TABRIZ CARPET (9'9" X 12'7") NorthwestPersia. Featuring a large rosette medallion in rust-red, Persian blue, gold, black and ivory on the red floral filled field, with matching spandrels, with a midnight blue...
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VINTAGE ROOM SIZE TABRIZ ORIENTAL RUG.Fine vintage Tabriz room size rug. a rich black field with tan, burgundy, green highlights, 7’11” x 9’8”....
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PERSIAN TABRIZ CARPETA Persian Tabrizcarpet, last quarter 20th century, decorated overall with foliate sprays & vinery in shades of tan, russet & black against an ivory field and centred by a petal-shaped cartouche,...
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TABRIZ CARPET 9'½" x 12'3" Mediumlow silky mercerised cotton on cotton foundation. Fine hand knotted rug. Field with central multicolor medallion with extensions and floral designs on ivory and black background;...
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Persian, 20th century, wool with silk highlights. Ivory on peach foliate pole medallion centers the floral decorated black ground with beige to ivory corners, peach border...
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HAND KNOTTED PERSIAN TABRIZ RUG, EASTAZERBAIJAN PHAND KNOTTED PERSIAN TABRIZ RUG, East Azerbaijan Province, northwestern Iran, featuring a column of five geometric pole medallions on black diapered field, 4'2"...
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ROUND PERSIAN TABRIZ WOOL AND SILK RUG,EAST AZERB East Azerbaijan Province, northwestern Iran, floral and central floral medallion design on black ground, HAND KNOTTED, 8'2"D....
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TABRIZ WOOL HAND KNOTTED RUGTABRIZ WOOLHAND KNOTTED RUG, symmetrical floral and foliate motifs in shades of tan, brown and gold on a cream color ground, black border, on a cotton foundation Dimensions: approx....
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INDO-TABRIZ BLACK GROUND RUG, 13 FT10 IN X 10 FT 2 INIndo-Tabriz Black Ground Rug,, Dimensions: 13 ft 10 in x 10 ft 2 in...
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TABRIZ BLACK GROUND SCATTER RUG, 5 FTX 3 FT 1 INTabriz Black Ground Scatter Rug,, Dimensions: 5 ft x 3 ft 1 in...
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RUG: SEMI-ANTIQUE PERSIAN TABRIZ CARPET,8' 7" X 12' 2", HAND-WOVEN, CREAM FIELD WITH BLACK BORDER INCLUDING BLUE, BEIGE, RUST, BLAC.RUG: Semi-antique Persian Tabriz carpet, 8' 7" x 12' 2", hand-woven, cream field...
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LARGE PERSIAN TABRIZ WOOL RUGLARGE PERSIANTABRIZ WOOL RUG, colors include burgundy red, green, yellow-gold, ivory, black, burgundy field, approx. 9' x 12'1"...
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PALACE SIZE ANTIQUE PERSIAN TABRIZ CENTRALMEDALLION WOOL RUG MEDALLION WOOL RUG, central medallion on a rust field surrounded by multiple borders, colors include green, blue-green, rust, brown, black and ivory, cotton...
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TABRIZ DESIGN RUG: 8’0” X 11’6”LATE 20TH CENTURYTABRIZ DESIGN RUG: 8'0" X 11'6", Late 20th Century, Copper pendant medallion with a black and ivory center rests at the center of a bright ivory field with...
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CINO-PERSIAN (CHINA) TABRIZ DESIGN ESTATEHAND KNOTTED WOOL ON SILK PILE, BLACK FLORAL RUG. 110" X 144"Cino-Persian (China) Tabriz design Estate hand knotted wool on silk pile, black floral rug., Dimensions: 110"...
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HAND KNOTTED WOOL PERSIAN TABRIZ RUG,10 X 8 Hand knotted wool Persian Tabriz rug, having a full field of palmettes and sickles in tan, cream, and tangerine, on a black ground, with a repeating palmette border...
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ANTIQUE SILK TABRIZ PRAYER RUG MiddleEast,Circa 1880Delicate flower and tendril pattern over cream field surounded by black framed botanical borders....
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A Persian Tabriz Area Rug Apprx. 3'-9"x 6'-4". Medium/low wool pile on cotton weft. Field with complex central medallion of brown-black-ivory-gold with complex extensions; symmetrical stylized floral design...
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Finely woven room-size silk rug, Tabrizdesign, each end with urn of flowers flanking scalloped central medallion, border with birds, flowers and vines on black ground, partially silk construction, retains most...
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Finely woven silk rug, central medallionon black field with birds, vines and flowers throughout, Tabriz design, silk and wool, modern, 4 ft. 9 in. x 6 ft. 9 in. Excellent condition, several very minor stains. Private...
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Tabriz Rug Persian, 20th century, heavyconstruction, central medallion on blue/black ground, 3 ft. 2 in. x 4 ft. 11 in.,...
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Handmade Tabriz Carpet. In shades ofbeige and black. From a Greenwich home. Dimensions: 4' 11" x 6' 8."...
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TABRIZ BLACK-GROUND CARPET Worked withrows of triple rose clusters within primary terracotta chain and six guard borders; approx. 9 ft. 11 1/2 in. x 13 ft. 3 in....
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A Persian Tabriz Rug Apprx. 3'-10" x6'-6". Low wool pile on cotton weft. Field with two rows of four black-gold-ivory lozenge shape medallions and navy blue-gold-ivory diamond medallion in between on ruby red...
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INDO PERSIAN HAND KNOTTED WOOL ROOMSIZE RUG 8' 1'' x 9' 11'': This brightly colored rug has an overall design of flowers vines leaves and palmettes like some Tabriz rugs. However the orange field color is definitely...
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Finely woven silk rug, central medallionon black field with birds, vines and flowers throughout, Tabriz design, silk and wool, modern, 4 ft. 9 in. x 6 ft. 9 in. Excellent condition, several very minor stains. Private...
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