Lot of vintage & modern figural Christmasornaments, including German Santa on reindeer figurine marked "Germany", putz cardboard mica duck made in Western Germany, blown glass Santas, lanterns, pinecones, M&M, strawberries,...
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GOEBEL HUMMEL FIGURINE, LETTER TO SANTACLAUSAdorable little boy sending a letter to Santa Claus. Goebel backstamp.
Artist: M.I Hummel
Dimensions: 4"L x 4"W x 7.25"H
Manufacturer: Goebel Hummel
Country of Origin:...
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GOEBEL HUMMEL FIGURINE, KNECHT RUPRECHTLimitededition, hand painted in matte finish depicting anti-Santa character who accompanies Santa and punishes children; he holds walking stick and lantern. M. I. Hummel impressed...
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SIMON & HALBIG "SANTA" DOLL, 31"HVerylarge German bisque doll by Simon & Halbig. Marks: S & H 1249, Dep, Germany. 14. Often referred to as "Santa" model doll, but not inscribed Santa. Bisque socket head, brown...
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23 VINTAGE CHRISTMAS ITEMS23 vintageChristmas items, gliter Santa 6 1/2"H, 2 papier Mache space ship candy containers (Japan) 10 1/2" & 11" H, Santa ornament marked Germany, top half of a papier Mache Santa...
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HANDSOME AZTEC STONE FACE OF MANPre-Columbian,Central & Gulf Coast Mexico, Veracruz region, Aztec culture, Post Classic period, ca. 1200 to 1521 CE. A dramatic mask carved from a gray volcanic stone, the head of a young...
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EXEMPLARY OLMEC RIO PESQUERO GREENSTONEMASKETTEPre-Columbian, Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec, ca. 900 to 600 BCE. In a word, wow! Finely carved and string-cut from a sage-hued greenstone with natural swirls of butterscotch...
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AN IMPORTANT TRANSLATED BYZANTINE MARBLEALTAR TABLETOP...**This is an oversized piece that may require special shipping. Please inquire for a quote prior to bidding.
Holy Land, Late Roman / Early Byzantine Period,...
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FRAMED ELI LEVIN PAINTING - "OLD BAG"1991Eli Levin (American, b. 1938). "Old Bag" watercolor and/or gouache, 1990. Pencil signed "Eli Levin 1990" at bottom center. A wonderful genre painting - a scene of everyday...
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THREE 19TH C. MEXICAN POTTERY CANDLEHOLDERS W/ SAINTSNorth America, Mexico, Oaxaca, Santa Maria Atzompa, ca. 19th century CE. A marvelous trio of hollow pottery candle holders, each boasting elaborate decoration...
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SIGNED BETTY GOLD IRON ARTIST PROOF,CA. 1980Betty Gold (American, b. 1935). Iron artist's proof, inscribed "A.P. B.G" (Artist's Proof / Betty Gold) at base of one side, ca. 1980. A special work by American artist...
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ANN CHRISTOPHER BRONZE - THROUGH THEDARK (1985)Ann Christopher (British, b. 1947). "Through the Dark" bronze sculpture, 1985. Stamped "AC 1.9" to indicate artist's initials and edition number on lower edge of...
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GERMAN SANTA ON SLED 20TH CENTURY HEIGHT6”.GERMAN SANTA ON SLED, 20th Century, Composition figure. Stamped ‘Germany' on back of sled. Dimensions: Height 6"....
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A LOUIS XV-STYLE MARQUETRY MANTEL CLOCKALouis XV-style marquetry mantel clock, Mid-20th Century Dial signed: Made in Italy; Movement signed: Franz Hermle / Made in Germany / No Jewels / Unadjusted / 151-080 /...
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WALTER UFER, (1876-1936), PUEBLO COOKINGSCENE WITH FIGURE, OIL ON WAXED LINED CANVAS, 20" H X 26" WWalter Ufer, (1876-1936) Pueblo cooking scene with figure Oil on waxed lined canvas Signed verso: W. Ufer 20"...
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SIMON & HALBIG BISQUE HEAD "SANTA" DOLLSimon& Halbig bisque head "Santa" doll, impressed S&H 1249 Dep Germany 6 1/2 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, pierced ears, and jointed composition body, 20" h.
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4 CHRISTMAS ITEMSca. 1890-1950; earlytwo-color black and red printed cloth handkerchief with oversized Santa stepping over roof, 12"x 11 1/2", Condition: staining; white cloth covered papier mache Santa candy...
