TWO SPANISH COLONIAL CAGE DOLLSTwo SpanishColonial Cage Dolls , early 19th c., glass eyes, one holding a cross, h. 19 1/4 in., dia. 7 1/8 in...
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TWO BARBIE DOLLSTwo Barbie dolls, toinclude one Ash Blonde Bubble Cut with its original box, together with a Barbie doll box for a Redhead Ponytail.
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TWO DOLLSTwo dolls, to include a Germanall bisque doll, possibly Kestner, with original outfit, 5 1/2" h. Provenance: Flora Gill Jacobs Washington Doll's House & Toy Museum, Noel Barrett Auctions June 2004, lot...
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TWO EARLY MILLINER'S DOLLSTwo earlymilliner's dolls, with composition heads, stuffed body and wood arms and legs, 9" h. and 7 1/2" h.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO SCHOENHUT PAINTED WOOD DOLLSTwoSchoenhut painted wood dolls, one with early body stamp, 19" and one with sleep eyes, 22" h.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO ARMAND MARSEILLE GERMAN BISQUE HEADDOLLSTwo Armand Marseille German bisque head dolls, to include one stamped 390 9 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, 24" h.; and a baby, with...
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TWO EARLY COMPOSITION DOLLSTwo earlycomposition dolls, one with fixed eyes, stuffed body, composition arms and legs, the other with fixed eyes, kid leather body, bisque hands, 18" and 17" h.
Competitive in-house...
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TWO MADAME ALEXANDER COMPOSITION DOLLSTwoMadame Alexander composition dolls, to include a Margaret O'Brien, in original outfit, with newspaper clipping and a 1979 United Federation of Doll Clubs second prize ribbon,...
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TWO GREINER TYPE PAPIER-MâCHé DOLLSTwoGreiner type papier-mâché dolls, with stuffed body, leather hands, 29" and 19" h.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Largest - redressed,...
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TWO SCHOENHUT PAINTED WOOD DOLLSTwoSchoenhut painted wood dolls, 19" and 23" h.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Tallest - face overpainted. Both - redressed....
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TWO BISQUE BOY DOLLSTwo bisque boy dolls,to include an American School Boy, bisque dome head and shoulder, in original outfit, 10" h., and a contemporary Harriat Shealey school boy, 13 1/2" h.
Competitive in-house...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include a Simon & Halbig, Heinrich Handwerck, stamped 3 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, ink stamped jointed composition body, 22" h.; and a...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include one C. M. Bergmann, Simon & Halbig, stamped 6 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, 16" h., and an Armand Marseille...
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TWO BISQUE DOLLSTwo bisque dolls, toinclude a Bahr & Proschild, German baby doll, stamped 619-10 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, composition toddler body, 18" h.; and a Fulper, stamped 11 , with sleep...
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TWO IDEAL COMPOSITION SHIRLEY TEMPLEDOLLSTwo Ideal composition Shirley Temple dolls, 19" and 21" h.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Both - original outfits with buttons....
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TWO COMPOSITION DOLLSTwo compositiondolls, to include an Effanbee Skippy, in original outfit, 14" h., and a German example, illegibly stamped, 13" h.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include a Simon & Halbig doll, stamped 1079-10 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, 23" h.; and an Armand Marseille, stamped...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include a Karl Hartman, with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, period outfit, 22" h.; and a Simon & Halbig German bisque head...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE BABY DOLLSTwo Germanbisque baby dolls, to include a Kestner, with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, composition toddler body, 17" h.; and a Fulper, with fixed eyes, open mouth with teeth, composition...
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TWO COMPOSITION DOLLSTwo compositiondolls, to include a Halco doll, in original outfit with hangtag, 20" h.; and an Dewees Cockran Barbara Ann doll with original bracelet, 20" h.
Competitive in-house shipping...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, one stamped 63 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, 27" h.; the other Queen Louise stamped 29 100 , with sleep eyes, open...
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TWO IDEAL HARD PLASTIC TONI DOLLSTwoIdeal hard plastic Toni dolls, in original outfits, 14" h.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Good condition. No apparent damages or repairs....
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TWO GRACE PUTNAM BYE-LO BISQUE HEADBABY DOLLSTwo Grace Putnam Bye-Lo bisque head baby dolls, one with sleep eyes, stuffed body, celluloid hands, original labeled outfit, 12" h.; the other with fixed eyes, stuffed...
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TWO R & B COMPOSITION DOLLSTwo R & Bcomposition dolls, probably original outfits, 20" h. Provenance: Collection of Rosalie Youkers, York, Pennsylvania.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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TWO R & B COMPOSITION DOLLSTwo R & Bcomposition dolls, to include one in original skater outfit, 17" h. Provenance: Collection of Rosalie Youkers, York, Pennsylvania.
Competitive in-house shipping is available...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include a Kammer & Reinhardt, Simon & Halbig, stamped 58 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, 23" h.; and an Armand Marseille,...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include Simon & Halbig, stamped 1079 8 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, 19" h.; and an Armand Marseille, stamped 1894...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include a C. M. Bergmann, Simon & Halbig, stamped 6 with fixed eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, 15" h.; and a C. M. Bergmann with...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE DOLLSTwo German bisquedolls, to include a Max Oscar Arnold Welsch, inscribed 150 5 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition toddler body, with a 2012 York Fair honorable mention...
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TWO HEINRICH HANDWERCK, SIMON & HALBIGDOLLSTwo Heinrich Handwerck, Simon & Halbig German bisque head dolls, one stamped 1 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, 18" h.; the other stamped...
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TWO BISQUE HEAD TODDLER DOLLSTwo bisquehead toddler dolls, to include a Kammer & Reinhardt, Simon & Halbig German bisque head doll, stamped 126 , with fixed eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition toddler...
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TWO ARMAND MARSEILLE GERMAN CHARACTERDOLLSTwo Armand Marseille German bisque head character dolls, one impressed 560 , with fixed eyes, open mouth with teeth, composition toddler body, 12" h.; the other stamped...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include a Theodor Recknagel, stamped 21 German R 0 A , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, 16" h.; the other stamped 154...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include one stamped Made in Germany 136/7 , with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, with a 2012 York Fair honorable mention...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include a C. M. Bergmann with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, 23" h. and a Pansy II, with sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth,...
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TWO GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLSTwo Germanbisque head dolls, to include a Herm Steiner boy doll, stamped 2 0, sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed composition body, with a 2010 York Fair second place ribbon,...
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