NATY ORTIZ AND CESAR NUñEZ (B. 20THCENTURY; MATA ORTIZ, MEXICO)Naty Ortiz and Cesar Nuñez (b. 20th century; Mata Ortiz, Mexico), A polychrome pottery jar, early 21st century Signed to underside: Naty D. Ortiz...
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CHINESE SONG / YUAN SMALL POTTERY JARS,2 Two Chinese pottery jars of diminutive proportions, South Chinese, Song or Yuan Dynasty, 13th -14th century, one a double gourd with two loop handles under a degraded celadon...
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TWO SAN ILDEFONSO PUEBLO POTTERY VESSELSTwoSan Ildefonso Pueblo pottery vessels, Two works: Albert and Josephine Vigil (1927-2009 and 1927-2001, San Ildefonso Pueblo) A San Ildefonso redware pottery jar, late 20th/21st...
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DARYL CANDELARIA (B. 1970, SAN FELIPEPUEBLO)Daryl Candelaria (b. 1970, San Felipe Pueblo), A San Felipe polychrome pottery jar, late 20th/early 21st century Signed: Daryl Candelaria / San Felipe, NM The wide...
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FIVE HOPI-TEWA CARLA (CLAW) AND ADELLELALO NAMPEYO PAINTED BUFF POTTERY JARS AND POTS, L:ATE 20TH-21ST CENTURYFive Hopi-Tewa Carla (Claw) and Adelle Lalo Nampeyo Painted Buff Pottery Jars and Pots, L:ate 20th-21st...
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A Chinese Green-Glazed Pottery Vessel,Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Together With a Thai Sawankhalok Lidded Pottery Jar, 15th/16th Century ? ????????/????????????? ? ????????/?????????????...
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FOUR CONTEMPORARY SOUTHERN AMERICANPOTTERY VESSELS20th century, including Mark Hewitt (English/Pittsboro, North Carolina), jug with strap handle, mottled brown ash glaze with black runs, stamped on base "WMH",...
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ELEVEN THAI SAWANKHALOK POTTERY VESSELS,KOREAN JARpossibly 15th century, including a footed bowl, repeated floral designs, 2-5/8 x 7 in.; crouching figure supporting a bowl, hollow form, 6 in.; kendi, birds and...
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MEDITERRANEAN / NEAR EAST POTTERY &BRONZE VESSELS (4)Magna Graecia, Southern Italic, Daunian, ca. 4th century BCE; Central Asia, Bactrian, ca. 2nd Millennium BCE; Near East, Holy Land, ca. 1st century CE; Egypt,...
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6TH C. BYZANTINE POTTERY JAR W/ SEAENCRUSTATIONSNear East / Holy Land, Byzantine Empire, ca. 6th to 10th century CE. This is an incredible pottery vessel that has spent hundreds of years at the bottom of the...
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BYZANTINE POTTERY JAR - UNIQUE FORM,INCISED MOTIFSNear East, Holyland, Byzantine Period, ca. 6th to 8th century CE. A lovely pottery jar of unique form, presenting a cup-like body that rises to a sloped shoulder...
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14TH C. THAI SAWANKHALOK GLAZED POTTERYJARSoutheast Asia, Thailand, Sawankhalok (Sawankalok) culture, Sukhothai Period, ca. 14th to 16th century CE. A lovely pottery jar, presenting a spherical body with a rounded...
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Southeast Asia, Thailand, Si Satchanalai culture, Sukhothai Period, ca. 15th to 16th century CE. A gorgeous piriform pottery jar covered...
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Egypt, probably Alexandria, Romano-Egyptian Period, ca. 30 BCE to 2nd century CE. A fine brownware pottery molded juglet depicting the head...
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MISSISSIPPIAN CADDO HODGES ENGRAVEDPOTTERY JAR, TL'DNative American, Southeast or Midwest, Caddo / Mississippian, ca. 770 to 1270 CE. A fabulous pottery jar presenting a bulbous body, a sloped shoulder, and...
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HUARI JAGUAR JAR, EX-CHRISTIE'S, EX-DENVERART MUSEUMPre-Columbian, central highlands of Peru or Lake Titicaca region of Bolivia, Huari (Wari), ca. 6th to 9th century CE. A wonderful pottery jar in the form of a seated...
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PAIR OF CHINESE MING DYNASTY POTTERYJARSEast Asia, China, late Ming Dynasty, ca. 17th century CE. A pretty pair of pottery jars, both boasting voluminous forms, rounded shoulders, and annular, folded rims. Sitting...
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MINIATURE ROMAN / HOLYLAND VESSELS,POTTERY & GLASSNear East, Holy Land, ca. 3rd BCE to 3rd century CE; Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A collection of 3 miniature pottery jars or vases, a...
