TWO VENETIAN ETCHED GLASS WALL MIRRORSTwoVenetian Etched Glass Wall Mirrors, after 1950 Dimensions: 44 3/4 x 27 in. (113.7 x 68.6 cm.) and 46 1/2 x 26 in. (118.1 x 66 cm.) Condition:...
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TWO CORSET CELLULOID POCKET MIRRORSTwoCorset Celluloid Pocket Mirrors. Circa 1930. Including round P.N. Corsets, depicting a woman wearing a corset, very slightly discolored (2î); and rectangular celluloid Gossard...
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TWO TYPEWRITER POCKET MIRRORSTwo TypewriterPocket Mirrors. Circa 1930. Round celluloid mirrors, including The Underwood Standard Typewriter, typewriter shown, mirror is spotted on back (2î); and Monarch Visible, typewriter...
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TWO EARLY SMALL CARVED WOOD WALL MIRRORSTwoearly small carved wood wall mirrors. 9 1/2" high, 12" wide to 15 3/4" high, 14" wide. Condition: : finish wear, loss, silvering loss, both with wood crack at top....
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TWO STERLING SILVER ART NOUVEAU HANDMIRRORSTwo sterling silver art nouveau hand mirrors. Both marked sterling. Largest appx 11" L. Both in good condition with some minor edge dings and one with slight abrasions...
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TWO 19TH C TABLE MIRRORSTwo 19th c tablemirrors including: Large bronze rococo framed mirror of shaped beveled glass, marked "NB&IW" (National Bronze and Iron Works), appx 22" t; Brass scrollwork framed round mirror,...
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Glass 21 in. x 15 in. Overall 32 in. x 27 in.
Items may have wear and tear, imperfections or the effects of aging. Please contact...
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TWO GILT MIRRORSTwo Gilt Mirrors, toinclude one having openwork frame and beveled glass, 57" x 40"; along with one having carved frame and urn pediment, 56" x 34".
All lots are sold "AS IS" The...
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TWO LARGE CONTEMPORARY MIRRORSTwo LargeContemporary Mirrors, 43" x 55" and 33" x 46".
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots can vary widely and are unlikely to be in a perfect condition....
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TWO MIRRORSTwo Mirrors, having goldgilt frames, round convex with eagle top, along with a federal style oval mirror, both are marked Decorative Arts Miami, Florida.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The...
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TWO CHINESE ARCHAIC BRONZE MIRRORSTWOCHINESE ARCHAIC BRONZE MIRRORS, One with phoenix design, diameter 4.25", and one in lotus form with qilin decoration on a heavily patinated field, length 7"....
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TWO SIMILAR PARCEL-GILT WALL MIRRORSTWOSIMILAR PARCEL-GILT WALL MIRRORS, Italian, 20th century, the larger size retailed by La Barge Mirrors, Inc. (as labeled on reverse), Holland, Michigan, 52.75"H x 43"W; smaller...
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TWO GILTWOOD AND GESSO FRAMED WALL MIRRORSTWORECTANGULAR GILTWOOD AND GESSO FRAMED WALL MIRRORS, American, mid-20th century, 40" x 31.25" leaf-and-berry relief frame; 41" x 53.25" grapevine relief frame....
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TWO NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PAINTED MIRRORSTWONEOCLASSICAL STYLE PAINTED MIRRORS, both with shaped rectangular plate in a carved frame decorated with urns and fruiting basket (2) Dimensions: The larger: 58 1/4 x 26 in....
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TWO NEOCLASSICAL SILVERED MIRRORSTWONEOCLASSICAL SILVERED MIRRORS, one octagonal and one rectangular, each with beveled plate in a conforming mirrored slip frame, h: 36 x w: 26 in. (the larger) (2)...
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TWO NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PAINTED MIRRORSTWONEOCLASSICAL STYLE PAINTED MIRRORS, both with shaped rectangular plate in a carved frame decorated with urns and fruiting basket; the larger, h: 58.25 x w: 26 in. (2)...
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TWO NEOCLASSICAL PARCEL-GILT PAINTEDMIRRORS MIRRORS, both with rectangular plate in conforming molded frame carved with leaf-tips and painted with flowers (2) 40.5"x23" and 33"x25"...
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TWO NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PAINTED MIRRORSTWONEOCLASSICAL STYLE PAINTED MIRRORS, both with shaped rectangular plate in a carved frame decorated with urns and fruiting basket; the larger, h: 58.25 x w: 26 in. (2)...
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TWO FRUITWOOD FRAME MIRRORSTwo FruitwoodFrame Mirrors,...
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TWO WORKS OF ART AND TWO MIRRORSTwoWorks of Art and Two Mirrors,...
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TWO FEDERAL STYLE PARTIAL GILT AND EGLOMISEPAINTED EBONIZED SMALL PIER MIRRORSTwo Federal Style Partial Gilt and Eglomise Painted Ebonized Small Pier Mirrors,,...
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TWO SATINWOOD INLAID MAHOGANY DRESSERMIRRORSTwo Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany Dresser Mirrors...
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TWO GILT FRAME MIRRORSTwo Gilt FrameMirrors...
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TWO MINIATURE COLOR PRINTS OF GENTLEMENAND LADY AND THREE MIRRORSTwo Miniature Color Prints of Gentlemen and Lady and Three Mirrors...
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TWO DRESDEN FLORAL ENCRUSTED PORCELAINEASEL-BACK DRESSER MIRRORSTwo Dresden Floral Encrusted Porcelain Easel-Back Dresser Mirrors...
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TWO ASSORTED MIRRORSTwo Assorted Mirrors...
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TWO BOXES OF FRAMED ART AND MIRRORSTwoBoxes of Framed Art and Mirrors...
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TWO CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY SCROLLEAR MIRRORSTwo Chippendale Style Mahogany Scroll Ear Mirrors,...
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TWO AMERICAN CLASSICAL MAHOGANY MIRRORSTwoAmerican Classical Mahogany Mirrors , 19th c., ogee-molded surround, h. 21 3/4 in., w. 30 3/4 in . Provenance: Schwitz Collection, Franklin, LA...
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TWO CHINESE BRONZE MIRRORSTwo ChineseBronze Mirrors , probably Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) or earlier, dia. 2 7/8 in. and 4 1/4 in . Provenance: Anthony J. Allen, Auckland, New Zealand, c. 2003...
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PAIR OF HOLLYWOOD REGENCY WHITE CANEDMIRRORSTwo Hollywood Regency style white caned mirrors. 20th century. Scuffs and marks to frames on both mirrors. Small desilvering spot to one mirror. Heavy staining and...
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TWO VENETIAN GLASS TABLE MIRRORSTwoVenetian Glass Table Mirrors, mid 20th century; one with "Murano / Made in Italy" label to verso, 5 5/8 x 6 5/8 in. (14.3 x 16.8 cm.); the other 4 3/4 x 12 1/2 in. (37.5...
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TWO 18/19TH C. CARVED ROCOCO GILT WALLMIRRORSTwo 18/19th C. carved gilt wood Rococo style wall mirrors with reticulated open edge frames. Measures 31"H x 20.5"W x 5"D....
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TWO VICTORIAN MIRRORSTwo Victorian mirrors,a shaving mirror on barley twist posts, and an oval form wall mirror with acanthus motif. Late 19th century. Desilvering to surfaces of both mirrors. Nicks and marks to wood...
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TWO NEAR-EASTERN 900-SILVER AND SOLDER-FILLEDMOUNTED HAND MIRRORSTwo Near-Eastern 900-Silver and Solder-Filled Mounted Hand Mirrors,,...
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