TWO AMERICAN PIECED AND APPLIQUED COTTONQUILTSTwo American pieced and appliqued cotton quiltslate 19th-early 20th centuryComprising a Triangles quilt and a Sun Bonnet Baby quilt.the larger 72 1/2 x 78in (184 x 198cm)...
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TWO ANTIQUE PIECED QUILTSTwo antiquepieced quilts, 85" x 85" and 82" x 72".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO ANTIQUE PIECED QUILTSTwo antiquepieced quilts, Carolina Lily and Bethlehem Star, 85" x 85" and 82" x 80".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Staining and some small scattered...
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TWO RED AND WHITE HAWAIIAN VARIANT APPLIQUéQUILTSTwo red and white Hawaiian variant appliqué quilts, ca. 1900 , 78" x 70" and 74" x 74".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO PIECED QUILTSTwo pieced quilts,80" x 80" and 77" x 64".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Larger with staining....
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TWO RED AND WHITE QUILTSTwo red andwhite quilts to include an appliqué, 19th c., 82" x 76" and a patchwork, early 20th c., 84" x 86". Provenance: A New York Collection.
Competitive in-house shipping is available...
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2 EAST TN 19TH C. QUILTSTwo East Tennesseecotton pieced quilts. 1st item: Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt , red and blue calico with diamond border on white ground and white backing, 96" x 72". 2nd item: Sunburst...
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2 EAST TN 19TH C. QUILTSTwo East Tennesseecotton pieced quilts, late 19th century. 1st item: Harvest Sun variation pattern quilt, colors of red, blue, orange and black calico on white ground with white backing, 68"...
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TWO HANDMADE QUILTSTwo Handmade Quilts5'6" x 6'9" and 4' x 6'2"
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots can vary widely and are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. *No credit card payments...
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TWO PATCHWORK QUILTSTwo Patchwork Quilts...
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TWO PATCH QUILTSTwo Patch Quilts...
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TWO PATCH QUILTSTwo Patch Quilts...
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TWO PATCH QUILTSTwo Patch Quilts...
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TWO PATCH QUILTSTwo Patch Quilts...
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TWO QUILTSTwo Quilts...
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TWO AMERICAN PIECED COTTON QUILTSTwoAmerican Pieced Cotton Quilts...
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TWO PATCH QUILTS AND TWO YOUTH QUILTSTwoPatch Quilts and Two Youth Quilts...
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TWO NEW ENGLAND INDIGO LINSEY WOOLSEYQUILTSTwo New England indigo linsey woolsey quilts, early 19th c. , 94" x 84" and 84" x 81". Provenance: A Minnesota Estate. In-House shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO PIECED AND APPLIQUé QUILTSTwo piecedand appliqué quilts, 19th c., 82" x 82" and 82" x 80". Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
Tulip-significant staining. Green-staining and...
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TWO PIECED QUILTSTwo pieced quilts,to include wedding ring and log cabin, 80" x 80" and 75" x 72".
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
Wedding-staining. Cabin-significant...
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA PATCHWORK QUILTSTwoPennsylvania patchwork quilts, 19th c., 76" x 80".
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
As found....
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA PATCHWORK QUILTSTwoPennsylvania patchwork quilts, 19th c., to include an Irish chain, 82" x 80", and a leaf variant, 84" x 76".
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO QUILTSTwo quilts, to include a whiteon white trapunto quilt, 19th c., 80" x 82", and a patchwork floral quilt, early 20th c., 84" x 92".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO CONTEMPORARY AMISH QUILTSTwo ContemporaryAmish quilts, hand stitched, one diamond in a square variant, initialed ES - MB and dated 1989 , 98" x 86", the other pinwheels, dated 1990 , 98" x 90".
Competitive in-house...
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA PATCHWORK QUILTSTwoPennsylvania patchwork quilts, late 19th/early 20th c., to include one with a wild goose chase pattern in calico fabrics, 82" x 84", the other in a postage stamp pattern,...
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA PATCHWORK DOLL QUILTSTwoPennsylvania patchwork doll quilts, late 19th/early 20th c. ,15 1/4" x 15 1/4" and 18 1/2" x 16". Provenance: The Estate of Erminia Simon, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania.
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA PATCHWORK QUILTSTwoPennsylvania patchwork quilts, late 19th/early 20th c., to include one with a wild goose chase pattern in calico fabrics, 82" x 84", the other in a postage stamp pattern,...
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TWO QUILTSTwo quilts, to include a patchworkumbrella girl, 20th c., 80" x 82" and an embroidered example, dated 1894 , 72" x 74".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Embroidered -...
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TWO PATCHWORK QUILTSTwo patchwork quilts,to include a double wedding ring patchwork, early 20th c., 76" x 74" and a fan patchwork, 19th c., 92" x 80".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO SIMILAR EIGHT-POINT STAR PATCHWORKQUILTSTwo similar eight-point star patchwork quilts, 19th c., 82" x 78" and 102" x 100".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Largest -...
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA PATCHWORK QUILTSTwoPennsylvania patchwork quilts, early to mid-20th c., 80" x 82" and 60" x 62"; together with an oval rag rug.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO PATCHWORK QUILTSTwo patchwork quilts,to include one floral, mid-20th c., with spearpoint border, and scalloped edge, 84" x 94"; the other a star, late 19th c., 74" x 84".
Competitive in-house shipping is available...
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TWO SIGNED AND DATED AMISH QUILTSTwosigned and dated Amish quilts, with West Virginia Heritage Quilt Search tag, to include a nine patch, initialed EJY and dated 1965 , 74" x 66"; the other with illegible signature...
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TWO CONTEMPORARY FLORAL APPLIQUé QUILTSTwoContemporary floral appliqué quilts, signed Ada Snyder and dated 1980 and 1981, 102" x 88" and 86" x 100". Provenance: From the Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Irving Williams,...
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TWO APPLIQUE PATCHED QUILTSTwo AppliquePatched Quilts,, One sized as Twin....
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TWO QUILTSTwo Quilts,...
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