EAST TN DECKER STONEWARE JAR, COBALTFLOWERSWashington County, Tennessee stoneware pottery jar attributed to Charles Frederick Decker (1832-1914) with cobalt multiple petal flower decoration on three sides, cobalt...
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LARGE EAST TN DECKER 5 GAL. POTTERYJUGLarge Washington County, Tennessee stoneware cobalt decorated pottery jug attributed to Charles Frederick Decker (1832-1914) with large cobalt multiple petal flowers on...
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EAST TN STONEWARE JUG, ATTR. TO CHARLESDECKEREast Tennessee decorated stoneware jug, attributed to Charles Frederick Decker (1832-1914) of Keystone Pottery, Washington County, TN. Cobalt decorated flower of several...
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA FOUR-GALLON STONEWARECROCKWestern Pennsylvania four-gallon stoneware crock, 19th c. , with cobalt inscription T.F. Reppert Successor to Jas. Hamilton & Co. Greensboro Pa , 15" h. Provenance: Journell...
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA TWO-GALLON STONEWARECROCKWestern Pennsylvania two-gallon stoneware crock, 19th c. , with cobalt inscription Hamilton & Jones Greensboro PA , 12 1/4" h. Provenance: Journell Estate, Lincoln, Virginia.
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA TWO-GALLON STONEWAREJUGWestern Pennsylvania two-gallon stoneware jug, 19th c. , with cobalt spitting tulip decoration, 12 1/2" h. Provenance: Journell Estate, Lincoln, Virginia.
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PENNSYLVANIA OR MARYLAND STONEWARE PITCHERPennsylvaniaor Maryland stoneware pitcher, 19th c. , with vibrant cobalt floral decoration, 10 1/2" h. Provenance: Journell Estate, Lincoln, Virginia.
2'' hairline to rim....
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA TWO-GALLON STONEWAREJUGWestern Pennsylvania two-gallon stoneware jug, 19th c. , with cobalt grape bunch decoration, inscribed Jas. Hamilton & Co. Greensboro PA , 14" h. Provenance: Journell Estate,...
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA STONEWARE MERCHANTSCROCKWestern Pennsylvania stoneware merchants crock, 19th c. , with cobalt inscription E.J. Miller & Son Dealers in China and Glass Ware Alexandria, VA , 11" h. Provenance:...
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA STONEWARE CAKE CROCKS,19TH C.Two Pennsylvania stoneware cake crocks, 19th c. , with cobalt decoration, 4 1/2" h., 7 3/4" w. and 5" h., 8 1/2" w. Provenance: Journell Estate, Lincoln, Virginia.
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PENNSYLVANIA STONEWARE PITCHER, 19THC.Pennsylvania stoneware pitcher, 19th c. , with cobalt floral decoration, 9" h. Provenance: Journell Estate, Lincoln, Virginia.
Handle restored....
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PENNSYLVANIA STONEWARE PITCHER, 19THC.Pennsylvania stoneware pitcher, 19th c. , with cobalt floral decoration, 8 3/4" h. Provenance: Journell Estate, Lincoln, Virginia.
Handle restored....
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA OR VIRGINIA STONEWARECROCKSTwo Pennsylvania or Virginia stoneware crocks, 19th c., with cobalt decoration, 6 3/4" h. and 9 1/4" h.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO STONEWARE DONAGHHO CANNING JARS.Late 19th century. Stenciled cobalt labels for A.P. Donaghho. One in Fredericktown, Pennsylvania (edge flakes), 8.5"h. and one in Parkersburg, West Virginia (hairlines), 9.75"h....
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Stoneware figural flask, shaped as gentlemanwith nightcap and holding mug of beer, opening at top with cork, dark brown glaze, possibly Virginia or Pennsylvania, 19th century, 8-1/2 in. Good condition, normal wear and...
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Pennsylvania stoneware crock 19th c.impressed Cowden & Wilcox 9 1/4" h. Provenance: The Estate of Virginia Whitely Thornton York ... ?...
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STONEWARE CROCK. Western Pennsylvania1864-1870. Impressed ''3'' on rim with stenciled cobalt label ''3 A.B. Donaghho Fredericktown Pa''. Edge chips. 11''h. Donaghho worked in Fredericktown from 1864-1870...
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WEST VIRGINIA STONEWARE THREE GALLONCROCK AND A PENNSYLVANIA LIDDED CROCK The one stenciled in blue "H.F. Rehren Crocks 2217 and 2219 MArket Street Whaling W. VA " the other impressed at shoulder "Cowden Harrisburg"...
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Three Pennsylvania or West Virginiacobalt decorated stoneware crocks 19th c. 11 1/2" h. 12" h. and 16" h. ?...
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