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TAINO SCULPTURE Magnificent Yucahu...
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© Thomaston, Maine
TAINO SCULPTURE Magnificent Yucahu Head in serpentine, a fertility symbol that carried the oni or soul of ancestors, in typical form having the face turned...
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TAINO (C. 1000-1500 CE) WOODEN ZEMI(LIGNUM VITAE)Taino (c. 1000-1500 CE) Wooden Zemi made of Lignum Vitae. This wood is related to the creosote tree and is bug and decay resistant. Therefore the Greater Antilles...
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TAINO (C. 1000-1500 CE) RARE STONE ANTHROPICCOHOBA STA...Taino (c. 1000-1500 CE) An Exceedingly Rare Stone Anthropic Cohoba Stand. The large eyes and gaping mouth attributed to the supreme male god of fertility, Yucahu....
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TAINO SCULPTURE Magnificent Yucahu Headin serpentine, a fertility symbol that carried the oni or soul of ancestors, in typical form having the face turned skyward, with headdress, northern Antilles, Dominican Republic,...
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TAINO SCULPTURE Magnificent Yucahu Headin serpentine, a fertility symbol that carried the oni or soul of ancestors, in typical form having the face turned skyward, with headdress, northern Antilles, Dominican Republic,...
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LARGE TAINO ZEMI. CIRCA 800–1500 AD.IT PROBABLYdepicts. Yucahu. The standard characterization associated with this type of Zemi. The facial features and anterior legs are sharply sculpted. A headband with alternating...
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TAINO SMALL ZEMI OF YUCAHU, PRIMARYMALE GOD OFplanting, fertility, and water. Pre-Columbian. Huge ear ornaments. Pronounced brow ridge defines eyes. The mouth has the typical surrounds. Base is polished and...
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TAINO ZEMI TYPE 2, EXAGGERATED NOSEIS DIFFERENTfrom the typical Yucahu format. This piece appears to be formulating and the bird head ear ornaments are quite large for the size of the Zemi. Nevertheless, it...
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TAINO ZEMI, TYPE 2, EXTREMELY FINE WITHCAREFULLYcarved design elements that are sharp and precise. Typical depiction of the supreme God Yucahu. The stone is very fine grained and marble-like. Base is concave, pecked...
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TAINO, A RARE ZEMI PROTOTYPE WITH THREEHEADS.The front and top heads are anthropic, while the head at the rear is zoomorphic. The "cone" head followed the Taino design module for Yucahu, primary god of planting....
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TAINO ZEMI, TYPE 2, RARE MONUMENTALLIGNUM VITAEZemi with typical Yucahu design, represented by wide mouth and Rayban type eyes. A band of alternating triangle arches across back projection. Cone is incised...
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HIGHLY DESIRABLE TAINO ZEMI OR TRIFORM.THE FACEof the cone depicts Yucahu, the Taino's primary fertility and planting god, a recognized Taino design motif. The back of the cone is incised with an array of complex...
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