SCHNEIDER FRENCH ART GLASS VASE, CA.1910 Schneider French Art Glass vase, circa 1910, in dark amber glass, the tapering ovoid form above a socle on circular base, signed "Schneider" to foot. 13" H x 5.5" diameter....
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SABINO FRENCH ART GLASS VASE DIANA THEHUNTRESSSabino (France, 20th century). Black satin art glass vase with scenes of Diana. Marked on the underside Sabino Paris. 16"H x 5 1/2"-diameter at opening. Small scratch...
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MULLER FRèRES LUNEVILLE VASE, CA. 1925Astriking early 20th century French art glass vase by Muller Frères, showing a rouleau shaped body with swept horizontal striations of mottled amber, yellow and red, signed...
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CHARLES SCHNEIDER (1881-1953) FRENCHART GLASS VASESDESCRIPTION: Charles Schneider (1881-1953) A pair of signed French art glass vases. Featuring purple and blue tones with splashes of orange hues. Signed at...
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ANDRE DELATTE ART DECO BERLUZE VASEDESCRIPTION:French Art Deco Andre Delatte Art Glass Vase. This sangria garnet red Berluze vase is an original decorative object realized in the 1920s by Andre Delatte. This beautiful...
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GRP: 6 DECO ART GLASS VASES CANDLESTICK& DECANTERGroup of six Art Deco glass pieces, including one 20th century Legras French enamel art glass vase with hand decorated fired on enameled design of a bird and flowers,...
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TWO LALIQUE PIECES, TO INCLUDE LALIQUEFRENCH ART GLASS...Two Lalique Pieces, to include Lalique French art glass vase, frosted glass of leaves and flowers signed Lalique France, height 7 inches; and a Lalique...
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LARGE FRENCH DAUM NANCY INCISED ARTGLASS VASE**Back at auction due to non-paying bidder**
Auguste and Antonin Daum (French, 1853-1909 and 1864-1930 respectively). Incised art glass vessel, ca. 1930. Signature...
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DAUM NANCY FRENCH ART GLASS VASE: Firepolished French Daum nancy art glass vase, having a climbing vine with red berries, some of which are raised. Signed, Daum Nancy with cross of Lorraine. Approx. 4.75'' h x...
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FRENCH MINIATURE DAUM NANCY CAMEO VASE:Finely detailed Daum Nancy, French art glass vase, having a Dutch fall scene with windmills & boat. Signed at underside, Daum Nancy, RH
CONDITION: No condition issues to be...
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LEGRAS SIGNED TALL CAMEO VASE: Circa1910, acid cut & paint decorated French art glass vase, signed Legras, having an overall vine foliate design. Signed Legras. Approx. 15.25'' h x 6.25'' w.
CONDITION: No condition...
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LARGE LEGRAS CAMEO RASPBERRY VINE BOTTLEVASE: Circa 1910, acid cut & paint decorated French art glass vase, signed Legras, having an overall Raspberry vine design. Etched, Made in France, at underside. Approx. 25''...
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LEGRAS CAMEO GLASS DOGWOOD VASE: Circa1910, acid cut & paint decorated French art glass vase, signed Legras, having an overall Dogwood tree design. Signed Legras. Etched at underside, Ovington, New York, France....
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(10) VINTAGE FRENCH & ITALIAN ART GLASSVASES(lot of 10) Vintage French and Italian art glass vases, c.1950s-1970s, highlights include: (1) cranberry-cut-to-clear vase, on a colorless stem, approx 10"h, 6.5"diam,...
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(2) FRENCH BACCARAT & ART VANNES CRYSTALVASES(lot of 2) French colorless crystal vases, both chipped, including: (1) Baccarat "Marine" cut crystal vase, flared form cut with vertical lines, acid-etched mark underfoot,...
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A FRENCH ART GLASS VASE WITH PRUNTSSIGNED SCHNEIDERThe globular form of internally mottled pink glass with applied yellow cabochons is wheel carved Schneider on the base with vase pictograph engraving.Measures...