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ANCIENT THAI BAN CHIANG BICHROME JARAncientSoutheast Asia, Northeastern Thailand, Ban Chiang culture, ca. 3rd to 1st century BCE. A wonderful pottery jar boasting a graceful silhouette adorned with mesmerizing, abstract...
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PATRICK SHIA CRABB (CALIFORNIA, 20/21STCENTURY) PPATRICK SHIA CRABB (California, 20/21st century) pottery jar with lid and teapot. Both marked with crab symbol. The jar measures 25.5" x 10" x 10"; the teapot measures...
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VICKIE MARTINEZ TAFOYA (B. 1967, SANTACLARA PUEBLO)Vickie Martinez Tafoya (b. 1967, Santa Clara Pueblo), A Santa Clara redware pottery jar, late 20th/early 21st century Incised to underside: Vickie Martinez Tafoya...
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VIRGINIA GARCIA (B. 1963, SANTA CLARAPUEBLO)Virginia Garcia (b. 1963, Santa Clara Pueblo), A Santa Clara redware pottery vessel, late 20th/21st century Signed to underside: Virginia Garcia / Santa Clara / San...
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LU ANN TAFOYA (B. 1938, SANTA CLARAPUEBLO)Lu Ann Tafoya (b. 1938, Santa Clara Pueblo), A Santa Clara blackware pottery jar, late 20th/early21st century Signed: Lu Ann Tafoya / Santa Clara Pue / N.M. A tall...
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STEVE LUCAS (B. 1955, HOPI-TEWA PUEBLO)SteveLucas (b. 1955, Hopi-Tewa Pueblo), A Hopi pottery jar, late 20th/21st century Signed: S Lucas / [Mudhead and corn ciphers] A tall polychrome globular jar with a complex band...
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TWO HOPI PUEBLO POLYCHROME POTTERY JARSTwoHopi Pueblo polychrome pottery jars, Two works: Leila Mutz (b. 20th century, Hopi) A globular jar, mid/late 20th century Signed to underside: Leila Mutz The brown and red...
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RACHEL SAHMIE NAMPEYO (1956-2022, HOPI-TEWAPUEBLO)Rachel Sahmie Nampeyo (1956-2022, Hopi-Tewa Pueblo), A large Hopi polychrome pottery jar, late 20th/early 21st century Incised to underside: R Nampeyo [with conjoined...
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ALICE CLING (B. 1946, DINé)Alice Cling(b. 1946, Diné), A Navajo redware pottery jar, late 20th/21st century Signed to base: Alice Cling A polished redware jar with fire clouds Dimensions: 7.75" H x 5.75' Dia....
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SAMUEL MANYMULES (B. 1963, DINé)SamuelManymules (b. 1963, Diné), A Navajo polished redware pottery jar, late 20th/21st century Signed to underside: SM / Dine The large olla-form polished jar with black fire...
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CYNTHIA STARFLOWER (B. 1959, SAN ILDEFONSOPUEBLO)Cynthia Starflower (b. 1959, San Ildefonso Pueblo), A San Ildefonso painted blackware pottery jar, late 20th/21st century Signed: Cynthia Starflower / San Ildefonso...
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TWO THAI POTTERY JARS FROM THE TURIANGSHIPWRECK Two Thai stoneware jars from the Turiang cargo ship wreck, mid 14th century, one in black underglaze and the other having vestiges of celadon glaze, pieces likely...
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(2) ITALIAN MID-CENTURY MODERN POTTERYJAR & BOWL(lot of 2) Italian mid-century modern pottery, attributed to Bitossi Ceramiche for Rosenthal Netter, c.1960s, including: (1) jar and cover, with parcel gilt design,...
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ABRAHAM COHN MID-CENTURY POTTERY JAR9" x 8" Wheel-turned lidded pottery jar with sporadic carved designs to the side and overall matte finish....
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ABRAHAM COHN MID-CENTURY POTTERY 10½" Wheel turned and glazed lidded pottery jar....
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SIX ASIAN PORCELAINS AND POTTERY PIECES:Japanese brown pottery and two Chinese pottery water drip figural pieces; small covered jar with brown drip-glaze; small pottery jar (marked early 12 century); & miniature...
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Korean Storage Jar, Silla Period ca.6th-9th Century Earthenware pottery jar, probably for storage, with overall grey, matte surface whcih is textured with a simple cross hatch pattern overall. Apprx. 8-3/4"T...
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MARBLED POTTERY JAR - Chinese Tang Dynasty8th Century - amber glazed marbled pottery jar of compressed globular form with a narrowed mouth. H. 2 1/4'' (5.7 cm) x Diam 3 3/8'' (8.6 cm). Good condition...
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