GROUP OF COUNTRY ACCESSORIES, 19TH C.Groupof country accessories, 19th c., to include a tin candle box, coffee grinder, two iron ember tongs, and a candle sconce, candle box - 13 1/2" l.
Competitive in-house shipping...
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Five box coffee mills, three metal boxes,the largest 9"h x 5.5"w x 5.5"d; together with an ELMA grinder, 12"h and a replica mill, 15"h.
Condition: Wear as expected with age....
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Six box coffee grinders to include aTrespade round mill with twist-off receiver; Peugeot Freres box mill; SAVA; and others, all circa 1950's.
Tallest: 10"h x 5"w x 5"d overall
Condition: Wear consistent with...
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Five tin box coffee grinders to includeUniversal, Landers, Frary & Clark (two with original labels); together with an Imperial box grinder and another example.
Condition: Some repainted, wear as expected with age...
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Six Ottoman Turkish wood carved andmetal box coffee grinders, 19th c.; together with a collection of coffee bean coolers.
Largest box: 14"h x 5.5"w x 5.5"d overall
Condition: Wear consistent with age....
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Five metal and wood box coffee grindersone signed Imperial.
5"h x 7"w x 6.5"d
Condition: One damaged....
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Three brass and wood box coffee mills,one inlaid, all with keys and dated 1908.
Largest: 12"h x 6"w x 5.5"d
Condition: Working condition....
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Large mahogany and brass box coffeegrinder, 19th c., with brass tag marked "A. H. Elbrei?" on the arm.
13"h x 9"w x 9"d
Condition: Wear consistent with age....
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Two box coffee mills the first a GeorgeSlater and the other an A. Kenrick & Sons, mill, circa 1860.
Largest: 5"h x 6.5"w x 5.25"d
Condition: Rust, working condition....
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Three early wood and pewter box coffeemills, one marked "Warranted", in working condition.
Largest: 10"h x 8"w x 7.5"d
Condition: Wear consistent with age....
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Five box coffee grinders, all late 19thc., in working condition.
Largest: 10.25"h x 6"w x 6"d
Condition: Repainted, losses, damages....
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Five brass box coffee mills, all 20thc., probably continental.
Largest: 15.5"h x 7"w x 7"d
Condition: In working condition....
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Charles Parker, Meriden, Conn. No.260one pound box coffee grinder, in working condition.
11.5"h x 8.5"w x 6.75"d
Condition: Missing paper label, losses to drawer, wear as expected with age....
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Three Arcade Mfg. Co. Imperial box coffeemills, all working condition.
Largest: 11.5"h x 6.5"w x 7"d
Condition: Wear as expected....
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Four vintage box coffee mills.
Largest:10.5"h x 6.75"w x 6.75"d
Condition: Wear as expected....
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Delmar double grinder box coffee millwith original label, in working condition.
12"h x 7"w x 7"d...
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Two Wrightsville Hardware Co. COLONIALbox coffee mills with original labels, model No. 1147 and 1707, 11"h x 6.75"w x 6.75"d; together with two other box mills.
Condition: Wear as expected....
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Two Arcade/Imperial box coffee mills;together with Waddel Woodenware Works, Greenfield, OH, Ideal A-1 box coffee mill, all working condition.
Largest: 10.5"h x 7"w x 7"d...
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Rare Wrightsville Hardware Co. BrightonNo. 1180, Wrightsville, PA, one-pound box coffee mill with original label, in working condition.
6.75"h x 6.75"w x 6.5"d...
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Three Imperial box coffee mills manufacturedby the Arcade Mfg. Co., Freeport, IL, all working.
13"h x 7"w x 7"d
Condition: Wear consistent with age....
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Four vintage box coffee mills, all working.
Largest:9"h x 7"w x 7"d
Condition: Wear as expected with age....
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Four vintage box coffee mills, in workingcondition.
Largest: 10.5"h x 6.5"w x 6.5"d
Condition: Wear consistent with age....
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Six box coffee mills circa 1880 includingan Arcade, an Imperial and one by Parker.
Largest: 4.5"h x 6"w x 6"d
Condition: Wear consistent with age....
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IRON "GRAND UNION TEA CO" COFFEE MILLca.late 19th century; iron cased drawer box coffee mill with dome hood iron hopper top and metal drawer box with iron embossed trademarked drawer front, ogee mold mahogany board...
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2 PEWTER TOPPED DRAWER BOX COFFEE MILLSca.early-mid 19th century; unsigned York Co. type drawer box mill with tombstone arch cut ears on chamfer molded bottom, mixed softwood drawer box with iron flange mounted burr...
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2 WOODEN DRAWER BOX COFFEE MILLS WITHPEWTER TOPSca. 1850-1880; marked "G. Minnick Patent, Phila" cherry box in dovetailed construction and drawer with brass knob, burr mill grinder with marked S crank handle,...
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2 SIGNED DRAWER BOX COFFEE GRINDERSca.early-mid 19th century; both early form wooden coffee mills with tombstone arch cut-out extended baseboard, S crank handle and pewter hoppers on iron flange mounted burr mill:...
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2 CENTRAL PA TYPE DRAWER BOX COFFEEMILLSca. early 19th century; each in similar construction with tombstone cut-out baseboards, iron mounted burr mill with S-shaped crank: cherry wood dovetailed box with single...
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2 DRAWER BOX COFFEE MILLSca. pre-1850;signed "A. Kline" coffee mill with maple dovetailed drawer box and dog ear arch extension on base, sheet metal hopper on iron plate mounted burr mill and crank handle with...
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2 COFFEE GRINDERSca. mid 19th-early20th century; signed (branded) "J. Fisher, Warr" drawer box coffee mill with dovetail constructed cherry wood box, large flange mounted burr mill and large sheet metal hopper,...
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2 SIGNED DRAWER BOX COFFEE MILLSca.mid-late 19th century; signed "G. Pritz, 1860" (Hanover, York Co., PA) cherry wood drawer box with tombstone cut-out ears on base, brass knob on marked drawer front, pewter...
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2 EARLY WOODEN DRAWER BOX COFFEE MILLSca.early-mid 19th century; pewter topped cherry box mill with tombstone cut-out ears on base and iron butterfly wing flange mounted burr mill, filework accent on mount and S-shape...
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RARE FORM EARLY DRAWER BOX COFFEE MILLWITH COPPERca. 1800-1850; cherry wood dovetailed drawer box with wooden knob pull on dovetail constructed drawer, bur mill is flange set with hand wrought bolt and nut and...
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ASSORTED COUNTRY ITEMS Includes tinware, store scale, hat mold and hat stretcher, utensil box, coffee grinder, copper pot, and remnant of a the Pride of Baltimore Two Top Mast....
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A Lot of German 800 Silver with GiltWash Repousse Coffee Pot and Sugar Box Coffee pot with hinged dome lid; of bulbous shape with long spout and "S" scroll handle; on four scroll feet. Sugar box with a hinged...
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A set of six teaspoons and tongs Fiddlethread and shell Sheffield 1911 another boxed six with tongs fancy pattern Sheffield 1927 and six boxed coffee spoons Birmingham 1947....
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