TWO REVOLVERSTwo revolvers, to includean H & R second model double action break top, .22 RF caliber, with checkered gutta percha grips, seven shot, 2" barrel. SN #432581 C&R ; and a Smith & Wesson model one, third...
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TWO REVOLVERSTwo revolvers to includea H & R double action break top, .32 S & W caliber with checkered hard plastic grips, 2" barrel. SN #107599 C&R and a Defender single action with rosewood bird head grips,...
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TWO TOP BREAK REVOLVERSTWO TOP BREAKREVOLVERS: Smith and Wesson fourth model .32 double action, external hammer, serial #202323, manufactured 1883-1909; Iver Johnson "Safety hammerless" model, double action...
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TWO .32 CALIBER REVOLVERSTWO .32 CALIBERREVOLVERS: Iver Johnson Arms and Cycle Works "top Break", double action, hard rubber grips, 3" barrel, serial #58677; AETNA (Harrington and Richardson) single action black...
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TWO DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVERSTWO DOUBLEACTION REVOLVERS: ORBEA S&W copy of a model 10, 38 largo caliber, six shot fluted cylinder, 4 1/4" barrel, serial #9126; IVER JOHNSON top break, 38 S&W caliber, five shot...
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TWO HARRINGTON AND RICHARDSON REVOLVERSTWOHARRINGTON AND RICHARDSON DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVERS: Top Break, .38 S&W caliber, 3 1/4" barrel, five shot fluted cylinder, serial G44775; Model 04, .32 S&W caliber, 2 1/2" octagonal...
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TWO DOUBLE ACTION TOP BREAK REVOLVERSTWODOUBLE ACTION TOP BREAK REVOLVERS: Smith and Wesson fourth model double action, 3 1/4" barrel, no grips, serial #177747; U.S. Revolver Top Break, 3 1/4" barrel, hard rubber...
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TWO IVER JOHNSON TOP BREAK MODEL REVOLVERSTWOIVER JOHNSON TOP BREAK MODEL DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVERS: .38 S&W caliber, 3 1/4" barrel, serial #T6045 (under grip); .32 S&W caliber, 3" barrel, serial #37049. Both have five...
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TWO HOPKINS AND ALLEN DOUBLE ACTIONREVOLVERS REVOLVERS: forehand model 1901, 3" barrel, top break action, five shot cylinder, serial #F1887; Double action No.6, 2 1/2" octagonal barrel, solid frame, six shot...
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TWO IVER JOHNSON TOP BREAK REVOLVERSTWOIVER JOHNSON TOP BREAK REVOLVERS: the first a "Safety Hammerless" 4" barrel, blued finish, serial #43156; next "Safety Hammer" 3 1/4" barrel, nickel finish, serial #1019;...
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TWO 22 CALIBER DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVERSTWO22 CALIBER DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVERS: Iver Johnson top break, black hard rubber grips, 6" barrel, serial 6427 (under grip); Harrington & Richardson "young American", blued trigger...
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