J.A. Henckels. Airplane and Zeppelincocktail shakers and traveling bars. c. 1930, silver-plated brass. 5 h × 12½ w × 12 d in. result: $22,500. estimate: $1,500–2,000. Each example features one spoon, four...
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GOEBEL HUMMEL FIGURINE, A FREE FLIGHT569First Issue 1993. Matte hand-painted figurine; a boy holding "free zeppelin ride" sign.
Goebel Germany backstamp. Comes in original box. #goebel #hummel
Issued: 20th c.
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GRP: 6 MARKLIN ELECTRIC TRAIN ENGINESMarklin,Germany. Group of six electric model train engines, including one 3102 electric locomotive, one 3092 steam locomotive, one 3077 zeppelin, one 3000 steam locomotive, one 3366...
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CHARLES KNOTEK (1933-2008) AIRSHIP FLGIHTORIGINALCharles A Knotek (American, 1933 - 2008) "First Airship Flight Around the World" Original Mixed Media painting on Illustration Board. Signed lower middle.
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GERMANY ZEPPELIN COCKTAIL MIXER MARTINISHAKERVintage Art Deco German D.R.G.M. (Deutsches Reichs Gebrauchs Muster) Zeppelin Airship Cocktail Shaker. Corkscrew threads into funnel, which sits inside the four cups,...
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HINDENBURG GRAF ZEPPELIN 45" MODELMassive,nearly four-foot model of the Hindenburg. Handmade with fabric over wooden frame with about 600 glued joints. Hand Painted details. Swastika flags on stabilizers, as were...
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A J.A. Henckels Zeppelin Silver-PlatedCocktail Shaker
Circa 1920s
the interior fitted with a flask, a strainer and cover, two funnels, and four nesting shot cups; marked J.A. Henckels Twin Works, Solingen, Germany...
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(2) VINTAGE TIN LITHO WIND-UP TOYS Including:S.G. Guntherman (US Zone, Germany) "Mondrakete" sky-rocket toy, with propeller, c. 1950, 7 1/4" wide, 5" x 1 7/8", missing key and wind-up screw; and Ferdinand Strauss Trik-Auto...
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SUBSTANTIAL COLLECTION OF ZEPPELIN POSTAL& EPHEMERA MEMORABILIA Including: 1930 Asbury Park wreath drop; 1929 VG World Flight Observer Charles Rosendahl to King Kong creator Merian C. Cooper; 1937 Hindenburg cover;...
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1938 GERMAN ZEPPELIN MAIL EXHIBITIONPOSTER Poster promoting a Zeppelin Mail Exhibition in Konstanz, Germany on July 8-12, 1938, in the historic council building on Lake Constance (Bodensee), commemorating the...
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(2) ZZ GERMANY TIN LITHO ORNAMENTS Lotof (2) Vintage Holiday Ornaments, by Zimmerman Zirndorf Germany, incl: Graf Zeppelin, 3 1/2" long, 1 3/8" high; and English double decker bus (Nivea/Persil), 3 1/4" long,...
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U.S.A. HOT AIR BALLOON AND TWO ZEPPELINSGermany blown glass U.S.A. lot air balloon in silver w/blue trim and two glass Zeppelin air ships with no paint decoration. 3'' - 4 1/2'' t. (VG-Exc. Cond.)...
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ZEPPELIN TOY Germany lithographed tinclockwork driven celluloid propellers hanger on roof allows toy to propel while suspended gondolas on base. 10 1/2'' l....
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MULLER & KADEDER ZEPPELIN & AIRPLANEGO-ROUND Germany hand painted and lithographed tin features six zeppelins and three monoplanes with seated pilots clockwork driven well scaled double canopy roofs flag at...
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DOLL ZEPPELIN RIDE TOY Germany handpainted overall features two zeppelin rides each with lower gondolas for seating hand crank with pulley or as steam accessory. 9'' h. Ingersoll Collection. Restored....
