HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNET BABY ELEPHANTDESCRIPTION:A Herend hand-painted porcelain sitting baby elephant, in an overall traditional blue fishnet pattern finished with gilded trims. Marked along the underside with Herend stamps....
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HEREND "BLUE GARLAND" HEART BOXDESCRIPTION:A Herend porcelain "Blue Garland" heart box embellished by blue garland patterns along the side and top, completed with a rabbit motif. Stamped along the bottom with herend...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNET BABY ELEPHANTDESCRIPTION:A Herend hand-painted porcelain sleeping baby elephant, in an overall traditional blue fishnet pattern finished with gilded trims. Marked along the underside with Herend stamps....
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNET UNICORNDESCRIPTION:A Herend porcelain figurine of a recumbent unicorn, hand painted with a blue fishnet pattern, finished with gilded trims and accents. Marked along the underside with Herend...
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HEREND PORCELAIN FISHNET MONKEYDESCRIPTION:A Herend porcelain blue fishnet pattern monkey with gilt accents. Marked along the underside with Herend stamps. CIRCA: Mid-Late 20th Ct. ORIGIN: Hungary DIMENSIONS: H: 3.5"...
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HEREND "BLUE GARLAND" HEART BOXDESCRIPTION:A herend porcelain "Blue Garland" heart box embellished by blue garland patterns along the side and top, completed with a cat motif. Stamped along the bottom with herend marks.Â...
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HEREND PORCELAIN FISHNET DOGDESCRIPTION:A Herend porcelain blue fishnet dog figurine. Marked along the underside with a Herend stamp. CIRCA: Mid-Late 20th Ct. ORIGIN: Hungary DIMENSIONS: H. 3" x W. 3.25" CONDITION:...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FIGURINE, MOUSEHandpainted mouse in a blue Vieux Herend Fish scale design. Herend backstamp.
Issued: 2000
Dimensions: 2.25"L x 1.5"W x 2.25"H
Manufacturer: Herend
Country of Origin: Hungary
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FIGURINE, PHEASANTHandpainted pheasant in a blue Vieux Herend Fish Scale design with a multicolor block design tail. Herend backstamp.
Dimensions: 12.75"L x 3"W x 6.25"H
Manufacturer: Herend
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FIGURINE, RABBITHandpainted seated rabbit in a blue Vieux Herend Fish scale design. Herend backstamp.
Issued: 1993
Dimensions: 1.5"L x 1.25"W x 3.5"H
Manufacturer: Herend
Country of Origin:...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNET BABY ELEPHANTDESCRIPTION:A Herend hand-painted porcelain sitting baby elephant, in an overall traditional blue fishnet pattern finished with gilded trims. Marked along the underside with Herend stamps....
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FIGURINE, PAIROF RABBITS WITH CO...Hand painted rabbits with an ear of corn in a blue Vieux Herend Fish scale design. Herend backstamp.
Dimensions: 3"L x 2.25"W x 3.5"H
Issued: c. 1976
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FIGURINE, ROOSTERHandpainted cockerel in a blue Vieux Herend Fish scale design. Herend backstamp.
Dimensions: 4.5"L x 2.25"W x 5.5"H
Issued: c. 1976
Manufacturer: Herend
Country of Origin: Hungary
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FIGURINE, ELEPHANTBABYHand painted seated elephant in a blue Vieux Herend Fish scale design. Herend backstamp.
Dimensions: 2.5"L x 1.75"W x 2.75"H
Issued: c. 1990-2010
Manufacturer: Herend
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(3 PC) HEREND PORCELAIN DISHESDESCRIPTION:A group of three porcelain Herend dishes (1) Herend Rust Chinese bouquet featuring a reticulated design. H: 1.75" Diameter: 4.5" (1) Herend Rothschild porcelain dish accented...