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A FRENCH CAMEO GLASS LAMP WITH ENAMELSIGNED DAUM NANCYThe large, internally decorated French art glass vase with cameo relief design of prunus decorated in red enamel detail is signed in black enamel along one...
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A FRENCH ART GLASS VASEA French artglass vase, Second-quarter 20th Century Signed indistinctly to side and bottom The urn-form art glass vase with a mottled pink body and a red and white mottled wave-form...
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A FRENCH WROUGHT IRON MOUNTED ART GLASSVASEA French wrought iron mounted art glass vase, Second-quarter 20th Century Appears unsigned Likely Charles Schneider, the Art Deco spherical vase with mottled orange,...
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A FRENCH WROUGHT IRON MOUNTED ART GLASSVASEA French wrought iron mounted art glass vase, Second-quarter 20th Century Bears Charles Schneider mark Possibly Charles Schneider with Edgar Brandt metalwork, the Art...
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FRENCH ART GLASS VASE AND SET OF SIXTHOMAS WEBB CRYSTAL OLD FASHIONSFrench Art Glass Vase and Set of Six Thomas Webb Crystal Old Fashions,...
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2 ART GLASS VASES STROMBERGSHYTTAN &VANNES2 crystal art glass vases. Strombergshyttan Swedish art glass vase, with paper label and etched signature to the underside, 6 1/4"H; Vannes French art glass vase, etched...
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A CLEAR AND FROSTED ART GLASS VASE SIGNEDR. LALIQUERene LaliqueAvallon (Initially a design from 1927)The French art glass vase with birds and berries among woody stems in high relief is signed R. LALIQUE FRANCE No....
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DAVID GUéRON DEGUé (1892-1950), AFRENCH ART GLASS VASE, CIRCA 1926-1939, 16.25" H X 7.5" DIA.David Guéron Degué (1892-1950), A French art glass vase, circa 1926-1939 Acid-etched signature near bottom:...
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ADA LOUMANI FRENCH ART GLASS VASE, 1994Ada Loumani (French, b. 1959) Post-Modernist art glass vase of flattened ovoid form with a teal turquoise crackle overlaid on clear glass and iridescent orange glass rim,...
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TWO SIGNED FRENCH ART GLASS VASES Largeriridescent oil spot vase, globular form with everted rim, 5 ¼"H x 5 ½". Smaller crackle glaze vase in green and blue with ruffled rim, 3 ¼" x 3 ¾". Both signed to the...
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Schneider style French Art Glass Vasewith Iron Mounts. Iron leaf design with spiral base details. Mottled blown glass.
Dimensions: H: 11 inches: W: 6.5 inches: D: 6.5 inches ---
Condition: Metal base shows...
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Andre Thuret French art glass vase,executed with Henri Navarre, c.1923. Cylindrical, shouldered narrow neck clear vase internally decorated with swirling gray metallic inclusions. Unsigned. 5 1/2" tall. Very...
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Andre Thuret French art glass vase,executed with Henri Navarre, c.1923. Cylindrical, narrow neck, clear vase internally decorated with swirling reddish metallic inclusions. Unsigned. 6 1/2" tall. Very good...
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French art glass vase possibly daumnancy, retailed by bailey, banks & biddle Of tall rectangular form with molded decoration of fleur-des-lis, inscribed 'Bailey, Banks & Biddle / Philadelphia' to underside....
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Lorrain French Art Glass Vase mottledorange yellow & blue deco era 3 1/2'' excellent signed....
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French Art Glass Vase mottled orangeyellow & blue signed deco era 5'' excellent....
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Signed Muller Freres French Art GlassVase / Lamp.Base. With original factory hole to bottom. From a New Hyde Park NY location. Dimensions: 14'' high....
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French art glass vase, two applied handlesflanking floral acid cut decoration, base marked "Le verre Francais", 15-3/4 in. Holloway Estate....
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French Art Glass Vase gourd shape watermeloncoloring satin in the style of Schnieder 14'' tall 9'' diameter excellent....
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Signed Muller Freres French Art GlassVase / LampBase. With original factory hole to bottom. From a New Hyde Park NY location. Dimensions: 14'' high....
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