GEORGIAN MAHOGANY BALL & CLAW DININGCHAIRS, 12 Georgian Revival mahogany dining chairs, group of twelve, comprising ten side chairs and two armchairs, featuring acanthus-carved crest and knees, pierced baluster...
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LATE 19TH C. MAHOGANY DINING TABLE LIONMASK LEGSA late nineteenth century American Victorian mahogany dining table. The top having a moulded edge, raised on lion mask carved legs. The table has five 9" leaves that...
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AMERICAN MAHOGANY DINING TABLE CIRCA1890A turn of the century American mahogany dining table circa 1890. Having an circular top with roped edge resting on an acanthus carved claw foot base. Ht: 29.5" Diameter:...
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AMERICAN VICTORIAN SPLIT PEDESTAL DININGTABLEAn American Victorian split pedestal mahogany dining table having gadrooned edge resting on an elegant acanthus carved base. Table extends to 122" with the addition of...
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SIX AMERICAN FEDERAL STYLE DINING CHAIRSAgroup of six (6) American Federal style dining chairs including four (4) matching side chairs with flat crest, sloped shoulders and Gothic arch splats, ione (1) Federal style...
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A GROUP OF EIGHT BAKER, KNAPP & TUBBSMAHOGANY DINING C... MAHOGANY DINING CHAIRS, AMERICAN, CIRCA 1976, comprising six Chippendale style dining chairs in the Gothic taste, each yoke back within leafy scrolled...
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SET FOUR NEW YORK FEDERAL CARVED MAHOGANYDINING CHAIRS...1790-1810, mahogany with ash and poplar, each with feather and drapery urn carved back, molded stiles, over the rail muslin upholstered slip seats, on tapered...
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GEORGIAN STYLE TRIPLE PEDESTAL DININGTABLE Possibly American, 20th century. Mahogany dining table in the Georgian taste, having three pedestals with carved acanthus detail and paw feet. Together with four leaves...
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AMERICAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVEDDOUBLE PEDESTAL MAHOGANY DINING TABLE Circa 1870, mahogany and mahogany veneer, white pine secondary, rectangular table with three leaves, two acanthus carved bold pedestals...
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EMPIRE MAHOGANY DROP-LEAF DINING TABLE,AMERICAN, American, mid-19th century, having twin D-shaped side flaps, rectangular top, and four carved and spiral-turned legs ending in casters. Closed dimensions: 29"H x...
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SET OF EIGHT AMERICAN CLASSICAL CARVEDMAHOGANY DINING CHAIRS, CIRCA 1860 MAHOGANY DINING CHAIRS, CIRCA 1860, each with tablet form crest rail surmounting tassel and swag carving, upholstered slip seat flanked...
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GOTHIC CARVED MAHOGANY DINING CHAIRSEightAmerican Gothic Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs, c. 1845, possibly Charles Baudouine (act. 1829-c.1854), New York, incl. two armchairs and six side chairs, shaped pierced crest...
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AMERICAN CARVED MAHOGANY EXTENSION DININGTABLEAmerican Renaissance Carved Mahogany Extension Dining Table, late 19th c., gadrooned top, four extension leaves, bulbous standard, acanthus carved paw feet . Provenance:...
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AMERICAN GOTHIC CARVED MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRISEight American Gothic Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs, c. 1845, possibly Charles Baudouine (act. 1829-c.1854), New York, incl. two armchairs and six side chairs, shaped...
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AMERICAN CARVED MAHOGANY TWO-PART DININGTABLEAmerican Federal Carved Mahogany Two-Part Dining Table, early 19th c., demilune ends, blocked frieze, ring-turned legs, h. 29 3/4 in., l. (open) 78 in., w. 42 in...
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CENTENNIAL CHIPPENDALE CARVED MAHOGANYDINING CHAIRSSix American Centennial Chippendale Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs , one arm, five side chairs, pierced splats, gadrooned seat rail, foliate knees, cabriole legs,...
