ANCIENT EGYPTIAN SHABTI FUNERARY FAIENCEFIGURE Ancient Egyptian shabti / ushabti funerary mummiform faience figure with hieroglyphic painted decoration. 4.5" H....
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ANCIENT EGYPTIAN SHABTI FUNERARY FIGUREAncient Egyptian shabti / ushabti funerary mummiform figure with hieroglyphic painted decoration. 4.5" H....
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ANCIENT EGYPTIAN SHABTI FUNERARY FAIENCEFIGURE Ancient Egyptian shabti / ushabti funerary mummiform faience figure with hieroglyphic painted decoration. 4.5" H....
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ESTATE GROUP OF GREEK / EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES(6) Estate grouping of Egyptian and Greek antiquities. Including: Pottery head of Aphrodite, old labels on base, head 1.5", a blue glazed Egyptian pottery faience figure,...
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EGYPTIAN USHABTI OR FUNERARY FIGUREEgyptianUshabti or Funerary Figure, faience; on acrylic stand Dimensions: 2 in. (5.1 cm.) high, Overall: 2 3/4 x 1 1/2 x 1 in. (7 x 3.8 x 2.5 cm.) Provenance: Property from the Estate...
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TWO CARVED FIGURAL FUNERARY MEMORIALPOSTS (KIKANGU) Two carved figural funerary memorial posts (Kikangu), Giriami people, Kenya, greatest 6'9" (overall). Provenance: Collection of Vanna and N. Lee Lacy (Palm...
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ROYAL DOULTON BLUE FLAMBE LG CHARACTERJUG PHARAOH D702...Hand made and decorated, blue flambe. Symbol of ankh, Shawabtwy (funerary figure), and Head of Anubis, depicted in the handle. Royal Doulton backstamp.
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AKAN AFRICAN TERRACOTTA FUNERARY FIGUREAkanterracotta funerary figure. Figures of this sort are common among the Akan peoples of Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana and generally represent deceased community members who held high...
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ANCIENT CARVED EGYPTIAN FUNERARY STATUE,STANDING PHARO...Ancient Carved Egyptian Funerary Statue, standing Pharoah figure, gilt wood with bronze headdress having coral jewels and remnants of gold and polychrome...
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INSCRIBED PALMYRAN MARBLE RELIEF W/BANQUETERNear East / Holy Land, Palmyra, Roman Period, ca. 2nd to 4th century CE. An impressive Palmyran funerary relief, hand-carved from creamy white marble to depict a...
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LURISTAN BRONZE MASTER OF ANIMALS STANDARDFINIALAncient Near East, northwestern Iran and Turkey, Luristan, ca. 1000 to 600 BCE. An intriguing cast-bronze standard finial in the form known as the "master of animals."...
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MASSIVE MOCHE COPPER PANELS AI APECFIGURE (8 PCS)Pre-Columbian, northern Peru, Moche culture, ca. 300 to 500 CE. This is a spectacular and rare copper depiction of the god Ai Apaec (also Ai Apec) as a near...
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SOUTH ARABIAN LIMESTONE FUNERARY STELEW/ INSCRIPTIONAncient Near East, South Arabia, Yemen, probably Qatabanian culture, ca. 2nd century BCE to 2nd century CE. This is a pale brown limestone slab with a carved...
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LARGE CHANCAY WOOD STANDING FIGURE W/TEXTILE TUNICPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, Late Intermediate to Late Horizon, ca. 1100 to 1550 CE. An incredible wood and textile funerary figure of a standing...
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CHINESE TANG POTTERY LOKAPALA W/ SANCAIGLAZE, TL'DEast Asia, China, Tang Dynasty, ca. 618 to 907 CE. A fantastical mold-formed pottery guardian figure known as a lokapala with a serious expression wearing elaborate...
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GORGEOUS MAYA JADE FIGURAL PENDANT -SITTING LORDPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Maya, Late Classic Period, ca. 550 to 900 CE. A beautiful pendant, hand-carved from stunning apple-green omphacite...
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Pre-Columbian, Central America, Panama or Costa Rica, Chiriqui or Veraguas culture, ca. 8th to 14th century CE. A superb gold figural pendant of a shamanic...
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Ancient Egypt, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 590 to 530 BCE. An impressive siltstone statue of Osiris, the god of fertility,...
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Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom, 18th to 19th Dynasty, ca. 1550 to 1189 BCE. A stunning funerary figure of tall form called an ushabti that...