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SEBNITZ GRAF ZEPPELIN ORNAMENT GermanySebnitz graf zeppelin is wire wrapped with two die cut children in baskets hanging below each holding Christmas tree. 4 1/2''. (Exc. Cond.)...
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a/ M & K ZEPPELIN Germany this Muller& Kadeder toy air ship is hand painted in maroon w/silver nose gondola catwalk features paper propellers and small figures below deck clockwork action. 14'' l. Ingersoll Collection....
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CARETTE LARGE SCALE ZEPPELIN WITH BOXGermany impressive scale measures over two feet long painted in yellow ribbed body clockwork driven rear paper propellers simulated gondolas below very rare example. 25 1/2''...
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LEHMANN EPL II ZEPPELIN Germany boxedexample lithographed tin clockwork driven gondolas appear underneath blades on sides complete toy. 9 1/2'' l. Box has tearing one propeller torn and dislodged the other fair....
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HEYDE BOXED GRAF ZEPPELIN & GROUND CREW#737 SET Germany an elaborate set with complete compliment of sailors posed as crew members carrying equipment flags guns or other accessories needed to ensure proper flight...
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TIPPCO ''R-101'' ZEPPELIN Germany lithographedtin silver body with yellow metal tail prop gondola and battery box appear on base missing light bulb clockwork driven. 14'' l. Discoloring to tail fin overall (Exc. Cond.)...
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OROBR ZEPPELIN Germany lithographedtin done in tan body with red striping red tail fins with ladders and gondolas on base green celluloid propellers clockwork propelled top hook intact. 10'' l. Working (Exc....
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TIPPCO ZEPPELIN Germany marked ''Hindenburg''on nose lithographed tin red metal tail propeller clockwork driven roof hook for attachment of string. 11'' l. Some blemishes to body overall (Exc. Cond.)...
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OROBR ZEPPELIN WITH BOX Germany lithographedtin done in tan body with red striping red tail fins have side ladders gondolas and side propellers green celluloid propellers clockwork propelled missing string has top hook....
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LOT OF THREE LEHMANN TOYS Germany lithographedtin examples includes the popular Alligator Shenandoah Zeppelin and Dare Devil Zebra drawn cart all key wind activated. 6 1/2'' - 7 1/2'' l. (Fair-Good Cond.)...
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MARKLIN ZEPPELIN Germany #5403 handpainted fuselage done in cream color with silver striping clockwork driven with overhead guide for string track features propeller blades celluloid tail fin and two gondolas....
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TIPPCO LARGE SCALE GRAF ZEPPELIN Germanylargest in series well detailed dirigible done in silver and blue ribbed striping propellers and gondola appears at underside clockwork driven marked ''DLZ 127 GRAF ZEPPELIN''....
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MARKLIN ZEPPELIN #5404 Germany clockworkpowered large scale example painted in cream color with silver gondolas' and propellers celluloid rear propellers embossed with logo and reads ''ZEPPELIN''. Features pulleys...
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Album of better stamps and covers including3 Graf Zeppelin covers (2 for 1931 Polar Flight, and 1 for 1931 flight to Pernambuco, Brazil); San Marino, Germany and Argentina zepppelin sets; a nearly complete run of stamps...
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MARKLIN ZEPPELIN Germany #5401 handpainted overall cream body silver striping and gondolas small flag at base celluloid propellers clockwork driven retains guide wire support with pulleys. Original string key...
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LOS ANGELES ZEPPELIN PENNY TOY Germanycirca 1920's lithographed tin reads ''Los Angeles'' on sides features side props which move as air goes through tube. 4'' l. (Exc. Cond.)...
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FLYING DIRIGIBLE WITH PARACHUTIST GermanyMuller and Kadeder exceptional detail this toy rarity features a lead hand painted dirigible with large gondola and elaborate clockwork action allowing side propellers to...
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