). Label...
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J. VANCE MILLER, 2 O/B SOUTHERN LANDSCAPESJamesVance Miller (Virginia/West Virginia, 1912-2002), two oil on board Impressionist style landscapes, both rendered with thick impasto applications. 1st painting titled en verso...
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TN BURGNER SCHOOL TIGER MAPLE CHESTEastTennessee Classical tiger maple chest of drawers, poplar secondary, attributed to the Burgner school of cabinetmakers. Elaborate scrolled backsplash with carved volutes and...
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4 GEORGE CRESS SMALL W/CS, INCL. FIGURES,ARCHITECTURE,...Four (4) George Ayers Cress (American/Tennessee, 1921-2008) watercolor paintings on paper. All unframed.1st item: A stylized depiction of two standing figures...
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LLOYD BRANSON WATERCOLOR PAINTING, EASTTENNESSEE LANDS...Lloyd Branson (Tennessee, 1861-1925) panoramic watercolor and pastel painting depicting a rural East Tennessee landscape with creek, path, and flowering...
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AN ANTIQUE SURVEY MAP, "BOUNDARY OFTHE CREEK COUNTRY S...AN ANTIQUE SURVEY MAP, "Boundary of the Creek Country Surveyed under the Direction of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers," 1857-1858, engraving on...
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AN ANTIQUE SURVEY MAP, "BOUNDARY OFTHE CREEK COUNTRY S...AN ANTIQUE SURVEY MAP, "Boundary of the Creek Country Surveyed Under the Direction of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers," 1857-1858, engraving on...
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Native American, Southern United States, Kentucky, Archaic to Woodland period, ca. 4000 BCE to 800 CE (6000 to 1200 BP). A collection...
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19TH C. AMERICAN LANDSCAPE PAINTINGHUDSON RIVER SCHOOL...North America, United States, ca. 1860. A monumental landscape painting - possibly Hudson River School - depicting Schoharie County, New York in a finely...
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SCARCE AND IMPORTANT DAVE DRAKE SIGNEDAND DATED STONEW...(Edgefield, South Carolina, b. circa 1800, d. after 1873) made by Dave Drake, Lewis Miles Stony Bluff Manufactory, Horse Creek Valley, Edgefield District,...
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ICHAUWAY PLANTATION, SOUTH GEORGIA Lots949-974 in this auction are associated with Ichauway Plantation, The Woodruff's South Georgia hunting camp and retreat.
Ichauway, Creek Indian for ?where deer sleep? was...
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A Southern Stoneware Face Jug
by LanierMeaders (Mossy Creek, Georgia, 1917-1998), signed Lanier Meaders, on underside.
Height 9 1/8 inches....
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(17) BOOKS: TEXANA HISTORY SUBJECTS,7 SIGNED(lot of 17) Books: Texana and Texas history subjects, including: (1) "Inside Texas," by Cactus Pryor, foreword by Walter Cronkite, Shoal Creek Publishers, 1982, author...
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Paul Sawyier (American/Kentucky 1865-1917)"Fishing Club Jamaica Bay New York City" c. 1915 oil on canvas board signed lower left titled on brass artist's plaque and with "Russell's Canvas Board...Pictures Mirrors...
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Southern stoneware jug probably Pottersvilleor Horse Creek Valley Edgefield South Carolina circa 1830 alkaline glaze with double ring-tooled spout on ovoid form; upper body impressed I or J probably Pottersville or...
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Collection of Antebellum and Civil WarEra Southern documents consisting of: rental agreement for the hiring of a Slave named America from Henry Kerling dated 1822. H4 1/2'' W8'' South Carolina Chester District...
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Confederate General Order Books of GeneralsDaniel Frost & Mosby Parsons 1st Brigade 2 bound volumes acquired from a family in Tennessee.The slender volumes in this lot relate to two of the most flamboyant and intriguing...
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Will of Revolutionary War Hero ThomasKey Thomas Key (1750-1821) settled in the Edgefield S.C. area. He served as a Captain in Col. LeRoy Hammond's regiment during the Revolutionary War. An historical marker at...
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FARRIS WHEELER OIL ON CANVAS BOARD (Illinois1881-moved to southern California in 1918 died there in 1968). Rice Creek Beach scene near San Louis Obispo. 11'' by 14'' signed Farris Wheeler lower right inscribed and dated...
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Southern stoneware jug Mossy Creek WhiteCounty Georgia circa 1880 alkaline glaze with tooled spout and strap handle on tapered cylindrical body shoulder impressed with the number three. H16 1/2'' W9'' Provenance:...
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WILLIAM HENRY PRICE OIL ON CANVAS (b.Pittsburgh Pa. 1864-died Pasadena CA 1940) Southern California landscape with eucalyptus trees and dry creek bed in late summer. 24'' by 17''. Signed W.H. Price lower left....
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