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Magna Graecia, South Italic Colonies, Apulia, Canosan, Hellenistic Period, ca. mid-4th to early 2nd century BCE. An adorable pottery figure...
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COLIMA STANDING WARRIOR SHAMAN, EX-SCHMITTPre-Columbian,West Mexico, Colima, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. An enticing pottery figure in a curious pose - arms raised to hold a type of club before him while wearing a conch shell strapped...
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RIO MAGDALENA MOSKITO POTTERY URN W/LID, TL TESTEDPre-Columbian, Northern Colombia, Rio Magdalena, Moskito, ca. 1200 to 1500 CE. A This is an incredible funerary effigy vessel with a figural lid, and a conical...
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ETRUSCAN BLACKWARE STAMNOS W/ RIBBED& INCISED MOTIFSClassical World, Etruria, ca. 5th century BCE. An impressive and quite imposing pottery stamnos presenting a voluminous form, a horizontally ribbed shoulder,...
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MBOMA STONE FUNERARY FIGURE, BAS KONGOREGION OF DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO, (REPAIRED) H: 15 3/4 IN. (40.01 CM.)Mboma Stone Funerary Figure, Bas Kongo Region of Democratic Republic of Congo, (Repaired), Dimensions:...
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T'ANG FUNERARY FIGURE (DAMAGED), HEIGHT:7-1/4 INT'ang Funerary Figure (damaged), Height: 7-1/4 in,...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY FIGURAL FRAGMENTPre-ColumbianPottery Figural Fragment , before 1200 A.D., Comalapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala, possibly from a funerary urn or other large vessel, h. 5 in., w. 9 1/4 in., d. 4 in Provenance:...
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Three Chinese Ceramic Funerary Objects
comprisinga Han dynasty pottery figure of a warrior, a Han dynasty pottery covered ding vessel and a Ming dynasty painted stoneware figure of a male attendant.
Height of tallest 18...
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HAN DYNASTY POLYCHROME POTTERY 20.5INCH FUNERARY FEMALE FIGURE. 20 1/2" H X 8 1/2" WHan Dynasty polychrome pottery 20.5 inch funerary female figure., (head reattached). Dimensions: 20 1/2" H x 8 1/2" W...
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LARGE MONGOLIAN STRAW GLAZED POTTERYSTANDING FUNERARY GUARDIAN WARRIOR FIGURE, SUI OR TANG DYNASTY. 14"H X 4 3/4"W X 3 1/2"DLarge Mongolian straw glazed pottery standing funerary guardian warrior figure, Sui...
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CHINESE EARTHENWARE FUNERARY ATTENDANT,GARDIAN FIGURE, WENGUAN, TANG DYNASTY (618-906 A.D.) 9 3/4"H X 2 3/4"W X 1 3/4"DChinese earthenware funerary attendant, gardian figure, Wenguan, Tang dynasty (618-906 A.D.),...
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ANTIQUE KOREAN FOLK SHAMAN FUNERARYFIGURE 19th c., Korea, carved polychrome painted wood, depicting a Western styled man riding a horse with bowler hat, on custom laminate display stand, includes original invoice...
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ANCIENT EGYPTIAN FUNERARY FIGURE OFQEBEHSENUEF Poss. Late Period or Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BCE), polychrome painted gesso coated carved wood bust figure of Qebehssenuef, son of Horus, loosely mounted on plinth,...
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EGYPTIAN POTTERY FIGURES & FRAGMENTGroup of (4) Pieces of Egyptian Pottery, incl: Turquoise glazed faience mummiform ushabti funerary figure, with impressed hieroglyphic symbols, 3 1/4" high; Seated Isis nursing...
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CARVED STONE FUNERARY URN. Fitted asa Table Lamp. Together with Ceramic figure fitted as table lamp (10'') and blanc de chine Quan Yin figure (12'') 10'' Condition: Guan Yin only: Item in figure's left hand...
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Three Tang Dynasty Funerary FiguresTerra cotta funerary figures of three maidens. The two figures wearing robes are 10" in height and the other figure is 10-1/2." At one time the pieces were part of a museum...
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EGYPTIAN BRONZE STATUE - Funerary Figureof King Psamtik I as Osiris Dyn 26 ca 630-610 BC holding crook and flail in Atef Crown which lacks top of one plume 3 5/8'' tall mounted into wooden block flaking to patina....
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