Byzantine Bronze Small ProcessionalCross, 10th-12th century now mounted on oak stand bronze height 4.75 in — 12.1 cm; overall height 8 in — 20.3 cm...
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English Oak Cupboard on Stand, 17thcentury and later the period arched doors each relief carved with romayne panel above figures amongst foliated scroll work, set in a later (probably Victorian) cabinet on...
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5 ANTIQUE TROPHIES INCL. STERLING SILVER,SNOWDEN FAMIL...Five antique trophy cups and bowls - Memphis, Tennessee provenance. 1st item: Gorham sterling small double handled cup with mask of a Native American Chief,...
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A CHARLES II CARVED OAK BIBLE BOX ONSTANDA Charles II carved oak bible box on stand fourth quarter 17th century, stand later height of box 9 3/4in (25cm); width 29 3/4in (75.5cm); depth 18 1/4in (46cm); height...
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AN IBERIAN EBONIZED INLAID OAK AND FRUITWOODPAPELEIRA ... PAPELEIRA VARGUEÑO ON STAND, 17TH CENTURY, the breakfront molded cornice above a projecting architectural-from center section featuring a portico of stepped...
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ENGLISH TELESCOPE ON OAK TRIPOD STAND,MID 19TH CENTURY...English Telescope on Oak Tripod Stand, mid 19 th Century , engraved “Negretti and Zambra Opticians to Her Majesty…..London”, oak barrel with brass...
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SIX PIECE GROUP, TO INCLUDE TWO ARTDECO STANDS; ARTS A...Six Piece Group, to include two Art Deco stands; Arts and Craft oak figure; a box with tacs; along with a mid-century modern marble sculpture.
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STUART CARVED OAK BIBLE BOX, HAVINGRECTANGLE LIFT LID ...Stuart Carved Oak Bible Box, having rectangle lift lid above arch carved panels on three sides, now on stand with turned feet, 17th century, height 8...
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FIVE PIECE LOT OF CARVED AND POLYCHROMEFIGURES, TO INC...Five Piece Lot of Carved and Polychrome Figures, to include carved Madonna and child figure, figure height 7 inches, Madonna standing in a robe painted in...
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LOT OF 3 SASANIAN STONE STAMP SEAL BEADSAncientNear East / Central Asia, Sasanian (Sassanian / Sassanid) Empire, ca. 2nd to 7th century CE. A trio of stone stamp seal beads, two orange-red carnelian or quartz, the third...
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Northern Europe, Flemish or English, Baroque period, ca. 17th century CE. A fine pair of oak wood caryatids, each meticulously hand-carved...
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An oak cabinet on later stand, 17thCentury, moulded cornice above a pair of geometric moulded doors with central rectangular projecting panel centred by an arch in ebonised wood and walnut, with sides with...
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A late 17th Century oak writing slopeor table desk on later stand, the hinged moulded edge slope with strapwork hinges opening to reveal an interior of open shelves and five small drawers, the sides with blind...
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FRENCH CARVED OAK SNUFF BOX LATE 17THCENTURY LENGTH 3”.FRENCH CARVED OAK SNUFF BOX, Late 17th Century, Oval. Lift-off cover relief-carved with a standing figure. Side with elaborate scrolled carving. Cover...
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ENGLISH JACOBEAN OAK BIBLE BOX ON STANDLate 17th century, two board top with molded edge, fish tail hinges, open interior, through tenon construction, the front panel with stylized flower relief carving, set on...
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CUSTOM GLASS AND COPPER COUNTERTOP DISPLAYCASE Formed from a turn of the century arched glass and copper inner-office mail delivery system labeled "Reinle Salmon Co., Store and Office Fixtures, Balto., MD.," set on...
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ETHAN ALLEN OAK MEDIA CABINET ON STAND,ETHAN ALLE Ethan Allen Furniture Co., 'American Artisan' collection, early 21st century, 85.5"h x 48"W x 24"D....
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TURN OF THE CENTURY OAK WASH STAND Withtowel bar on lyre-shaped frame, 31 in. H., 30 in. W., 18 in. D....
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CENTURY OAK TRIPLE DRESSER AND NIGHTSTAND, H: 34, L: 73, D: 18.75Century Oak Triple Dresser and Night Stand, H: 34, L: 73, D: 18.75...
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ENGLISH DROP LEAF STAND. Eighteenthcentury, oak. Jointed stool table turned and block legs and stretcher base, swivel top with shaped leaves. Older dark surface. 18.5"h. 24"w 29"open 9.5" leaves....
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Mid-Century decorator group to includeoak leaf copper tone bookends, a single art glass candlestick, a Dansk covered pot, gold tone flatware, assorted brass candlesticks, a wood giraffe spotted egg, brass dish...
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AMERICAN COUNTRY ROCKER AND STAND. Late19th and early 20th centuries. Mixed woods rocker in two shades of worn green, slat back and hide seat. Age splits and warping. 18" seat ht. 46"h. And a small rough hewn oak...
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STAND, FIRKIN AND LAP DESK. Nineteenthcentury. Two pieces are American: a mahogany and maple candlestand, age splits, stains and loss. 25.25"h. 13"dia. and a painted firkin, pine and oak, newer paint with birds,...
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TWO AMERICAN PRIMITIVES. Late 18th-early19th centuries, oak. A stand for possibly a rush light, round column terminating in a square plinth, rectangular base with three branch legs. Age splits and wear. 36.5"h....
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CIRCA 1450 the Virgin depicted wearing a red gown and blue mantle with a white headcovering edged in ochre, her dark...
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17TH CENTURY67cm wide, 109cm high, 47cm deep...
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17TH CENTURY the Madonna seated with the child Christ held in her left arm, who reaches for a cluster of grapes in her right hand, with some remnants...
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FOUR CHAIRS, TWO STOOLS AND A STAND.Eighteenth and 19th centuries. An oak English joint stool with carved apron, turned legs and box stretchers, 17.5"h. A European stool with short turned legs, 6"h. An oak European...
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Early English oak chest on frame, threeside-hung drawers, applied moldings, oak throughout, British, 17th century in part, 43-1/4 x 29 x 19-1/2 in. Rebuilt with period elements, one original lock, later top and...
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Flemish carved oak cabinet on stand19th century, incorporating mid 17th century carvings and panels In two parts; the molded upper cornice with carved corbels above a pair of paneled cupboard doors depicting...
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Misc. Furniture Lot. Turn of the centurytable, 3 nesting tables, circular library steps, small oak stand along with a vanity stool. From an Orange County, NY location. Dimensions: Table- 42"w x 32"d x 30"h...
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A 17th Century panelled oak chest onlater stand the chest fitted four long drawers with twin moulded drawer fronts the stand fitted single drawer on square legs 35ins wide x 28ins deep x 48ins high (chest and...
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Della Robia style tondo, circular nichewith terracotta relief figures of Madonna and child, gold mosaic background, set in plaster with tin glazed earthenware border with fruit, vegetables, leaves and flowers,...
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A 17th Century oak bible box with carvedthroughout 29ins wide x 17ins deep x 9ins high (top cracked) with later stand for same...
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English Carved Oak Bible Box-on-Stand,17th century and later, the rectangular box with a void interior, the front with stylized foliate carving, raised on a slightly later stand fitted with a single drawer over...
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A 17th Century oak bible box with hingedcover and carved panel fronts on later stand 61cm (24") wide...
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