2 TIN HEART SHAPED CHEESE MOLDS CA.1880-1930;both rolled tin, pierced and solder constructed: earlier model lower height cheese mold with tubular feet and wire roll braced rim, diamond pierced pattern in base...
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PUNCHED TIN CANDLE LANTERNca. 19th century;primitively crafted pierced and punchwork decorated lantern with clear round lens that has tin strap/gridwork shielded glass, hinged top, conical hooded with ringed tote lantern...
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2 PRIMITIVE ITEMSca. 18th-19th century;wooden cased punched tin foot warmer with hinged access door, loose wire handle on clip mounts, wooden case with turned corner posts, red painted tin, 9"x 8"x 6"; bronzed...
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UNUSUAL CONSTRUCTED PUNCHED TIN CANDLELANTERNca. mid-late 19th century; traditional form pierced and punchwork decorative tin candle lantern with ring hanger, conical shaped top and cylinder shaped body, the lantern...
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(26) Pc decorative accessory groupingc/o (2) metal leaves under glass; pair of giclees No. 4 & 5 Bouquet of Flowers; (1) wood framed punched tin tray; holiday giclee; (2) 5-pointed stars; pair of pierced case...
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Seam separation across the top due to shrinkage. Age cracks emanating from rusted nail heads. Top rubbed through to wood with scattered stains,...
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(3) Tin lantern, sconce and box to includepierced and punched tin candle sconce, folk cut crest, flower stamped shield back, 15"H, floral painted tin spice box, 6-3/4"L and star punched tin lantern, 11-1/2"H body,...
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EARLY PUNCHED TIN CANDLE LANTERNca.18th-19th century; rolled tin sheet and sold constructed cylinder-shaped ring handled lantern with pierced and punchwork decoration, hinged access door and coiled tin hasp,...
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EARLY PUNCHED TIN CANDLE LANTERNca.18th-early 19th century; roll tin sheet and solder constructed lantern with hinged door on wrapped wire hinge, peaked spire top and ring hanger with smoke deflector, tin extensively...
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ASSORTED COOKIE CUTTERS & LADLESca.1830-1930; tin figural flat back cookie cutters including: seated cat, duck, horse, dog and primitive parrot, 3"-7" x 3 1/4"- 4", Condition: good; brass and wrought iron pierced...
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TIN PIERCED LANTERNA punched and initialledtin lantern with original hanging ring. This style of lantern was the safest type to take into a 19th century straw-littered barn. Two rust holes in the top portion otherwise...
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TWO 19TH CENT. PUNCH TIN CHEESE MOLDS.TwoPennsylvania 19th Century Punch/Pierced Tin Cheese Molds. 2-3/4" and 4"h. Condition: : Good with minor dents and rust....
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POLYCHROME DECORATED PIERCED TIN CANDLELANTERN American. Pierced or punched tin candle lantern having polychrome painted decoration, crimped smoke bell, body with alternating star pattern, and hinged glazed...
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AMERICAN PINE PIE SAFE19th Century.Rectangular with a splash rail, the case with two doors fitted with punched tin panels, each pierced with arcs and a pinwheel. Height 51.5 in., Width 38 in., Depth 18 in....
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SOUTHERN HEART PINE PIE SAFESouthernHeart Pine Pie Safe, 19th c., punched tin paneled doors pierced with Masonic symbols, base drawer on shaped bracket feet, retains traces of old rouge wash, h. 49 1/2 in.,...
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EARLY PUNCHED TIN AND TOLEWARE ACCESSORIES(3) Piece 19th c. Lot, incl: Unusual lidded canister, possibly Pennsylvania, with elaborate punched surface decoration, 6 1/2" high, 4 1/2" diam.; Tole painted tin food warmer,...
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2 HAND WROUGHT SHEET METAL DOUBLE CRUISELAMPSca. 18th-20th century; both possibly continental imports: double cruise spout lamps with pierced and tool decorated double bird decorative shields and added late wire...
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A COLLECTION OF SEVEN ANTIQUE AMERICANPUNCH TIN LANTERNS Late 19th century-early 20th century, each with cylindrical body, conical top, and ring handles, six with similar pierced line and dot decoration (15 in.);...
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Fine rare large pierced tin lanterns:pair with tapering tops with bands of punched decoration, hangers with hinged floral mounts, sides with clear glass windows, one side on each a hinged door, English or Continental,...
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