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CARVED MAHOGANY EXTENSION DINING TABLEMonumentalAmerican Late Classical Carved Mahogany Extension Dining Table , early-to-mid 19th c., molded circular top, elaborately molded support with shaped pedestal and colonnettes,...
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AMERICAN FEDERAL CARVED MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRSSix American Federal Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs in the Sheraton Taste, early 19th c., probably New York, incl. 1 arm and 5 sides, shield back with entwined splat...
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SET OF SIX CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRSSet of six Chippendale mahogany dining chairs, ca. 1770 , probably New York, with shell carved crest and knees. An identical chair, possibly from the same set, is in...
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FEDERAL CENTENNIAL MAHOGANY DINING TABLEAND SET O AND SET OF FOUR CHAIRS, American, late 19th/early 20th century, the oval two-part dining table has two tilt tops each on tripod pedestal; the chairs having carved...
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SET OF FIVE AMERICAN CLASSICAL MAHOGANYDINING CHAIRS, CIRCA 1840 DINING CHAIRS, CIRCA 1840, each with figured mahogany crest rail surmounted by sunburst carving, over tablet back flanked by reeded stiles, upholstered...
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EIGHT PHILADELPHIA FEDERAL MAHOGANYDINING CHAIRSSet of eight Philadelphia Federal mahogany dining chairs, ca. 1805 , probably made in the workshop of Henry Connelly, each with a scrollwork back, with carved...
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PHILADELPHIA CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRPhiladelphia Chippendale mahogany dining chair, ca. 1770 . An identical chair is illustrated in Joseph Downs, American Furniture Queen Anne and Chippendale Periods ,...
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TEN AMERICAN CARVED MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRSSet of Ten American Chippendale-Style Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs, 20th c., New Orleans, benchmade, incl. two arms and 8 sides, acanthus crest rail, pierced splat,...
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SEVEN AMERICAN CLASSICAL MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRSSeven American Classical mahogany dining chairs, consisting of a set of three and a set of four. Early 19th century with later 20th century upholstery, one chair with...
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AMERICAN CLASSICAL CARVED MAHOGANY DININGTABLE Circa 1830, mahogany veneer, white pine secondary, rectangular tops with rounded corners, drop leaves with single gate-leg support, vertically veneered front frieze...
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AMERICAN RENAISSANCE MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRSSix American Renaissance Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs, late 19th c., scrolled crest, foliate crest rail with opposing dolphins, foliate stiles, tapered legs, blocked...
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A Suite of Eight American Chippendale-StyleCarved Mahogany Dining Chairs comprising two arm and six side chairs arched molded crests above pierced vasiform splats square molded legs connected by H stretchers....
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A Suite of Six American Late ClassicalCarved Mahogany Dining Chairs c. 1860 arched leaf-carved crest rails terminating in rosettes acanthus splats serpentine seats serpentine leaf-carved seat rail cabriole legs...
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SET OF TEN AMERICAN CLASSICAL-STYLECARVED MAHOGANY DINING CHAIRS IN THE BOSTON MANNER Including two armchairs each tablet-form crest rail above drapery swag the drop-in seat on molded saber legs; 35 x 18 1/2...
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An American Late Victorian Carved MahoganyDining Table late 19th c. circular top with foliate incised banding gadrooned edge plain skirt acanthus carved bulbous pedestal on acanthus carved outswept legs ending in...
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A SET OF FOUR CARVED MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRS American Victorian/Empire transitional style the set to include three side chairs and one matching armchair....
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A Set of Eight American Finely CarvedMahogany Dining Chairs in the style of Duncan Phyfe comprising 6 side and 2 armchairs with paneled tablet crests molded stiles acanthus-carved lyre backs with brass stringing...
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Set of eight Chippendale Style CarvedMahogany Dining Chairs, American, late 19th/early 20th century, in the Philadelphia style, each with pierced splat and molded legs, white damask-upholstered seats, six sides...
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A Monumental American Late ClassicalCarved Mahogany Dining Table mid-19th c. Philadelphia the segmented top with beaded skirt opening to receive five leaves cluster column pedestal supporting legs gadrooned...
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