ARTHUR PARTON (AMERICAN, 1842-1914)Oil on canvas. Signed 'Arthur Parton 1882' (lower left).
Catalogue Note: Arthur Parton was a successful artist from Hudson, New York who began his career as a Hudson River...
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JOSEPH ANTONIO HEKKING (AMERICAN, 1830-1903)HUDSON RIVER SCHOOL LANDSCAPE Oil on canvas. Signed 'J. A. Hekking' (lower right).
Joseph Antonio Hekking (American, 1830-1903)
Joseph Antonio Hekking was a landscape and...
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WILLIAM FRERICHS O/C AUTUMN LANDSCAPEPAINTING, POSSIBL...William Charles Anthony Frerichs (North Carolina/American/Belgium/Netherlands 1829-1905) oil on canvas landscape painting, possibly the Blue Ridge Mountains,...
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ROBERT MOTHERWELL OCTAVIO PAZ SUITELITHO 1988Robert Motherwell (American, 1915-1991). Lithograph "Untitled (Number 24)" with chine colle from the "Octavio Paz" suite, 1988. Pen signed and dated along the lower...
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HARDSTONE FIGURAL BLACK BOY BRIGG CANE-1900-Wheel cut of a rare black Nephrite jade to depict a lovely Black Boy head with a fez, the knob shows naturalistic details in exceptional finesse and takes advantage of a...
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TEOTIHUACAN POTTERY FIGURAL INCENSARIOLID TL'DPre-Columbian, Valley of Mexico, Teotihuacan, ca. 500 to 700 CE. A lovely incensario lid used to funnel the smoke from burning copal incense upwards and out of the...
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TEOTIHUACAN POTTERY LIDDED INCENSARIO,EX SOTHEBY'SPre-Columbian, Mexico, Pacific Slope region, Teotihuacan culture, Escuintla type, Classic Period, ca. 450 to 650 CE. A stunning incensario used to burn copal incense,...
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ROMAN MARBLE RELIEF TROPAEUM FRAGMENT,CUIRASS & SHIELD...Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 2ndto 3rd century CE. An exceptional marble relief fragment of a tropaeum or trophy monument depicting the spoils of war with...
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TEOTIHUACAN POTTERY INCENSARIO OF RAINGOD TLALOC, TL'D...Pre-Columbian, Valley of Mexico, Teotihuacan, ca. 150 to 650 CE. A marvelous and massive theatre-type incensario featuring an ornately decorated lid with...
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ARTHUR PARTON (AMERICAN, 1842-1914),"SUNSET ON THE HUDSON" Oil on canvas. Signed and dated Arthur Parton '74 (lower right). Catalogue Note: Arthur Parton was a successful artist from Hudson, New York who began...
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ANTONI CLAVE', SPAINISH / CATALAN (1913-2005),WOMAN WITH CAT, LITHOGRAPHAntoni Clave', Spainish / Catalan, (1913-2005) Woman with cat, lithograph Titled lower left. Some light water stains on the bottom. Biography...
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ANTONI CLAVE', SPANISH / CATALAN (1913-2005),PORTRAIT OF A MAN, LITHOGRAPHAntoni Clave', Spanish / Catalan, (1913-2005) portrait of a man, lithograph Unsigned. Some light water stains on the bottom. Biography from...
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TWO PARTIAL CIVIL WAR INSPIRED GAMESTwopartial Civil War inspired games, to include Parker Bros. The Game of the Soldier Boy , box lid and fold-out game board, and an unidentified lithographed paper on card game...
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DRUMMER BOY OF SHILOH AUTOGRAPHED LETTERALSfrom John L. Clem on Grand Army of the Republic letterhead, listing him as part of the Committee on Legislation. Dated February 15, 1926, the letter from The Drummer Boy of...
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Attributed to Emil Bott (German-American,1827-1908)
A Beaver Valley, Pennsylvania, Landscape
oil on canvas
inscribed Bott in reversed script on the top stretcher
8 3/4 x 14 inches.
Bott, born in Wurtenberg, Germany,...
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Robert S. Duncanson (American/Ohio 1821-1872)"Ohio River Valley Landscape" oil on canvas unsigned 28 1/2 in. x 52 in. framed. Provenance: Descended in the Williams family of Cincinnati Ohio. Exhibition: Cincinnati...
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Brevet Brigadier General James M. Ruggles1st & 3rd Illinois Cavalry Civil War Archive 69 letters and documents; 1 diary; 2 presidential appointments; Veteran's hat; 2 shoulder straps; and coin purse with 19 coins....
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Robert Knox Sneden (American 1837 -1911)Civil War Vignette Watercolor on stiff bristol-type board titled in manuscript The Cochton River. Soldier's Home. Bath. Steuben County N.Y. Looking South signed l.l. and dated...
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US Pre- Civil War Pattern 1847 GrimsleyDragoon Saddle Ca 1850s. Copper nameplate in horn section reads Earle A. Royce Willsboro New York. Saddle measures 19.75'' from pommel to cantle. Leather in the seat section...
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Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver WaterPitcherwith circa 1873-1891 hallmark dating to Edward C. Moore's directorship baluster form with Moorish inspired engraving and die-rolled border to rim cast and applied handle...
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