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EIGHT PIECE HEREND PORCELAIN LOT, HAVINGFISHNET BIRD F...Eight Piece Herend Porcelain Lot, having fishnet bird figures to include blue double swan figure; a red pelican; a green swan; green double ducks each having...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE GARLAND DINNERSERVICE Partial dinner set including dinner plates, 17 lunch plates, 16 bread plates, 8 teacups, 10 saucers, 2 coffee cups, shell form dish, creamer, sugar bowl, triangular...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNET DUCK FIGURINEHerendporcelain blue fishnet with gold duck figurine handmade and hand painted with 24K gold accents, #5022....
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THREE HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNETANIMALS To include: #15453 a ram with gilded horns; a recumbent ram #15379; #5215, elephant balancing on a ball....
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FOUR HEREND PORCELAIN ANIMAL FIGURESFourHerend porcelain animal figures, Late 20th/early 21st Century Each marked for Herend and further numbered Each glazed porcelain with hand-painted fish scale pattern and...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE NETTED MODEL OFA WARTHOG 2 1/2 X 3 3/4 IN. (6.4 X 9.5 CM.) A WARTHOG, blue factory marks under hooves, the warthog stands foursquare with head slightly to one side, in blue fishnet pattern,...
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TWO LALIQUE CATS AND ONE HEREND PORCELAINCAT CAT, the first modeled as a crouching cat, l: 9 in., and the other as a seated cat, h: 8.25 in., both with incised Lalique France marks; and a Herend porcelain model of...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE JAYstamped andsigned to underside no. 153420-00/MCD 7 inches wide; 7 1/2 inches high Condition:...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNET DUCK FIGURALGROUPblue Herend mark to underside, modeled as two conjoined ducks [1 piece] 16 inches wide; 10 inches deep; 8 inches high Condition:...
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TWO SMALL HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNETBIRDSeach with blue Herend mark to underside the taller: 3 3/4 inches high Condition:...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNET ELEPHANTblueHerend mark to underside 7 inches wide; 6 inches high Condition:...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNET SEALblueHerend mark to underside Condition: no apparent damages 7 inches wide; 7 inches high Condition:...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNET RABBITGROUPblue Herend mark to underside Condition: minor shelf wear to underside. No apparent damages. 5 1/4 inches high Condition:...
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNET OWLblueHerend mark to underside Condition: minor shelf wear to underside. No apparent damages. 5 1/4 inches high Condition:...
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COLLECTION OF HEREND PORCELAIN BLUEFISHNET ANIMAL FIGURESCollection of Herend Porcelain Blue Fishnet Animal Figures, each with painted and printed factory marks; comprising 17 figures Dimensions: Ranging from...
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THREE HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE FISHNETBIRDS 20th century, hand-painted, including a bluejay on branch (7 in.), long tailed pheasant (5 in.); and a pair of chickadees (2 in.), all marked....
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HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE NETTED MODEL OFA SEATED MONKEY HEIGHT: 6 1/4 IN. (15.9 CM.) A SEATED MONKEY, blue factory marks (15619), the seated monkey with one gilt hand raised to his head Dimensions: Height: 6 1/4...
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TWO HEREND PORCELAIN BLUE DECORATEDFIGURINES OF A SEA OTTER AND A BEAVER, L OF FORMER 7 1/4 IN. (18.42 CM.)Two Herend Porcelain Blue Decorated Figurines of a Sea Otter and a Beaver,, Dimensions: L of former...
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HEREND PORCELAIN SERVING BOWL, "ROTHCHILDBIRD" PATTERN, AND HEREND PORCELAIN SHOE Rounded form deep bowl with serpentine rim, swirl and basket weave incised design on the interior border, circular foot; hand painted...
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A Herend Porcelain Blue Garland TeaService
20th Century
2 teapots
6 teacups
4 saucers
1 covered sugar
1 small tray with dolphin-form handle;
14 items total.
Height of teapots 5 3/4 inches....
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HEREND PORCELAIN ''BLUE GARDEN'' PATTERNSAUCE TUREEN AND COVER together with a Herend porcelain urn form vase painted with flowers; Meissen flare vase; a blue German porcelain pin box with cover; Berlin porcelain...
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