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GUSTAVE BAUMANN, INDIANA, NEW MEXICO,CALIFORNIA (1881 - 1971), THE TOWN OF NASHVILLE, 1910, COLOR WOODCUT, 9" X 13" (WOODCUT), 17" X 21" (FRAME)Gustave Baumann, Indiana, New Mexico, California, (1881 - 1971)...
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Two Miniature Composition Santa ClausFigures and a White Feather Tree with Ornaments
Early 20th Century
comprising one Santa example that opens at the midsection to a cylindrical container, possibly German; the...
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SANTA CLAUS LEAD STILL BANK Germanyvery rare example hand painted overall depicts Santa walking with bag over shoulder holds staff. 6 1/4'' h. Repair to trap. Overall (Exc. Cond.)...
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EARLY SANTA DIE CUT Germany very detailedand realistic example of white robed Santa with gifts for children a hard to find item in this condition. 10 1/2''h. Some scrap book glue residue on book overall (Pristine...
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TWO GERMAN PRESSED CARDBOARD SANTASGermany tall pressed cardboard Santa in red robe with arms folded in classic pose and red sparkle rode Santa candy container with a feather tree sprig that opens at base for...
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MULE PULLING SANTA'S GARDEN SLEIGH DRESDENGermany a finely detailed mule pulling a sleigh loaded with flowers from Santa's garden a shovel protrudes from one side of the ornate sleigh super detailing throughout. 4...
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SEATED SANTA SMOKER Germany hand paintedcomposition Santa in red suit with pipe in mouth surrounded by two candle holders deer and rabbit and shrubbery motif very nice display scarce example. 6'' h x 8'' w. (Exc....
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EUGENE SCHMIDT PAIR OILS ON CANVAS.(Germany 1919 died California 2007.) ''Old Mission Santa Barbara-built in 1786'' and ''Country Court House Santa Barbara''. Each 14'' by 18'' signed in monogram ES lower right...
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SANTA RIDING POLAR BEAR PULL TOY GermanySanta with a feather tree sprig red coat and blue trousers rabbit fur beard riding on a polar bear pull toy with black harness big brown glass eyes and great form. 8'' h....
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SANTA HEAD LANTERN WITH GREEN HOOD Germanyhand painted composition and plaster with translucent paper eyes and teeth mica decoration to green hood. 5 1/2'' h. Tiny chip on inside of hood rim overall a classic smiling...
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LARGE SANTA ON POLAR BEAR PULL TOY GermanySanta in red felt suit trimmed in white rabbit fur beard riding a large polar bear pull toy bear depicted with menacing open mouth baring big teeth glass eyes red harness...
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SEVEN HUMMEL FIGURINES. German 20thcentury. ''A Letter to Santa'' with ''Goebel / W. Germany'' stamped in blue 7.25''h. Boy on sled with ''Goebel / W. Germany'' stamped in blue 6''h. Singing boy with WG mark...
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TIPPCO SANTA CLAUS AUTO Germany c. 1928one of the most desirable lithographed tin auto toys produced this exceptional open auto features Santa at the wheel w/extensive graphic images of toy bag on bench seat trunk...
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LARGE STORE DISPLAY SANTA BUST Germanycomposition face and hands blue eyes and horse hair beard and hair holds feather tree dressed in red robe with white trim he stands on base that someone has made for him originally...
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LARGE DONKEY WITH SANTA CANDY CONTAINERLarge donkey with green ribbon tack and green Dresden harness on head large donkey ears with a black mane and large black eyes Santa carries pipe stem tree with glass ornaments...
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LARGE LICHEN MOSS SLEIGH WITH SANTAAND REINDEER Germany very large lichen moss sleigh with Santa driver Santa has composition hands face and boots dressed in red coat with white trim and blue trousers and has...
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SANTA CLAUS MOSS CAR WITH BOX Germanyhand painted composition Santa in red felt suit seated at moss covered auto with felt canopy cover tin spoke wheels includes bottom portion of original box. 9 1/2'' l. (Exc....
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SANTA RIDING REINDEER CANDY CONTAINERGermany one of the most spectacular Christmas display offerings this rare item has scale and detail an overall highlight for a Christmas collection reindeer is felt covered...
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CAST IRON SANTA ON CHRISTMAS TREE STANDGermany Santa holding up Christmas tree brightly colored with good detail and classic molding. 10'' x 10''. (Exc. Cond.)...
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